Task #308
closeddo a direct transfer of some public data from VegBank
Even higher priority, do you think you could set us up to do a direct transfer of some public data from VegBank? At the moment all we have from VegBank in BIEN is an abstracted and highly reduced set of fields in a csv file; this doesn't make for a robust test import. A better option would be either a direct connection to the the VegBank database (with appropriate instructions on how to select only a sample of public records) or an full xml extract of a subset of plots. Presumably the latter could be in the format of the xml you use to move database from VegBranch to VegBank.
Pushing full VegBank data through VegX to VegBIEN would provide a really comprehensive test of the capacities of VegX and the accuracy of Aaron's mappings and import scripts.
Updated by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza almost 13 years ago
- Assignee set to Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
Updated by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza about 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Core fields in VegBank have been mapped. A recent full export of the live VegBank DB is used as the input.