Task #358
closedmake shortlist of 1st-level fields a method should have
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(Brad and Mike)
- area, size, etc.
- see example plot methods on nimoy in
Updated by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza about 13 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
e-mail from Brad on 2012-2-1:
- plot shape: rectangle, circle, line
- area sampled: e.g. 1.0 ha
- plot x: e.g. 100 m
- plot y: e.g. 100 m
- plot radius: e.g. 20 m
- observation unit: individuals, aggregates
- aggregate observation type: count, etc.
- minimum dbh: 10 cm
Updated by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 50 to 100