Task #884
closedfix Postgres bug that causes query planner to use seq scans and slow sorts instead of index scans in the import
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Due date:
% Done:
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Activity type:
- see the following
snapshots (note theEXPLAIN
output below each query):/*NVS.StemObservation*/ CREATE TEMP TABLE "stemobservation_pkeys" AS SELECT "in#11"."row_num" , "stemobservation"."stemobservation_id" AS "out.stemobservation_id" FROM "in#11" JOIN "stemobservation" ON COALESCE("stemobservation"."height_m", CAST('NaN' AS double precision)) = COALESCE("in#11"."NVS.StemObservation.Height::double", CAST('NaN' AS double precision)) /* EXPLAIN: Merge Join (cost=1045217.21..95909185.15 rows=6323041431 width=8) Merge Cond: ((COALESCE(stemobservation.height_m, 'NaN'::double precision)) = (COALESCE("in#11"."NVS.StemObservation.Height::double", 'NaN'::double precision))) -> Sort (cost=30039.56..30492.76 rows=181279 width=12) Sort Key: (COALESCE(stemobservation.height_m, 'NaN'::double precision)) -> Seq Scan on stemobservation (cost=0.00..14206.79 rows=181279 width=12) -> Materialize (cost=1015177.64..1050057.81 rows=6976033 width=12) -> Sort (cost=1015177.64..1032617.73 rows=6976033 width=12) Sort Key: (COALESCE("in#11"."NVS.StemObs /*CVS.taxon_observation.***/ CREATE TEMP TABLE "location_pkeys" AS SELECT "in#5"."row_num" , "location"."location_id" AS "out.location_id" FROM "in#5" JOIN "location" ON ("location"."accesslevel" = "in#5"."CVS.taxon_observation.**.accessRights::accesslevel" OR ("location"."accesslevel" IS NULL AND "in#5"."CVS.taxon_observation.**.accessRights::accesslevel" IS NULL)) /* EXPLAIN: Nested Loop (cost=0.00..83049883712.45 rows=27683225000 width=8) Join Filter: ((location.accesslevel = "in#5"."CVS.taxon_observation.**.accessRights::accesslevel") OR ((location.accesslevel IS NULL) AND ("in#5"."CVS.taxon_observation.**.accessRights::accesslevel" IS NULL))) -> Seq Scan on location (cost=0.00..175778.45 rows=5536645 width=8) -> Materialize (cost=0.00..35434.00 rows=1000000 width=8) -> Seq Scan on "in#5" (cost=0.00..30434.00 rows=1000000 width=8) */
/*ARIZ.omoccurrences*/ CREATE TEMP TABLE "location_pkeys" AS SELECT "in#6"."occurrenceID" , "location"."location_id" AS "out.location_id" FROM "in#6" JOIN "location" ON COALESCE("location"."elevation_m", CAST('NaN' AS double precision)) = COALESCE("in#6"."_alt(1=verbatimElevation, 2=_avg(1=minimumElevat.result::double", CAST('NaN' AS double precision)) /* EXPLAIN: Merge Join (cost=52039.20..3508151.98 rows=230343442 width=8) Merge Cond: ((COALESCE(location.elevation_m, 'NaN'::double precision)) = (COALESCE("in#6"."_alt(1=verbatimElevation, 2=_avg(1=minimumElevat.result::double", 'NaN'::double precision))) -> Sort (cost=23780.86..24261.44 rows=192230 width=12) Sort Key: (COALESCE(location.elevation_m, 'NaN'::double precision)) -> Seq Scan on location (cost=0.00..6910.30 rows=192230 width=12) -> Sort (cost=28258.34..28857.47 rows=239654 width=12) Sort Key: (COALESCE("in#6"."_alt(1=verbatimElevation, 2=_avg(1=minimumElevat.result::double", 'NaN'::double precision)) - */
- this is separate from the disk space leak (#887), which is also associated with the above queries but caused by more than just the fact that it's using sorts
Updated by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza almost 11 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from New to Rejected
duplicate of #902: slow sorts are caused by joining on the wrong columns, not query planner settings