


Task #561

Updated by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza almost 12 years ago

* for datasource-specific data, use the datasource name + _intrinsic_ identifiers such as a barcode or author plot code 
 ** _avoid_ using the datasource's pkey if it's autogenerated, because this is random and not related to the data itself 
 * for hierarchical names, create a path from the names 
 ** include only as many parent nodes as are needed to guarantee global uniqueness 
 *** e.g. for taxonomic names, the family is globally unique, so higher taxa do not need to be included 
 * note that the ID field does not need to be the _only_ way to uniquely identify a record, it just needs to be a way that is a _single text value_ 

 * this makes it possible to append data from multiple sources without having pkey collisions
