


Task #887

Updated by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza about 10 years ago

h3. issue 

 * due to a recent disk space leak in Postgres, importing even a moderate-sized datasources datasource (eg. NY, SALVIAS) causes all the available disk space to be used up, and crashes the import: 
 ssh -t exec sudo su - aaronmk 
 export version=test_import 
 grep --files-with-matches -F "No space left on device" inputs/{.,}*/*/logs/$version.log.sql 
 # the list includes all the datasources in the test run: NY, SALVIAS 
 * in the last full-database import, this caused disk space errors in 29 of [[VegBIEN_contents#datasources|41 datasources]]: 
 ssh -t exec sudo su - aaronmk 
 export version=r13016 
 grep --files-with-matches -F "No space left on device" inputs/{.,}*/*/logs/$version.log.sql 
 # and uniqify by datasource 

 * this is not necessarily caused by #884, because sort temp files consume disk space only in proportion to the table size, which for a small import would not be nearly enough to fill the disk (and yet the disk does fill up)
