


Task #929

Updated by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza over 10 years ago

* see details in [[2013-06-13 conference call#include-TNRS-version-and-settings-in-TNRS-cache]] 

 * after implementing this, back-populate the metadata for previous batches: 
 ## group the batches into runs by determining which invocation of the TNRS client (@inputs/.TNRS/tnrs/logs/tnrs.make.log.sql@ > @/^start time:/@) the batch start time (@"TNRS".taxon_match.batch@) is part of 
 ## determine the state of the repository, and the values of the download settings, repository at the time the run was started 
 *** assume that @`svn up`@ was run right before the run was started
