


Task #225

Updated by Jim Regetz almost 13 years ago

_[Updated ticket description on 04-Aug-2011 to focus specifically on SRTM]_ 

 SRTM and ASTER DEM tiles and associated files have proliferated in @jupiter:~organisms/@, including: 
 * tiles for the same areas, but at different resolutions (1km, 90m, 30m?) 
 * for SRTM, two _different_ versions at 90m?? (see more about this below) 
 * the same tiles stored in multiple raster formats 
 * multiple copies of tiles in different directories (presumably copied for testing/exploratory purposes?) 
 * assorted resampled and/or mosaicked outputs of the above 

 Beyond just the good housekeeping issue, it is especially worrisome that there appear to be two different versions of some SRTM data, with identical filenames but offset from each other by 1/2-pixel. Note differences in the corner coordinates below (and see "here": for clues): 

 $ gdalinfo ~organisms/CgiarSrtmAll/5_5x5_ascii/srtm_13_02.tif  
 Size is 6000, 6000 
 Upper Left    (-120.0000000,    55.0000000) (120d 0' 0.00"W, 55d 0' 0.00"N) 
 Lower Left    (-120.0000000,    50.0000000) (120d 0' 0.00"W, 50d 0' 0.00"N) 
 Upper Right (-115.0000000,    55.0000000) (115d 0' 0.00"W, 55d 0' 0.00"N) 
 Lower Right (-115.0000000,    50.0000000) (115d 0' 0.00"W, 50d 0' 0.00"N) 

 $ gdalinfo ~organisms/SRTM_90m_ASCII_v4.1/srtm_13_02.tif  
 Size is 6001, 6001 
 Upper Left    (-120.0004167,    55.0004171) (120d 0' 1.50"W, 55d 0' 1.50"N) 
 Lower Left    (-120.0004167,    49.9995838) (120d 0' 1.50"W, 49d59'58.50"N) 
 Upper Right (-114.9995833,    55.0004171) (114d59'58.50"W, 55d 0' 1.50"N) 
 Lower Right (-114.9995833,    49.9995838) (114d59'58.50"W, 49d59'58.50"N) 

 h3. Tasks 

 * Figure out (if not already known) exactly what everything is, and where it came from 
 * Differentiate downloaded input tiles from processed files and other outputs 
 * Document everything clearly in READMEs stored along with the files on the server 
 * Delete any clearly obsolete/redundant/misleading files 
 * Move any marginally relevant (but not delete-worthy) files into directories with names that clearly indicate this status ('archive', etc)
