From 02/18/2013 to 03/19/2013
- 09:53 PM Task #584 (Resolved): enable running all the import steps from one runscript
- see [[Import process]]
- 10:57 PM Task #581 (New): mechanism to dynamically autopopulate NOT NULL values
- * this is currently done using sql_io.put_table()'s col_defaults parameter, which only supports constant values
* th... - 09:08 PM Task #580 (New): automap each word *in* a VegCore term instead of just the whole term
- * this avoids the need to create repetitive synonyms for each variation of a term (e.g. with different units)
- 08:45 PM Task #579 (New): in sql_gen.EnsureNotNull, use ARRAY[] instead of COALESCE() to wrap values where NULL should be compared literally
- * this avoids the need for different null sentinels for each datatype
* it would still be necessary to ensure that t... - 02:08 PM Task #578 (New): replace all fields of type text with a domain type that ensures the value is non-empty (not '')
- * empty strings tend to cause bugs all over the database because they are sometimes, but not always, treated as NULL
- 09:05 PM Task #577 (Rejected): use views instead of map spreadsheets to store the datasource mappings
- * this allows the contents of the view to be appended directly to the flat Occurrence table, with the column names ma...
- 07:55 PM Task #565 (Resolved): partition the TaxonDetermination table by row into the different types of determinations
- See TNRS.AcceptedTaxon, MatchedTaxon, ScrubbedTaxon
- 05:09 AM Task #576 (New): merge the datasources' mappings into the VegCore data dictionary
- * each mapping defines a synonym of a VegCore term
- 05:07 AM Task #468 (Resolved): rename/delete and recreate public schema in one transaction
- 05:04 AM Task #340 (Resolved): put together definitions of abstract BIEN terms
- See [[VegCore data dictionary]]
- 05:47 PM Task #575 (New): put all wiki attachments in svn
- Wiki attachments are not version controlled, so it's better to link to the web URL of a file in the repository:
* ...
- 12:48 PM Task #574 (New): mechanism to manually override the CSV dialect, encoding, etc.
- 12:37 PM Task #573 (New): automap the analytical DB columns
- * This will ensure the analytical DB schema stays up to date with VegCore
h3. Method
In @schemas/vegbien.sql@:
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