



From 09/16/2013 to 10/15/2013


02:27 PM Task #767 (New): autodetect column mismatches
* if @map.csv@ does not contain the @header.csv@ columns in exactly the right order, this will mess up the import in ... Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza


01:10 PM Task #294 (Resolved): find plot data source provider to work with Aaron
Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
01:10 PM Task #297 (Resolved): Request new data dump of specimen data from GBIF, this time in DwC format
Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
01:10 PM Task #301 (Resolved): RAINFOR data
part of SALVIAS Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
01:09 PM Task #305 (Resolved): Complete full-dataset validations for NYBG & SALVIAS
Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
01:09 PM Task #306 (Resolved): Acquire additional plot data sets from providers willing to work with Aaron on mappings and validations
Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
01:09 PM Task #307 (Resolved): Acquire additional specimen data sets in both DwC and DwCA format, esp. GBIF
Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
01:09 PM Task #312 (Resolved): Finish importing SALVIAS data
Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
01:08 PM Task #320 (Rejected): Convert user-defined VegX fields to first-class fields
using [[VegCore]] instead Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
01:08 PM Task #324 (Resolved): NYBG validations
Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
01:07 PM Task #333 (Resolved): add traits table to VegBIEN
Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
01:07 PM Task #344 (Resolved): contact John about GNRS/georeferencing
Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
01:07 PM Task #345: integrate GNRS into VegBIEN
prototyped in [[VegCore]] Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
01:06 PM Task #346: add georeferencing support to schema
prototyped in [[VegCore]] Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
01:06 PM Task #377 (Resolved): ask NYBG for direct access to server
Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
01:03 PM Task #466 (Rejected): column-based import: avoid most exceptions by introspecting the DB structure instead of waiting for a parseable exception to be raised
easier to handle exceptions than trying to anticipate them Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
01:02 PM Task #467: underline all to do items in meetings notes
completed items have been crossed out; remaining tasks can then be underlined Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
01:01 PM Task #482: translate README.TXT to wiki page
see [[Import process for Madidi]] Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
01:00 PM Task #544: integrate creation of analytical DB into automated testing
it's part of the extract creation for datasource validations Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
01:00 PM Task #560: move VegCore data dictionary to a phpPgAdmin-accessible database
see "VegCore ERD": Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
12:58 PM Task #562 (Rejected): flatten the mappings
autopopulated natural pkeys actually do require the nested mappings, but these can be part of the schema instead Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza
12:56 PM Task #577: use views instead of map spreadsheets to store the datasource mappings
map spreadsheets copied to tables in [[new-style import]] Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

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