_license/non-open-source/applies_to.txt: deleted items: tip revision needs to refer to the revision at which the problem was discovered, not the revision before that
_license/non-open-source/applies_to.txt: deleted items: clarified that some things deleted after r11705 (when we started copyright scrubbing) might also be non-open-source, because they might have been deleted for reasons other than copyright scrubbing and thus would be missing the "copyright scrub" tag
_license/non-open-source/applies_to.txt: included deleted items that are non-open-source, so that the list correctly applies to the entire repository (which includes the version history)
_license/non-open-source/applies_to.txt: UArizona?: added BIEN2/traits_observation_counts.xls
added _license/non-open-source/applies_to.txt