


| Revision:
  • svn:ignore: *

# Date Author Comment
13357 04/30/2014 05:46 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: **/postprocess.sql: don't use the public schema, because this creates an unsatisfied dependency while the database is being installed, and breaks `make install`

12776 03/20/2014 07:47 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

inputs/VegBank/plot/postprocess.sql: remove institutions that we have direct data for: CVS: updated runtime (same)

12758 03/18/2014 05:47 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: inputs/VegBank/plot/postprocess.sql: use CVS.plot_ instead because that has the renamed staging table columns, and is compatible with auto-renaming of the SQL script columns

11970 01/20/2014 11:33 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

moved everything into /trunk/ to create the standard svn layout, for use with tools that require this (eg. git-svn). IMPORTANT: do NOT do an `svn up`. instead, re-use your working copy's existing files with `svn switch` (

11904 12/11/2013 10:42 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: inputs/VegBank/plot/: added _no_import because this table is left-joined and should not be imported separately

11801 12/03/2013 06:51 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

inputs/VegBank/plot/postprocess.sql: locality: include the site name (authorlocation), because this is part of the unique specification of the place that was sampled

11601 11/08/2013 10:28 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: inputs/VegBank/: need to remove inter-datasource duplicates from plot instead of the left-joined plot_ table, because the fkeys needed to do the cascading deletes are all to the plot table. this requires doing the column-renaming and postprocessing on plot before it's left-joined.