schemas/util.sql: added spanish_date_words()
schemas/util.sql: added `replacement` type
bugfix: mk_set_relation_metadata(): need to include col comments as well so that these are re-created properly by recreate()
schemas/util.sql: added mk_set_comments(regclass)
schemas/util.sql: show_set_comment(regclass): renamed to mk_set_comment() to match other mk_set_comment() functions
schemas/util.sql: added mk_set_col_comments(regclass)
schemas/util.sql: added cols(regclass)
schemas/util.sql: added mk_set_comment(col_ref)
schemas/util.sql: mk_set_comment(table_ regclass, comment text): use new util.mk_set_comment(text, text)
schemas/util.sql: added mk_set_comment(col col_ref, comment text)
schemas/util.sql: added sql(col_ref)
schemas/util.sql: added mk_set_comment(on_ text, comment text)
schemas/util.sql: added comment(col_ref)
schemas/util.sql: added col_num(col_ref)
schemas/public_.sql: iucn_red_list_view: documented how to regenerate iucn_red_list from this
bugfix: schemas/public_.sql: 2014-6-4.Iara_Lacher.reserve_prioritization: fixed slowdown in materializing the view, which was caused by source__observation_type(), by replacing this with a LEFT JOIN as was done for is_threatened_iucn
schemas/util.sql: in_south_america(): optimized by using BETWEEN instead of util.contained_within__no_dateline(). this reduces the filter time for 2014-6-4.Iara_Lacher.reserve_prioritization by about 10%.
fix: schemas/public_.sql: 2014-6-4.Iara_Lacher.reserve_prioritization: is_threatened_iucn: generate this much faster by doing a LEFT JOIN, which can reuse the same in-memory hash index for every row
bugfix: schemas/public_.sql: wrapper functions can't use util-schema types because these will cause the wrapper function to be cascadingly dropped when the util schema is reinstalled
bugfix: in_south_america(): must use util.contained_within__no_dateline() instead of util.contained_within_approx() to ensure that the more accurate geometry logic is used
bugfix: schemas/public_.sql: source__observation_type(): don't display NOTICEs about the search_path, because this function will be called millions of times
bugfix: schemas/public_.sql: in_iucn_red_list(): don't display NOTICEs about the search_path, because this function will be called millions of times
schemas/public_.sql: 2014-6-4.Iara_Lacher.reserve_prioritization: added is_threatened_iucn
schemas/public_.sql: added in_iucn_red_list()
schemas/public_.sql: added iucn_red_list, materialized from iucn_red_list_view
bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: iucn_red_list_view: need to include only names with an accepted name, and distinctify on the accepted names
schemas/public_.sql: added iucn_red_list
schemas/util.sql: materialize_view(): use util.copy() instead of util.materialize_query() so that all view metadata is transferred
schemas/public_.sql: iucn_red_list: renamed to iucn_red_list_view since this will be materialized
schemas/public_.sql: 2014-6-4.Iara_Lacher.reserve_prioritization: added collection_type (using source__observation_type())
schemas/public_.sql: added source__observation_type()
schemas/public_.sql: 2014-6-4.Iara_Lacher.reserve_prioritization: added accepted_subspecies, and removed accepted_taxon_name_with_author which had been substituting for it
schemas/public_.sql: added subspecies() wrapper
schemas/util.sql: added subspecies()
schemas/public_.sql: 2014-6-4.Iara_Lacher.reserve_prioritization: include only coordinates in South America
schemas/util.sql: added south_america(), in_south_america()
fix: schemas/util.sql: OPERATOR ~(geocoord, postgis.geometry): renamed to because this is not an approximate comparison for geometry
(geocoord, postgis.geometry): renamed to
fix: schemas/util.sql: contained_within_approx(geocoord, postgis.geometry): renamed to contained_within__no_dateline(__) because this is not an approximate comparison for geometry
schemas/util.sql: lat_long_in_new_world(): renamed to just in_new_world() because the lat/long is implied by the param type
schemas/util.sql: lat_long_in_new_world(): take a geocoord param instead of separate lat/long params
schemas/util.sql: added contained_within_approx(geocoord, geometry) and corresponding OPERATOR ~@(geocoord, geometry)
schemas/util.sql: added OPERATOR ~@(geocoord, geography)
schemas/util.sql: lat_long_in_new_world(): use new contained_within_approx(geocoord, geography)
schemas/util.sql: added contained_within_approx(geocoord, postgis.geography), which enables specifying just `(lat, long)` without the ::util.geocoord type specifier
schemas/util.sql: OPERATOR (postgis.geography, postgis.geography): renamed to ~ because it's approximate
(postgis.geography, postgis.geography): renamed to ~
schemas/util.sql: contained_within(): renamed to contained_within_approx() because the latitude lines of geography type bounding boxes bulge outward, creating false positives above and below the bounding box
schemas/util.sql: added contained_within__no_dateline(geometry, geometry) and corresponding operator @
schemas/util.sql: geometry(geocoord): documented that it is not possible to create a cast for this, as a bug in pg_dump prevents the cast from being exported, even when no export filters are applied
schemas/util.sql: point(geocoord): renamed to geometry(geocoord) since this is now a cast
schemas/util.sql: point(): return geometry instead of geography to support using points with geometry arithmetic
schemas/util.sql: point(): take a single util.geocoord param instead of separate lat/long
schemas/util.sql: added geocoord type
schemas/public_.sql: 2014-6-4.Iara_Lacher.reserve_prioritization: include only georeferenced occurrences (lat/long NOT NULL)
schemas/util.sql: bounding_box(): use bounding_box__no_dateline() to construct the postgis.geometry object
schemas/util.sql: added bounding_box__no_dateline(), which is more accurate than util.bounding_box() (latitude lines will be straight), but geocoordinate wraparound is not supported
schemas/public_.sql: 2014-6-4.Iara_Lacher.reserve_prioritization: added functional traits that we have 1st-class columns for (dbh_cm, height_m)
inputs/.TNRS/schema.sql: matchedFamily: just use Name_matched_accepted_family, because TNRS has now been reloaded so that the names that were missing this have it populated
inputs/.TNRS/schema.sql: taxon_match: taxon_match__valid_match: replaced with taxon_best_match__valid_match, which also applies taxon_best_match's filters, since taxon_match is now accessed through taxon_best_match
fix: inputs/.TNRS/schema.sql: MatchedTaxon: use taxon_best_match instead of taxon_match because this should provide only one match per taxon
inputs/.TNRS/schema.sql: added taxon_best_match view
inputs/.TNRS/schema.sql: taxon_match: added taxon_match__one_selected_match unique index
inputs/.TNRS/schema.sql: taxon_match__fill(): split into separate DECLARE blocks for each field for clarity
fix: inputs/.TNRS/schema.sql: taxon_match: renamed related items to start with taxon_match__*
inputs/.TNRS/schema.sql: taxon_match: insert names via taxon_match_input auto-updatable view instead of directly into taxon_match, to allow the taxon_match columns to be renamed while still supporting inserts using the TNRS column names
fix: schemas/Makefile: vegbien.sql: also need to update inputs/.TNRS/data.sql, since its contents change along with this
inputs/.TNRS/schema.sql: tnrs_match: renamed to taxon_match to use the normalized VegCore name for this, and to avoid repeating the schema name
bugfix: inputs/.TNRS/schema.sql: taxon_name_is_safe(): need to use `NOT (_ = ANY()) instead of ` != ANY`, because the != operator is applied to each element
inputs/.TNRS/schema.sql: tnrs: renamed to tnrs_match to distinguish it from other TNRS-related tables
added schemas/VegCore/phpMyAdmin/libraries/plugins/auth/AuthenticationCookie.class.php.diff
inputs/.TNRS/schema.sql: `taxon_scrub.scrubbed_unique_taxon_name.*`: added to-modify instructions
inputs/.TNRS/schema.sql: *_modify(): merged these into the "to modify" instructions in the corresponding views, because there is no need to create a separate *_modify() function for every view now that their definitions are all the same
schemas/public_.sql: analytical_stem_view and related views: updated COMMENTs from data dictionary spreadsheet, using the steps at
schemas/public_.sql: ran analytical_stem_view_modify(), which transfers the column COMMENTs from analytical_stem_view to analytical_stem
bugfix: schemas/util.sql: view_def_to_orig(): need to handle cases when list of cols from the same table is not an expanded * expression
schemas/util.sql: added view_is_subset(view_def text)
schemas/util.sql: added view_is_automatically_updatable(view_def text)
bugfix: schemas/util.sql: show_create_view(): use the overridden version of pg_get_viewdef(), which supports expanded * expressions. this was possibly being used already whenever util happened to be in the search_path.
bugfix: schemas/public_.sql: analytical_stem_view_modify(): updated to new analytical_stem_view column names
fix: schemas/public_.sql: analytical_stem_view derived and related views: applied data dictionary renamings, using the steps at but with the current columns of analytical_stem as the left-hand column
schemas/public_.sql: analytical_stem_view: applied data dictionary renamings, using the steps at
schemas/public_.sql: added 2014-6-4.Iara_Lacher.reserve_prioritization
schemas/util.sql: lat_long_in_new_world(): use function rather than operator+search_path to allow inlining, which enables util.new_world() to only be evaluated once
bugfix: schemas/util.sql: operator @(postgis.geography, postgis.geography): must use wrapper function because st_coveredby() needs postgis to be in the search_path
fix: schemas/util.sql: point(): hide benign "Coordinate values were coerced into range [-180 -90, 180 90] for GEOGRAPHY" notices
schemas/public_.sql: 2014-6-12.Jeff_Ott.climatic_range_determinants: also include New World occurrences by coordinates, using new lat_long_in_new_world(). this modification (as requested by Jeff) will help reduce the false negatives filtered out by including only data with placenames.
schemas/public_.sql: added lat_long_in_new_world() wrapper around util.lat_long_in_new_world()
schemas/util.sql: lat_long_in_new_world(): documented that this includes false positives above and below the New World bounding box, as described in util.bounding_box()
schemas/util.sql: bounding_box(): documented that the geography type stores all edges as arcs of great circles, resulting in the latitude lines bulging outward from the true bounding box. this will create false positives above and below the bounding box.
schemas/util.sql: added lat_long_in_new_world()
schemas/util.sql: added operator @(postgis.geography, postgis.geography). can't use && for this because it only compares 2D bounding boxes (which are geometry objects that do not support geocoordinate wraparound).
schemas/util.sql: added point()
schemas/util.sql: new_world(): removed no longer needed cast to postgis.geography
bugfix: schemas/util.sql: bounding_box(): must use postgis.geography (instead of postgis.geometry) because that handles geocoordinate wraparound correctly
bugfix: schemas/util.sql: bounding_box(): need to explicitly set SRID to make sure the correct value is used
bugfix: schemas/util.sql: bounding_box(): use st_makeenvelope() instead of st_makebox2d() because st_makebox2d() doesn't support geocoordinate wraparound (it is not SRID-aware)
schemas/util.sql: new_world(): removed no longer needed cast to postgis.geometry