validation/aggregating/pipeline/aggregating_validations_pipeline.odg: diff tables: integrated row labels into table
validation/aggregating/pipeline/aggregating_validations_pipeline.odg: diff tables: added line for different rows (vs. missing/extra)
validation/aggregating/pipeline/aggregating_validations_pipeline.odg: show that the staging table(s) are denormalized before running the input queries on them. clarified that what is compared are the input and output query results, not the queries themselves.
validation/aggregating/pipeline/validations_on_sparse_datasources.odg: not applicable "✓": increased font size so the size of the character matches the surrounding text
validation/aggregating/pipeline/validations_on_sparse_datasources.odg: removed = lines for each input query, because they clutter up the diagram and the "same, so don't need to rewrite" message now shows this as well
validation/aggregating/pipeline/validations_on_sparse_datasources.odg: added the denormalized VegCore schema approach for comparison, as requested by Mark
added validation/aggregating/pipeline/validations_on_sparse_datasources.odg
validation/aggregating/pipeline/aggregating_validations_pipeline.odg: made "diff tables" the same size as the other major labels
validation/aggregating/pipeline/aggregating_validations_pipeline.odg: added CSVs export arrows and import process arrows, as decided in conference call
added validation/aggregating/pipeline/aggregating_validations_pipeline.odg with .png export