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Revision 10209

inputs/*/*/map.csv for CSV tables with a row_num column: added missing row_num entry, which is needed by the staging table column renaming to make the order of the map.csv columns match the order in the staging table

View differences:

97 97
ownerInstitutionCode,,** No join mapping for specimenOwner ** 
98 98
previousIdentifications,,** No join mapping for previousIdentifications ** 
99 99
rightsHolder,,** No join mapping for dataOwners ** 
row_num,,** No join mapping for *row_num ** 
100 101
type,,** No join mapping for type ** 
101 102
verbatimCoordinateSystem,,** No join mapping for coordinateUnits ** 
102 103
verbatimEventDate,,** No join mapping for verbatimEventDate ** 

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