SELECT util.search_path_append('util'); SELECT util.rename_cols(:table_str, $$ cultivated => *cultivated, flower => *flower, fruit => *fruit, $$::hstore); SELECT mk_derived_col((:table_str, 'specimenDonorInstitution'), -- UNCCD likely = UNCC database $$_map('UNCCD=>UNCC, *=>*', "herbarium")$$) ; -- runtime: 1 s ("Time: 1057.222 ms") @starscream SELECT mk_derived_col((:table_str, 'cultivated__campus'), /* "this refers to occurrence on the UNCC campus, but I do not know the meaning of the codes. Presumably C = cultivated" ( */ $$_map('*=>true', "campus")$$) ; -- runtime: 0.5 s ("Time: 353.373 ms") @starscream SELECT mk_derived_col((:table_str, 'cultivated__main'), -- for our purposes, anything non-NULL should be assumed to be cultivated $$_map('*=>true', "*cultivated")$$) ; -- runtime: 0.5 s ("Time: 403.916 ms") @starscream CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION map_reproductive_condition(value text) RETURNS text AS $BODY$ /* " Most are typos A = absent I = immature M = mature " ( */ SELECT util._map('A=>absent, I=>immature, M=>mature, *=>NULL', $1) $BODY$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE COST 100; SELECT mk_derived_col((:table_str, 'flower'), $$map_reproductive_condition("*flower")$$); -- runtime: 0.5 s ("Time: 635.054 ms") @starscream SELECT mk_derived_col((:table_str, 'fruit' ), $$map_reproductive_condition("*fruit" )$$); -- runtime: 0.5 s ("Time: 591.854 ms") @starscream