SELECT util.search_path_append('util'); SELECT create_if_not_exists($$ALTER TABLE $$||:table_str||$$ ADD PRIMARY KEY ("locationID")$$); -- runtime: 0.2 s ("Time: 238.474 ms") @starscream -- remove institutions that we have direct data for -- CVS DELETE FROM :table WHERE "locationName" IN (SELECT "authorPlotCode" FROM "CVS".plot) -- removes 2323 of 7079 CVS plots (75340 - 73017) ; -- runtime: 1 min ("69478.847 ms") @starscream -- map_*() derived cols -- runtime: 2 s @starscream CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION map_access_rights(value integer) RETURNS text AS $BODY$ /* "closed List of Values: Value Description Sorting 0 Public 1 1 1 km radius (nearest 0.01 degree) 2 2 10 km radius (nearest 0.1 degree) 3 3 100 km radius (nearest degree) 4 4 Location embargo 5 5 Public embargo on data 6 6 Full embargo on data 7 " ( */ SELECT util._map('0=>public, 1=>public, 2=>public, 3=>public, 4=>public, 5=>"data by request", 6=>private', $1::text) $BODY$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE COST 100; SELECT mk_derived_col((:table_str, 'accessRights'), $$map_access_rights("accessRights_verbatim")$$); -- runtime: 1 s ("Time: 1167.547 ms") @starscream CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION map_fuzzing(value integer) RETURNS double precision AS $BODY$ /* "closed List of Values: Value Description Sorting 0 Public 1 1 1 km radius (nearest 0.01 degree) 2 2 10 km radius (nearest 0.1 degree) 3 3 100 km radius (nearest degree) 4 4 Location embargo 5 5 Public embargo on data 6 6 Full embargo on data 7 " ( */ SELECT public._km_to_m(util._map('0=>NULL, 1=>1, 2=>10, 3=>100, 4=>NULL, 5=>NULL, 6=>NULL', $1::text)::double precision) $BODY$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE COST 100; SELECT mk_derived_col((:table_str, 'coordinateUncertaintyInMeters__from_fuzzing'), $$map_fuzzing("accessRights_verbatim")$$); -- runtime: 1 s ("Time: 1064.189 ms") @starscream SELECT mk_derived_col((:table_str, 'coordinateUncertaintyInMeters'), $$GREATEST("coordinateUncertaintyInMeters__from_fuzzing", "coordinateUncertaintyInMeters__from_coords")$$) ; -- runtime: 0.5 s ("Time: 586.453 ms") @starscream SELECT mk_derived_col((:table_str, 'locality'), $$_join("directions_to_place", "site_name")$$) ; -- runtime: 4 s ("Time: 3651.355 ms") @starscream