-- -- PostgreSQL database dump -- SET statement_timeout = 0; SET lock_timeout = 0; SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = on; SET check_function_bodies = false; SET client_min_messages = warning; -- -- Name: util; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: - -- CREATE SCHEMA util; -- -- Name: SCHEMA util; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON SCHEMA util IS ' IMPORTANT: Functions must always return NULL in place of '''' (the empty string). This ensures that empty strings do not find their way into VegBIEN. NOTE: SQL-language functions should never be declared STRICT, because this prevents them from being inlined. inlining can create a significant speed improvement (7x+), by avoiding function calls and enabling additional constant folding. avoiding use of STRICT also makes functions *much* easier to troubleshoot, because they won''t mysteriously do nothing if called with only NULL arguments, even when you have added debug-print statements. '; SET search_path = util, pg_catalog; -- -- Name: col_cast; Type: TYPE; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE TYPE col_cast AS ( col_name text, type regtype ); -- -- Name: col_ref; Type: TYPE; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE TYPE col_ref AS ( table_ regclass, name text ); -- -- Name: compass_dir; Type: TYPE; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE TYPE compass_dir AS ENUM ( 'N', 'E', 'S', 'W' ); -- -- Name: datatype; Type: TYPE; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE TYPE datatype AS ENUM ( 'str', 'float' ); -- -- Name: %==(anyelement, anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION "%=="(left_ anyelement, right_ anyelement) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT keys($1) = keys($2) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION "%=="(left_ anyelement, right_ anyelement); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION "%=="(left_ anyelement, right_ anyelement) IS ' needs to be declared STABLE instead of IMMUTABLE because it depends on the search_path (as described at http://vegpath.org/links/#PostgreSQL:%20Documentation:%209.3:%20Function%20Volatility%20Categories%20**) '; -- -- Name: _alt(anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _alt("0" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "1" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "2" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "3" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "4" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "5" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "6" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "7" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "8" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "9" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "10" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "11" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "12" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown) RETURNS anyelement LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT coalesce($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13) $_$; -- -- Name: _and(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _and("0" boolean DEFAULT NULL::boolean, "1" boolean DEFAULT NULL::boolean, "2" boolean DEFAULT NULL::boolean, "3" boolean DEFAULT NULL::boolean, "4" boolean DEFAULT NULL::boolean) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT bool_and(value) FROM (VALUES ($1) , ($2) , ($3) , ($4) , ($5) ) AS v (value) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION _and("0" boolean, "1" boolean, "2" boolean, "3" boolean, "4" boolean); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION _and("0" boolean, "1" boolean, "2" boolean, "3" boolean, "4" boolean) IS ' _and() ignores NULL values, while AND combines them with the other values to potentially convert true to NULL. AND should be used with required fields, and _and() with optional fields. '; -- -- Name: _avg(double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _avg("0" double precision DEFAULT NULL::double precision, "1" double precision DEFAULT NULL::double precision, "2" double precision DEFAULT NULL::double precision, "3" double precision DEFAULT NULL::double precision, "4" double precision DEFAULT NULL::double precision) RETURNS double precision LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT avg(value) FROM (VALUES ($1) , ($2) , ($3) , ($4) , ($5) ) AS v (value) $_$; -- -- Name: _dms_to_dd(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _dms_to_dd(value text DEFAULT NULL::text) RETURNS double precision LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT (g[1]||'1')::integer*util._dms_to_dd(deg := g[2]::double precision, min := g[3]::double precision, sec := g[4]::double precision, dir := g[5]::util.compass_dir) FROM ( SELECT regexp_matches($1, '^ *(-?)(\d{1,3}(?:\.\d*)?)(?:(?:deg|[°º])(?: *([\d.]+)(?:min|[''’]))?(?: *([\d.]+)(?:sec|["”]))?)? *([NESW])? *$') UNION ALL SELECT ARRAY[g[1], g[2], g[3]||'.'||g[4], NULL, g[5]] FROM regexp_matches($1, '^ *(-?)(\d{2,3})(\d{2})(\d{3}) *([NESW])? *$') matches (g) -- [D]DDMMmmm, where MMmmm = MM.mmm ) matches (g) $_$; -- -- Name: _dms_to_dd(double precision, double precision, double precision, compass_dir); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _dms_to_dd(deg double precision DEFAULT NULL::double precision, min double precision DEFAULT NULL::double precision, sec double precision DEFAULT NULL::double precision, dir compass_dir DEFAULT NULL::compass_dir) RETURNS double precision LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT sum(value)*COALESCE(util._map('N=>1,E=>1,S=>-1,W=>-1', $4::text)::integer, 1) FROM (VALUES ($1) , ($2/60) , ($3/60/60) ) AS v (value) $_$; -- -- Name: _dms_to_dd(text, text, text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _dms_to_dd(deg text DEFAULT NULL::text, min text DEFAULT NULL::text, sec text DEFAULT NULL::text, dir text DEFAULT NULL::text) RETURNS double precision LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT util._dms_to_dd($1::double precision, $2::double precision, $3::double precision, $4::util.compass_dir) $_$; -- -- Name: _eq(anyelement, anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _eq("left" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "right" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT $1 = $2 $_$; -- -- Name: _fix_date(date, date); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _fix_date(value date DEFAULT NULL::date, threshold date DEFAULT NULL::date) RETURNS date LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ -- Fix dates after threshold date -- This fixes e.g. 2-digit years before 1970 misinterpreted as 20xx SELECT (CASE WHEN $1 > COALESCE($2, now()) THEN ($1 - '100 years'::interval)::date ELSE $1 END) $_$; -- -- Name: _if(boolean, anyelement, anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _if(cond boolean DEFAULT NULL::boolean, "then" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "else" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown) RETURNS anyelement LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT (CASE WHEN $1 THEN $2 ELSE $3 END) $_$; -- -- Name: _if(text, anyelement, anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _if(cond text DEFAULT NULL::text, "then" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "else" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown) RETURNS anyelement LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT util._if($1 != '', $2, $3) $_$; -- -- Name: _join(text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _join("0" text DEFAULT NULL::text, "1" text DEFAULT NULL::text, "2" text DEFAULT NULL::text, "3" text DEFAULT NULL::text, "4" text DEFAULT NULL::text, "5" text DEFAULT NULL::text, "6" text DEFAULT NULL::text, "7" text DEFAULT NULL::text, "8" text DEFAULT NULL::text, "9" text DEFAULT NULL::text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT NULLIF(concat_ws('; ', $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10), '') $_$; -- -- Name: _join_words(text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _join_words("0" text DEFAULT NULL::text, "1" text DEFAULT NULL::text, "2" text DEFAULT NULL::text, "3" text DEFAULT NULL::text, "4" text DEFAULT NULL::text, "5" text DEFAULT NULL::text, "6" text DEFAULT NULL::text, "7" text DEFAULT NULL::text, "8" text DEFAULT NULL::text, "9" text DEFAULT NULL::text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT NULLIF(concat_ws(' ', $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10), '') $_$; -- -- Name: _label(text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _label(label text, value text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT coalesce($1 || ': ', '') || $2 $_$; -- -- Name: _lowercase(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _lowercase(value text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT lower($1) $_$; -- -- Name: _map(hstore, anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _map(map hstore, value anyelement) RETURNS anyelement LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $$ DECLARE result value%TYPE := util._map(map, value::text)::unknown; BEGIN RETURN result; END; $$; -- -- Name: _map(hstore, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _map(map hstore, value text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $$ DECLARE match text := map -> value; BEGIN IF match IS NULL AND NOT map ? value THEN -- no match rather than NULL match match := map -> '*'; -- use default entry IF match IS NULL AND NOT map ? '*' THEN match := '!'; -- no default END IF; END IF; -- Interpret result IF match = '!' THEN RAISE 'Value not in map: %', value USING ERRCODE = 'data_exception'; ELSIF match = '*' THEN RETURN value; ELSE RETURN match; END IF; END; $$; -- -- Name: _max(anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _max("0" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "1" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "2" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "3" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "4" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "5" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "6" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "7" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "8" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "9" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown) RETURNS anyelement LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT GREATEST($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10) $_$; -- -- Name: _merge(anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _merge("0" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "1" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "2" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "3" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "4" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "5" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "6" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "7" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "8" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "9" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown) RETURNS anyelement LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT util.join_strs(value, '; ') FROM ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (value) * FROM (VALUES (1, $1) , (2, $2) , (3, $3) , (4, $4) , (5, $5) , (6, $6) , (7, $7) , (8, $8) , (9, $9) , (10, $10) ) AS v (sort_order, value) WHERE value IS NOT NULL ) AS v ORDER BY sort_order ) AS v $_$; -- -- Name: _merge_prefix(text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _merge_prefix(prefix text DEFAULT NULL::text, value text DEFAULT NULL::text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT _join_words((CASE WHEN $2 ~ ('^'||$1||E'\\y') THEN NULL ELSE $1 END), $2) $_$; -- -- Name: _merge_words(anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _merge_words("0" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "1" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "2" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "3" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "4" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "5" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "6" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "7" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "8" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "9" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown) RETURNS anyelement LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT util.join_strs(value, ' ') FROM ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (value) * FROM (VALUES (1, $1) , (2, $2) , (3, $3) , (4, $4) , (5, $5) , (6, $6) , (7, $7) , (8, $8) , (9, $9) , (10, $10) ) AS v (sort_order, value) WHERE value IS NOT NULL ) AS v ORDER BY sort_order ) AS v $_$; -- -- Name: _min(anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement, anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _min("0" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "1" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "2" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "3" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "4" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "5" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "6" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "7" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "8" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown, "9" anyelement DEFAULT NULL::unknown) RETURNS anyelement LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT LEAST($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10) $_$; -- -- Name: _not(boolean); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _not(value boolean) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT NOT $1 $_$; -- -- Name: _now(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _now() RETURNS timestamp with time zone LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $$ SELECT now() $$; -- -- Name: _nullIf(anyelement, text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION "_nullIf"(value anyelement, "null" text, type text) RETURNS anyelement LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT util."_nullIf"($1, $2, $3::util.datatype) $_$; -- -- Name: _nullIf(anyelement, text, datatype); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION "_nullIf"(value anyelement, "null" text, type datatype DEFAULT 'str'::datatype) RETURNS anyelement LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE AS $$ DECLARE type util.datatype NOT NULL := type; -- add NOT NULL BEGIN IF type = 'str' THEN RETURN nullif(value::text, "null"); -- Invalid value is ignored, but invalid null value generates error ELSIF type = 'float' THEN DECLARE -- Outside the try block so that invalid null value generates error "null" double precision := "null"::double precision; BEGIN RETURN nullif(value::double precision, "null"); EXCEPTION WHEN data_exception THEN RETURN value; -- ignore invalid value END; END IF; END; $$; -- -- Name: _or(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _or("0" boolean DEFAULT NULL::boolean, "1" boolean DEFAULT NULL::boolean, "2" boolean DEFAULT NULL::boolean, "3" boolean DEFAULT NULL::boolean, "4" boolean DEFAULT NULL::boolean) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT bool_or(value) FROM (VALUES ($1) , ($2) , ($3) , ($4) , ($5) ) AS v (value) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION _or("0" boolean, "1" boolean, "2" boolean, "3" boolean, "4" boolean); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION _or("0" boolean, "1" boolean, "2" boolean, "3" boolean, "4" boolean) IS ' _or() ignores NULL values, while OR combines them with the other values to potentially convert false to NULL. OR should be used with required fields, and _or() with optional fields. '; -- -- Name: _range(double precision, double precision); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _range("from" double precision DEFAULT NULL::double precision, "to" double precision DEFAULT NULL::double precision) RETURNS double precision LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT $2 - $1 $_$; -- -- Name: _split(text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION _split(value text DEFAULT NULL::text, separator text DEFAULT '; '::text) RETURNS SETOF text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT regexp_split_to_table($1, $2) $_$; -- -- Name: added_cols(regclass, regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION added_cols(table_ regclass, names regclass) RETURNS SETOF text LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT util.derived_cols($1, $2) UNION SELECT util.eval2set($$ SELECT col FROM util.col_names($$||quote_nullable($1)||$$::regclass) f (col) JOIN $$||$2||$$ ON "to" = col WHERE "from" LIKE ':%' $$, NULL::text) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION added_cols(table_ regclass, names regclass); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION added_cols(table_ regclass, names regclass) IS ' gets table_''s added columns (all the columns not in the original data) '; -- -- Name: all_same_final(anyarray); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION all_same_final(state anyarray) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT $1 IS NULL/*no rows*/ OR util.not_empty($1)/*not no_match_sentinel*/ $_$; -- -- Name: all_same_transform(anyarray, anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION all_same_transform(state anyarray, value anyelement) RETURNS anyarray LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE AS $$ DECLARE value_cmp state%TYPE = ARRAY[value]; state state%TYPE = COALESCE(state, value_cmp); no_match_sentinel state%TYPE = value_cmp[1:0]/*=ARRAY[]::state%TYPE*/; BEGIN RETURN (CASE WHEN value_cmp IS NOT DISTINCT FROM state THEN state ELSE no_match_sentinel END); END; $$; -- -- Name: analyze_(regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION analyze_(table_ regclass) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.eval($$ANALYZE VERBOSE $$||$1) $_$; -- -- Name: append_comment(regclass, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION append_comment(table_ regclass, comment text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.set_comment($1, concat(util.comment($1), $2)) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION append_comment(table_ regclass, comment text); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION append_comment(table_ regclass, comment text) IS ' comment: must start and end with a newline '; -- -- Name: array_fill(anyelement, integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION array_fill(value anyelement, length integer) RETURNS anyarray LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT pg_catalog.array_fill($1, ARRAY[$2]) $_$; -- -- Name: array_length(anyarray); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION array_length("array" anyarray) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT util.array_length($1, 1) $_$; -- -- Name: array_length(anyarray, integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION array_length("array" anyarray, dimension integer) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT CASE WHEN $1 IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE COALESCE(pg_catalog.array_length($1, $2), 0) END $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION array_length("array" anyarray, dimension integer); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_length("array" anyarray, dimension integer) IS ' returns 0 instead of NULL for empty arrays '; -- -- Name: cluster_index(regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION cluster_index(table_ regclass) RETURNS regclass LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT indexrelid FROM pg_index WHERE indrelid = $1 AND indisclustered $_$; -- -- Name: cluster_once(regclass, regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION cluster_once(table_ regclass, index regclass) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT AS $_$ BEGIN -- not yet clustered (ARRAY[] compares NULLs literally) IF ARRAY[util.cluster_index(table_)] != ARRAY[index] THEN EXECUTE $$CLUSTER $$||table_||$$ USING $$||index; END IF; END; $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION cluster_once(table_ regclass, index regclass); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION cluster_once(table_ regclass, index regclass) IS ' idempotent '; -- -- Name: col__min(col_ref); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION col__min(col col_ref) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT util.eval2val($$ SELECT $$||quote_ident($1.name)||$$ FROM $$||$1.table_||$$ ORDER BY $$||quote_ident($1.name)||$$ ASC LIMIT 1 $$, NULL::integer) $_$; -- -- Name: col_comment(col_ref); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION col_comment(col col_ref) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT AS $$ DECLARE comment text; BEGIN SELECT description FROM pg_attribute LEFT JOIN pg_description ON objoid = attrelid AND classoid = 'pg_class'::regclass AND objsubid = attnum WHERE attrelid = col.table_ AND attname = col.name INTO STRICT comment ; RETURN comment; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN PERFORM util.raise_undefined_column(col); END; $$; -- -- Name: col_default_sql(col_ref); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION col_default_sql(col col_ref) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT AS $$ DECLARE default_sql text; BEGIN SELECT adsrc FROM pg_attribute LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef ON adrelid = attrelid AND adnum = attnum WHERE attrelid = col.table_ AND attname = col.name INTO STRICT default_sql ; RETURN default_sql; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN PERFORM util.raise_undefined_column(col); END; $$; -- -- Name: col_default_value(col_ref, anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION col_default_value(col col_ref, ret_type_null anyelement DEFAULT NULL::text) RETURNS anyelement LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT util.eval_expr_passthru(util.col_default_sql($1), $2) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION col_default_value(col col_ref, ret_type_null anyelement); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION col_default_value(col col_ref, ret_type_null anyelement) IS ' ret_type_null: NULL::ret_type '; -- -- Name: col_exists(col_ref); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION col_exists(col col_ref) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM util.col_type(col); RETURN true; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_column THEN RETURN false; END; $$; -- -- Name: col_global_names(regtype); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION col_global_names(type regtype, OUT name text, OUT global_name text) RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT AS $$ DECLARE prefix text := util.name(type)||'.'; BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT name_, (CASE WHEN util.contains(search_for:='.', in_str:=name_) THEN '' ELSE prefix END)||name_ FROM util.col_names(type) f (name_); END; $$; -- -- Name: col_names(regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION col_names(table_ regclass) RETURNS SETOF text LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT attname::text FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = $1 AND attnum >= 1 AND NOT attisdropped ORDER BY attnum $_$; -- -- Name: col_names(regtype); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION col_names(type regtype) RETURNS SETOF text LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT AS $_$ BEGIN RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $$SELECT skeys(hstore(NULL::$$||type||$$))$$; END; $_$; -- -- Name: col_type(col_ref); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION col_type(col col_ref) RETURNS regtype LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT AS $$ DECLARE type regtype; BEGIN SELECT atttypid FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = col.table_ AND attname = col.name INTO STRICT type ; RETURN type; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN RAISE undefined_column USING MESSAGE = concat('undefined column: ', col.name); END; $$; -- -- Name: comment(oid); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION comment(element oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT description FROM pg_description WHERE objoid = $1 $_$; -- -- Name: concat_esc(text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION concat_esc("left" text, "right" text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT util.esc_name__append($2, $1) $_$; -- -- Name: contains(text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION contains(search_for text, in_str text) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT position($1 in $2) > 0 /*1-based offset*/ $_$; -- -- Name: copy_struct(regclass, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION copy_struct(from_ regclass, to_ text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.eval($$CREATE TABLE $$||$2||$$ (LIKE $$||$1||$$ INCLUDING ALL)$$) $_$; -- -- Name: create_if_not_exists(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION create_if_not_exists(sql text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM util.eval(sql); EXCEPTION WHEN duplicate_table THEN NULL; WHEN duplicate_object THEN NULL; -- e.g. constraint WHEN duplicate_column THEN NULL; WHEN invalid_table_definition THEN IF SQLERRM LIKE 'multiple primary keys for table % are not allowed' THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE USING ERRCODE = SQLSTATE, MESSAGE = SQLERRM; -- rethrow END IF; END; $$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION create_if_not_exists(sql text); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION create_if_not_exists(sql text) IS ' idempotent '; -- -- Name: curr_func(text, anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION curr_func(func text, schema_anchor anyelement) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $$ SELECT util.schema_esc(schema_anchor)||'.'||quote_ident(func) $$; -- -- Name: debug_print_return_value(anyelement, boolean); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION debug_print_return_value(value anyelement, encode boolean DEFAULT false) RETURNS anyelement LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT util.raise_notice('returns: ' ||(CASE WHEN $2 THEN util.quote_typed($1) ELSE $1::text END)); SELECT $1; $_$; -- -- Name: debug_print_sql(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION debug_print_sql(sql text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ /* newline before so the query starts at the beginning of the line. newline after to visually separate queries from one another. */ SELECT util.raise_notice($$ $$||util.runnable_sql($1)||$$ $$||COALESCE(util.explain2notice_msg_if_can($1), '')) $_$; -- -- Name: derived_cols(regclass, regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION derived_cols(table_ regclass, names regclass) RETURNS SETOF text LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT util.eval2set($$ SELECT col FROM util.col_names($$||quote_nullable($1)||$$::regclass) f (col) LEFT JOIN $$||$2||$$ ON "to" = col WHERE "from" IS NULL $$, NULL::text) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION derived_cols(table_ regclass, names regclass); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION derived_cols(table_ regclass, names regclass) IS ' gets table_''s derived columns (all the columns not in the names table) '; -- -- Name: diff(regclass, regclass, anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION diff(left_table regclass, right_table regclass, col_type_null anyelement, OUT left_ anyelement, OUT right_ anyelement) RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT * FROM util.diff($1::text, $2::text, $3, single_row := util.has_single_row($1) AND util.has_single_row($2), search_path := util.schema($3)) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION diff(left_table regclass, right_table regclass, col_type_null anyelement, OUT left_ anyelement, OUT right_ anyelement); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION diff(left_table regclass, right_table regclass, col_type_null anyelement, OUT left_ anyelement, OUT right_ anyelement) IS ' col_type_null (*required*): NULL::shared_base_type usage: SELECT * FROM util.diff(''"left_table"''::regclass, ''"right_table"''::regclass, NULL::shared_base_type) '; -- -- Name: diff(text, text, anyelement, boolean, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION diff(left__ text, right__ text, col_type_null anyelement, single_row boolean DEFAULT false, search_path text DEFAULT NULL::text, OUT left_ anyelement, OUT right_ anyelement) RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE plpgsql SET search_path TO pg_temp AS $_$ /* must use LANGUAGE plpgsql because LANGUAGE sql does not support runtime changes of search_path (schema elements are bound at inline time rather than runtime) */ /* function option search_path is needed to limit the effects of `SET LOCAL search_path` (mk_set_search_path()) to the current function */ BEGIN PERFORM util.set_search_path(concat_ws(', ', search_path, 'util')); -- need util.%== as default/fallback RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM util.eval2col_pair(util.mk_diff_query($1, $2, $4, $$/* need to explicitly cast each side to the return type because this does not happen automatically even when an implicit cast is available */ left_::$$||util.typeof($3)||$$ , right_::$$||util.typeof($3) ), $3) ; END; $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION diff(left__ text, right__ text, col_type_null anyelement, single_row boolean, search_path text, OUT left_ anyelement, OUT right_ anyelement); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION diff(left__ text, right__ text, col_type_null anyelement, single_row boolean, search_path text, OUT left_ anyelement, OUT right_ anyelement) IS ' col_type_null (*required*): NULL::col_type single_row: whether the tables consist of a single row, which should be displayed side-by-side to run EXPLAIN on the FULL JOIN query: # run this function # look for a NOTICE containing the expanded query that it ran # run EXPLAIN on this expanded query '; -- -- Name: do_optionally_ignore(text, boolean); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION do_optionally_ignore(sql text, ignore boolean) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT CASE WHEN $2 THEN util.try_create($1) ELSE util.create_if_not_exists($1) END $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION do_optionally_ignore(sql text, ignore boolean); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION do_optionally_ignore(sql text, ignore boolean) IS ' idempotent '; -- -- Name: drop_column(col_ref, boolean); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION drop_column(col col_ref, force boolean DEFAULT false) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.eval($$ALTER TABLE $$||$1.table_||$$ DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS $$|| quote_ident($1.name)||util._if($2, $$ CASCADE$$, ''::text)) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION drop_column(col col_ref, force boolean); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION drop_column(col col_ref, force boolean) IS ' idempotent '; -- -- Name: drop_relation(regclass, boolean); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION drop_relation(relation regclass, force boolean DEFAULT false) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ /* use util.qual_name() instead of ::text so that the schema qualifier is always included in the debug SQL */ SELECT util.drop_relation(util.relation_type($1), util.qual_name($1), $2) $_$; -- -- Name: drop_relation(text, text, boolean); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION drop_relation(type text, relation_esc text, force boolean DEFAULT false) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.eval($$DROP $$||$1||$$ IF EXISTS $$||$2 ||util._if($3, $$ CASCADE$$, ''::text)) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION drop_relation(type text, relation_esc text, force boolean); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION drop_relation(type text, relation_esc text, force boolean) IS ' idempotent '; -- -- Name: drop_relations_like(text, anyelement, boolean); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION drop_relations_like(name_regexp text, schema_anchor anyelement, force boolean DEFAULT false) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.drop_relations_like($1, util.str_equality_regexp(util.schema($2)), $3) $_$; -- -- Name: drop_relations_like(text, text, boolean); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION drop_relations_like(name_regexp text, schema_regexp text DEFAULT ''::text, force boolean DEFAULT false) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.drop_relation(relation, $3) FROM util.show_relations_like($1, $2) relation ; SELECT NULL::void; -- don't fold away functions called in previous query $_$; -- -- Name: drop_table(text, boolean); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION drop_table(table_ text, force boolean DEFAULT false) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.drop_relation('TABLE', $1, $2) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION drop_table(table_ text, force boolean); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION drop_table(table_ text, force boolean) IS ' idempotent '; -- -- Name: drop_view(text, boolean); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION drop_view(view_ text, force boolean DEFAULT false) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.drop_relation('VIEW', $1, $2) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION drop_view(view_ text, force boolean); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION drop_view(view_ text, force boolean) IS ' idempotent '; -- -- Name: empty_array(anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION empty_array(elem_type_null anyelement DEFAULT NULL::text) RETURNS anyarray LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT util.array_fill($1, 0) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION empty_array(elem_type_null anyelement); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION empty_array(elem_type_null anyelement) IS ' constructs proper empty 1-dimensional array whose dimensions are not NULL ( ''{}''::text[] does not do this) '; -- -- Name: ensure_prefix(text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION ensure_prefix(prefix text, str text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT (CASE WHEN util.has_prefix($1, $2) THEN $2 ELSE $1||$2 END) $_$; -- -- Name: esc_name__append(text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION esc_name__append(suffix text, esc_name text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT regexp_replace($2, '("?)$', $1||'\1') $_$; -- -- Name: eval(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION eval(sql text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM util.debug_print_sql(sql); EXECUTE sql; END; $$; -- -- Name: eval2col_pair(text, anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION eval2col_pair(sql text, col_type_null anyelement, OUT left_ anyelement, OUT right_ anyelement) RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM util.debug_print_sql(sql); RETURN QUERY EXECUTE sql; END; $$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION eval2col_pair(sql text, col_type_null anyelement, OUT left_ anyelement, OUT right_ anyelement); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION eval2col_pair(sql text, col_type_null anyelement, OUT left_ anyelement, OUT right_ anyelement) IS ' col_type_null (*required*): NULL::col_type '; -- -- Name: eval2records(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION eval2records(sql text) RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM util.debug_print_sql(sql); RETURN QUERY EXECUTE sql; END; $$; -- -- Name: eval2set(text, anyelement, boolean); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION eval2set(sql text, ret_type_null anyelement DEFAULT NULL::text, verbose_ boolean DEFAULT true) RETURNS SETOF anyelement LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN IF verbose_ THEN PERFORM util.debug_print_sql(sql); END IF; RETURN QUERY EXECUTE sql; END; $$; -- -- Name: eval2val(text, anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION eval2val(sql text, ret_type_null anyelement DEFAULT NULL::text) RETURNS anyelement LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE ret_val ret_type_null%TYPE; BEGIN PERFORM util.debug_print_sql(sql); EXECUTE sql INTO STRICT ret_val; RETURN ret_val; END; $$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION eval2val(sql text, ret_type_null anyelement); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION eval2val(sql text, ret_type_null anyelement) IS ' ret_type_null: NULL::ret_type '; -- -- Name: eval_expr(text, anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION eval_expr(sql text, ret_type_null anyelement DEFAULT NULL::text) RETURNS anyelement LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.eval2val($$SELECT $$||$1, $2) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION eval_expr(sql text, ret_type_null anyelement); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION eval_expr(sql text, ret_type_null anyelement) IS ' ret_type_null: NULL::ret_type '; -- -- Name: eval_expr_passthru(text, anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION eval_expr_passthru(sql text, ret_type_null anyelement DEFAULT NULL::text) RETURNS anyelement LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT CASE WHEN $1 IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE util.eval_expr($1, $2) END $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION eval_expr_passthru(sql text, ret_type_null anyelement); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION eval_expr_passthru(sql text, ret_type_null anyelement) IS ' sql: can be NULL, which will be passed through ret_type_null: NULL::ret_type '; -- -- Name: existing_cols(regclass, text[]); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION existing_cols(table_ regclass, VARIADIC col_names text[]) RETURNS SETOF text LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT col_name FROM unnest($2) s (col_name) WHERE util.col_exists(($1, col_name)) $_$; -- -- Name: explain(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION explain(sql text) RETURNS SETOF text LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.eval2set($$EXPLAIN $$||$1, verbose_ := false) $_$; -- -- Name: explain2notice(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION explain2notice(sql text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.raise_notice(util.explain2notice_msg($1)) $_$; -- -- Name: explain2notice_msg(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION explain2notice_msg(sql text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ -- newline before and after to visually separate it from other debug info SELECT $$ EXPLAIN: $$||util.explain2str($1)||$$ $$ $_$; -- -- Name: explain2notice_msg_if_can(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION explain2notice_msg_if_can(sql text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT (CASE WHEN util.is_explainable($1) THEN util.explain2notice_msg($1) END) $_$; -- -- Name: explain2str(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION explain2str(sql text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.join_strs(explain, $$ $$) FROM util.explain($1) $_$; SET default_tablespace = ''; SET default_with_oids = false; -- -- Name: explain; Type: TABLE; Schema: util; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE explain ( line text NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: explain2table(text, regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION explain2table(sql text, table_ regclass DEFAULT 'explain'::regclass) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.eval($$INSERT INTO $$||$2||$$ SELECT util.explain( $$||quote_nullable($1)||$$ )$$) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION explain2table(sql text, table_ regclass); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION explain2table(sql text, table_ regclass) IS ' usage: PERFORM util.explain2table($$ query $$); '; -- -- Name: first_word(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION first_word(str text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT match[1] FROM regexp_matches(util.ltrim_nl($1), '^(\S*)') match $_$; -- -- Name: fix_array(anyarray); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION fix_array("array" anyarray) RETURNS anyarray LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT CASE WHEN $1 IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE ( CASE WHEN pg_catalog.array_ndims($1) IS NULL THEN util.empty_array($1[1]) ELSE $1 END ) END $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION fix_array("array" anyarray); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION fix_array("array" anyarray) IS ' ensures that an array will always have proper non-NULL dimensions '; -- -- Name: force_recreate(text, text[]); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION force_recreate(cmd text, users text[] DEFAULT NULL::text[]) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_$ DECLARE PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL text; recreate_users_cmd text = util.save_drop_views(users); BEGIN PERFORM util.eval(cmd); PERFORM util.eval(recreate_users_cmd); EXCEPTION WHEN dependent_objects_still_exist THEN IF users IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE; END IF; -- save_drop_views() didn't fix it GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL; users = array(SELECT * FROM util.regexp_matches_group( PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, '(?m)^view (.*) depends on table .*$')); IF util.is_empty(users) THEN RAISE; END IF; PERFORM util.force_recreate(cmd, users); END; $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION force_recreate(cmd text, users text[]); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION force_recreate(cmd text, users text[]) IS ' idempotent users: not necessary to provide this because it will be autopopulated '; -- -- Name: force_update_view(text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION force_update_view(view_ text, query text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT AS $_$ DECLARE mk_view text = $$CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW $$||view_||$$ AS $$||query; BEGIN EXECUTE mk_view; EXCEPTION WHEN invalid_table_definition THEN IF SQLERRM = 'cannot drop columns from view' OR SQLERRM LIKE 'cannot change name of view column "%" to "%"' THEN EXECUTE $$DROP VIEW $$||view_||$$ CASCADE$$; EXECUTE mk_view; ELSE RAISE USING ERRCODE = SQLSTATE, MESSAGE = SQLERRM; END IF; END; $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION force_update_view(view_ text, query text); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION force_update_view(view_ text, query text) IS ' idempotent '; -- -- Name: grants_users(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION grants_users() RETURNS SETOF text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $$ VALUES ('bien_read'), ('public_') $$; -- -- Name: has_prefix(text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION has_prefix(prefix text, str text) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT substring($2 for length($1)) = $1 $_$; -- -- Name: has_single_row(regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION has_single_row(table_ regclass) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT util.eval2val($$SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 FROM $$||$1, NULL::boolean) $_$; -- -- Name: hstore(text[], text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION hstore(keys text[], value text) RETURNS hstore LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT hstore(util.fix_array($1), util.array_fill($2, util.array_length($1))) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION hstore(keys text[], value text); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION hstore(keys text[], value text) IS ' avoids repeating the same value for each key '; -- -- Name: ifnull(anyelement, anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION ifnull(value anyelement, null_ anyelement) RETURNS anyelement LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT COALESCE($1, $2) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION ifnull(value anyelement, null_ anyelement); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION ifnull(value anyelement, null_ anyelement) IS ' equivalent to MySQL''s IFNULL() (Postgres auto-lowercases the name) '; -- -- Name: inherit(regclass, regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION inherit(derived regclass, base regclass) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.eval($$ALTER TABLE $$||$1||$$ INHERIT $$||$2) $_$; -- -- Name: is_constant(col_ref); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION is_constant(col col_ref) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT COALESCE(util.col_comment($1) LIKE 'constant%', false) $_$; -- -- Name: is_empty(anyarray); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION is_empty("array" anyarray) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT util.array_length($1) = 0 $_$; -- -- Name: is_explain(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION is_explain(sql text) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT upper(util.first_word($1)) = 'EXPLAIN' $_$; -- -- Name: is_explainable(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION is_explainable(sql text) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT upper(util.first_word($1)) = ANY( '{SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,VALUES,EXECUTE,DECLARE}'::text[] /*from http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/sql-explain.html#AEN77691*/ ) $_$; -- -- Name: is_more_complete_than(anyelement, anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION is_more_complete_than("left" anyelement, "right" anyelement) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT $1 IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $2 OR ($1 IS NOT NULL AND $2 IS NULL) $_$; -- -- Name: is_populated_more_often_than(anyelement, anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION is_populated_more_often_than("left" anyelement, "right" anyelement) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT $1 IS NOT NULL >= $2 IS NOT NULL -- true > false $_$; -- -- Name: is_set_stmt(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION is_set_stmt(sql text) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT upper(util.first_word($1)) = 'SET' $_$; -- -- Name: is_table(regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION is_table(relation regclass) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT relkind = 'r' FROM pg_class WHERE oid = $1 $_$; -- -- Name: is_view(regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION is_view(relation regclass) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT relkind = 'v' FROM pg_class WHERE oid = $1 $_$; -- -- Name: join_strs_transform(text, text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION join_strs_transform(state text, value text, delim text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $_$ SELECT $1 || $3 || $2 $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION join_strs_transform(state text, value text, delim text); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION join_strs_transform(state text, value text, delim text) IS ' must be declared STRICT to use the special handling of STRICT aggregating functions '; -- -- Name: keys(anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION keys(value anyelement) RETURNS anyelement LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT $1 -- compare on the entire value $_$; -- -- Name: limit2row_num(integer, integer, integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION limit2row_num(limit_ integer, offset_ integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, min_row_num integer DEFAULT 1) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT COALESCE(util.offset2row_num($2, $3) + $1 - 1, 2147483647) $_$; -- -- Name: ltrim_nl(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION ltrim_nl(str text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT ltrim($1, $$ $$) $_$; -- -- Name: map_filter_insert(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION map_filter_insert() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN IF new."from" LIKE ':%' THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; -- exclude metadata values RETURN new; END; $$; -- -- Name: map_get(regclass, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION map_get(map regclass, key text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT AS $_$ DECLARE value text; BEGIN EXECUTE $$SELECT "to" FROM $$||map||$$ WHERE "from" = $1$$ INTO value USING key; RETURN value; END; $_$; -- -- Name: map_nulls(text[], anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION map_nulls(nulls text[], value anyelement) RETURNS anyelement LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT util._map(util.nulls_map($1), $2) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION map_nulls(nulls text[], value anyelement); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION map_nulls(nulls text[], value anyelement) IS ' due to dynamic inlining[1], this is just as fast as util._map() which it wraps[2]. [1] inlining of function calls, which is different from constant folding [2] _map()''s profiling query SELECT util._map(''"1"=>NULL, "2"=>NULL, "3"=>NULL, *=>*'', v) FROM unnest(array_fill(1, array[100000])) f (v) and map_nulls()''s profiling query SELECT util.map_nulls(array[1, 2, 3]::text[], v) FROM unnest(array_fill(1, array[100000])) f (v) both take ~920 ms. also, /inputs/REMIB/Specimen/postprocess.sql > country takes the same amount of time (56000 ms) to build with map_nulls() as with a literal hstore. '; -- -- Name: map_values(regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION map_values(map regclass) RETURNS SETOF text LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT AS $_$ BEGIN RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $$SELECT "to" FROM $$||map; END; $_$; -- -- Name: materialize_query(text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION materialize_query(table_esc text, sql text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.create_if_not_exists($$CREATE TABLE $$||$1||$$ AS $$||util.ltrim_nl($2)); -- make sure the created table has the correct estimated row count SELECT util.analyze_($1); SELECT util.append_comment($1, ' contents generated from: '||util.ltrim_nl($2)||'; '); $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION materialize_query(table_esc text, sql text); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION materialize_query(table_esc text, sql text) IS ' idempotent '; -- -- Name: materialize_view(text, regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION materialize_view(table_esc text, view_ regclass) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.materialize_query($1, $$SELECT * FROM $$||$2) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION materialize_view(table_esc text, view_ regclass); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION materialize_view(table_esc text, view_ regclass) IS ' idempotent '; -- -- Name: mk_const_col(col_ref, anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION mk_const_col(col col_ref, value anyelement) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.create_if_not_exists($$ ALTER TABLE $$||$1.table_||$$ ADD COLUMN $$ ||quote_ident($1.name)||$$ $$||pg_typeof($2)||util.type_qual($2)||$$ DEFAULT $$ ||quote_literal($2)||$$; COMMENT ON COLUMN $$||$1.table_||$$.$$||quote_ident($1.name)||$$ IS ' constant '; $$) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION mk_const_col(col col_ref, value anyelement); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION mk_const_col(col col_ref, value anyelement) IS ' idempotent '; -- -- Name: mk_derived_col(col_ref, text, boolean); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION mk_derived_col(col col_ref, expr text, overwrite boolean DEFAULT false) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT AS $_$ DECLARE type regtype = util.typeof(expr, col.table_::text::regtype); col_name_sql text = quote_ident(col.name); BEGIN PERFORM util.create_if_not_exists((CASE WHEN overwrite THEN '' ELSE $$ ALTER TABLE $$||col.table_||$$ ADD COLUMN $$||col_name_sql||$$ $$||type||$$;$$ END)||$$ ALTER TABLE $$||col.table_||$$ ALTER COLUMN $$||col_name_sql||$$ TYPE $$||type||$$ USING $$||expr||$$; $$); END; $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION mk_derived_col(col col_ref, expr text, overwrite boolean); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION mk_derived_col(col col_ref, expr text, overwrite boolean) IS ' idempotent '; -- -- Name: mk_diff_query(text, text, boolean, text, text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION mk_diff_query(left_ text, right_ text, single_row boolean DEFAULT false, cols text DEFAULT 'left_, right_'::text, join_cond text DEFAULT 'left_ %== right_ -- refer to EXPLAIN output for expansion of %=='::text, filter text DEFAULT 'left_ IS DISTINCT FROM right_'::text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT $$SELECT $$||$4||$$ FROM $$||$1||$$ left_ $$||util._if($3, 'CROSS'::text, 'FULL')||$$ JOIN $$||$2||$$ right_ $$||util._if($3, ''::text, $$ON $$||$5||$$ $$)|| $$WHERE $$||$6||$$ ORDER BY left_, right_ $$ $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION mk_diff_query(left_ text, right_ text, single_row boolean, cols text, join_cond text, filter text); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION mk_diff_query(left_ text, right_ text, single_row boolean, cols text, join_cond text, filter text) IS ' single_row: whether the tables consist of a single row, which should be displayed side-by-side '; -- -- Name: mk_map_table(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION mk_map_table(table_ text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.create_if_not_exists($$ CREATE TABLE $$||$1||$$ ( LIKE util.map INCLUDING ALL ); CREATE TRIGGER map_filter_insert BEFORE INSERT ON $$||$1||$$ FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE util.map_filter_insert(); $$) $_$; -- -- Name: mk_search_path(text[]); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION mk_search_path(VARIADIC schemas text[]) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(unnest), ', ') FROM unnest($1||'util'::text) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION mk_search_path(VARIADIC schemas text[]); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION mk_search_path(VARIADIC schemas text[]) IS ' auto-appends util to the search_path to enable use of util operators '; -- -- Name: mk_set_search_path(text[]); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION mk_set_search_path(VARIADIC schemas text[]) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT util.mk_set_search_path(util.mk_search_path(VARIADIC $1)) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION mk_set_search_path(VARIADIC schemas text[]); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION mk_set_search_path(VARIADIC schemas text[]) IS ' usage: for *1* schema arg: SELECT util.mk_set_search_path(''schema'', NULL) AS search_path; -- 2 params are needed to use the correct variant of mk_set_search_path() auto-appends util to the search_path to enable use of util operators '; -- -- Name: mk_set_search_path(boolean); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION mk_set_search_path(for_printing boolean DEFAULT false) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT util.mk_set_search_path(current_setting('search_path'), $1) $_$; -- -- Name: mk_set_search_path(text, boolean); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION mk_set_search_path(search_path text, for_printing boolean DEFAULT false) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ /* debug_print_return_value() needed because this function is used with EXECUTE rather than util.eval() (in order to affect the calling function), so the search_path would not otherwise be printed */ SELECT util.debug_print_return_value($$SET$$ ||util._if($2, $$ /*LOCAL*/$$::text, $$ LOCAL$$) ||$$ search_path TO $$||$1) $_$; -- -- Name: mk_source_col(regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION mk_source_col(table_ regclass) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.mk_const_col(($1, 'source'), util.schema($1)) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION mk_source_col(table_ regclass); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION mk_source_col(table_ regclass) IS ' idempotent '; -- -- Name: mk_subset_by_row_num_func(regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION mk_subset_by_row_num_func(view_ regclass) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT AS $_$ DECLARE view_qual_name text = util.qual_name(view_); BEGIN EXECUTE $$ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION $$||view_||$$(limit_ integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, offset_ integer DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS SETOF $$||view_||$$ AS $BODY1$ SELECT * FROM $$||view_qual_name||$$ ORDER BY sort_col LIMIT $1 OFFSET $2 $BODY1$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE COST 100 ROWS 1000 $$; PERFORM util.mk_subset_by_row_num_no_sort_func(view_); END; $_$; -- -- Name: mk_subset_by_row_num_func(regclass, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION mk_subset_by_row_num_func(view_ regclass, row_num_col text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT AS $_$ DECLARE view_qual_name text = util.qual_name(view_); row_num__min__fn text = util.esc_name__append('__row_num__min', view_qual_name); BEGIN EXECUTE $$ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION $$||row_num__min__fn||$$() RETURNS integer AS $BODY1$ SELECT $$||quote_ident(row_num_col)||$$ FROM $$||view_qual_name||$$ ORDER BY $$||quote_ident(row_num_col)||$$ ASC LIMIT 1 $BODY1$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE COST 100; $$; EXECUTE $$ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION $$||view_||$$(limit_ integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, offset_ integer DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS SETOF $$||view_||$$ AS $BODY1$ SELECT * FROM $$||view_qual_name||$$ WHERE $$||quote_ident(row_num_col)||$$ BETWEEN util.offset2row_num( $2, $$||row_num__min__fn||$$()) AND util.limit2row_num ($1, $2, $$||row_num__min__fn||$$()) ORDER BY $$||quote_ident(row_num_col)||$$ $BODY1$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE COST 100 ROWS 1000 $$; PERFORM util.mk_subset_by_row_num_no_sort_func(view_); END; $_$; -- -- Name: mk_subset_by_row_num_no_sort_func(regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION mk_subset_by_row_num_no_sort_func(view_ regclass) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT AS $_$ DECLARE view_qual_name text = util.qual_name(view_); BEGIN EXECUTE $$ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION $$||view_||$$(no_sort boolean, limit_ integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, offset_ integer DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS SETOF $$||view_||$$ SET enable_sort TO 'off' AS $BODY1$ SELECT * FROM $$||view_qual_name||$$($2, $3) $BODY1$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE COST 100 ROWS 1000 ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION $$||view_||$$(no_sort boolean, limit_ integer, offset_ integer) IS ' Use this for limit values greater than ~100,000 to avoid unwanted slow sorts. If you want to run EXPLAIN and get expanded output, use the regular subset function instead. (When a config param is set on a function, EXPLAIN produces just a function scan.) '; $$; END; $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION mk_subset_by_row_num_no_sort_func(view_ regclass); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION mk_subset_by_row_num_no_sort_func(view_ regclass) IS ' creates subset function which turns off enable_sort '; -- -- Name: name(regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION name(table_ regclass) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT relname::text FROM pg_class WHERE oid = $1 $_$; -- -- Name: name(regtype); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION name(type regtype) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT typname::text FROM pg_type WHERE oid = $1 $_$; -- -- Name: name_was_truncated(text, integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION name_was_truncated(name_ text, max_prefix_len integer DEFAULT 0) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT octet_length($1) >= util.namedatalen() - $2 $_$; -- -- Name: namedatalen(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION namedatalen() RETURNS integer LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $$ SELECT octet_length(repeat('_', 1024/*>63*/)::name::text) $$; -- -- Name: not_empty(anyarray); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION not_empty(value anyarray) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT $1 IS NOT NULL AND util.array_length($1) > 0 $_$; -- -- Name: not_null(anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION not_null(value anyelement) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT $1 IS NOT NULL $_$; -- -- Name: nulls_map(text[]); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION nulls_map(nulls text[]) RETURNS hstore LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT util.hstore($1, NULL) || '*=>*' $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION nulls_map(nulls text[]); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION nulls_map(nulls text[]) IS ' for use with _map() '; -- -- Name: offset2row_num(integer, integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION offset2row_num(offset_ integer, min_row_num integer DEFAULT 1) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT $2 + COALESCE($1, 0) $_$; -- -- Name: qual_name(text[]); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION qual_name(VARIADIC elems text[]) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(unnest), '.') FROM unnest($1) $_$; -- -- Name: qual_name(regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION qual_name(table_ regclass) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql STABLE SET search_path TO pg_temp AS $_$ SELECT $1::text $_$; -- -- Name: qual_name(regtype); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION qual_name(type regtype) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql STABLE SET search_path TO pg_temp AS $_$ SELECT $1::text $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION qual_name(type regtype); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION qual_name(type regtype) IS ' a type''s schema-qualified name '; -- -- Name: qual_name(unknown); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION qual_name(type unknown) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT util.qual_name($1::text::regtype) $_$; -- -- Name: quote_func_call(regprocedure, text[]); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION quote_func_call(func regprocedure, VARIADIC args_esc text[]) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT util.quote_func_call($1::regproc::text, VARIADIC $2) $_$; -- -- Name: quote_func_call(text, text[]); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION quote_func_call(func_esc text, VARIADIC args_esc text[]) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT $1||'('||concat_ws(', ', VARIADIC $2)||')' $_$; -- -- Name: quote_typed(anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION quote_typed(value anyelement) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT quote_nullable($1)||$$::$$||util.qual_name(pg_typeof($1)) $_$; -- -- Name: raise_error_notice(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION raise_error_notice(msg text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT util.raise_notice('ERROR: '||$1) $_$; -- -- Name: raise_notice(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION raise_notice(msg text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $$ BEGIN RAISE NOTICE '%', msg; END; $$; -- -- Name: raise_undefined_column(col_ref); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION raise_undefined_column(col col_ref) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $$ BEGIN RAISE undefined_column USING MESSAGE = concat('undefined column: ', col.name); END; $$; -- -- Name: regexp_matches_group(text, text, integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION regexp_matches_group(str text, re text, group_ integer DEFAULT 1) RETURNS SETOF text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT regexp_matches[$3] FROM regexp_matches($1, $2, 'g') $_$; -- -- Name: regexp_quote(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION regexp_quote(str text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT regexp_replace($1, '\W', /*\char*/'\\\&', 'g') $_$; -- -- Name: regprocedure(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION regprocedure(func text) RETURNS regprocedure LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT (CASE WHEN right($1, 1) = ')' THEN $1::regprocedure ELSE $1::regproc::regprocedure END) $_$; -- -- Name: relation_type(regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION relation_type(relation regclass) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT util.relation_type(util.relation_type_char($1)) $_$; -- -- Name: relation_type("char"); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION relation_type(relation_type_char "char") RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT 'r=>TABLE, v=>VIEW'::hstore -> $1 $_$; -- -- Name: relation_type_char(regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION relation_type_char(relation regclass) RETURNS "char" LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT relkind FROM pg_class WHERE oid = $1 $_$; -- -- Name: remake_diff_table(text, regclass, regclass, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION remake_diff_table(diff_table text, left_table regclass, right_table regclass, type_table text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ /* can't have in_table/out_table inherit from *each other*, because inheritance also causes the rows of the parent table to be included in the child table. instead, they need to inherit from a common, empty table. */ SELECT util.create_if_not_exists($$SELECT $$||util.quote_func_call( 'util.copy_struct', util.quote_typed($2), util.quote_typed($4))); SELECT util.inherit($2, $4); SELECT util.inherit($3, $4); SELECT util.rematerialize_query($1, $$ SELECT * FROM util.diff( $$||util.quote_typed($2)||$$ , $$||util.quote_typed($3)||$$ , NULL::$$||$4||$$) $$); /* the table unfortunately cannot be *materialized* in human-readable form, because this would create column name collisions between the two sides */ SELECT util.append_comment($1, ' to view this table in human-readable form (with each side''s tuple column expanded to its component fields): SELECT (left_).*, (right_).* FROM '||$1||'; '); $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION remake_diff_table(diff_table text, left_table regclass, right_table regclass, type_table text); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION remake_diff_table(diff_table text, left_table regclass, right_table regclass, type_table text) IS ' type_table (*required*): table to create as the shared base type '; -- -- Name: rematerialize_query(text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION rematerialize_query(table_esc text, sql text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.drop_table($1); SELECT util.materialize_query($1, $2); $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION rematerialize_query(table_esc text, sql text); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION rematerialize_query(table_esc text, sql text) IS ' idempotent, but repeats action each time '; -- -- Name: rematerialize_view(text, regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION rematerialize_view(table_esc text, view_ regclass) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.drop_table($1); SELECT util.materialize_view($1, $2); $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION rematerialize_view(table_esc text, view_ regclass); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION rematerialize_view(table_esc text, view_ regclass) IS ' idempotent, but repeats action each time '; -- -- Name: rename_cols(regclass, anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION rename_cols(table_ regclass, renames anyelement) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.try_create($$ALTER TABLE $$||$1||$$ RENAME $$ ||quote_ident(name)||$$ TO $$||quote_ident($2 -> name)) FROM util.col_names($1::text::regtype) f (name); SELECT NULL::void; -- don't fold away functions called in previous query $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION rename_cols(table_ regclass, renames anyelement); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION rename_cols(table_ regclass, renames anyelement) IS ' idempotent '; -- -- Name: rename_relation(regclass, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION rename_relation(from_ regclass, to_ text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ /* use util.qual_name() instead of ::text so that the schema qualifier is always included in the debug SQL */ SELECT util.rename_relation(util.qual_name($1), $2) $_$; -- -- Name: rename_relation(text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION rename_relation(from_esc text, to_name text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ /* 'ALTER TABLE can be used with views too' (http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/sql-alterview.html) */ SELECT util.eval($$ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS $$||$1||$$ RENAME TO $$ ||quote_ident($2)) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION rename_relation(from_esc text, to_name text); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION rename_relation(from_esc text, to_name text) IS ' idempotent '; -- -- Name: replace_suffix(text, text, text, integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION replace_suffix(str text, old_suffix text, new_suffix text, max_prefix_len integer DEFAULT 0) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT regexp_replace($1, util.truncated_prefixed_name_regexp($2, $4), '\1'||$3) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION replace_suffix(str text, old_suffix text, new_suffix text, max_prefix_len integer); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION replace_suffix(str text, old_suffix text, new_suffix text, max_prefix_len integer) IS ' max_prefix_len: when str may have been truncated (eg. as a table name) due to the prepending of a prefix, support prefixes up to this length '; -- -- Name: reset_col_names(regclass, regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION reset_col_names(table_ regclass, names regclass) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.eval($$DELETE FROM $$||$2||$$ WHERE "from" LIKE ':%'$$); SELECT util.mk_derived_col(($2, 'to'), $$"from"$$, overwrite := true); SELECT util.set_col_names($1, $2); $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION reset_col_names(table_ regclass, names regclass); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION reset_col_names(table_ regclass, names regclass) IS ' idempotent. alters the names table, so it will need to be repopulated after running this function. '; -- -- Name: reset_map_table(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION reset_map_table(table_ text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.drop_table($1); SELECT util.mk_map_table($1); $_$; -- -- Name: rtrim_n(text, integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION rtrim_n(str text, count integer) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT (CASE WHEN $2 <= 0 THEN $1 ELSE left($1, -$2) END) $_$; -- -- Name: runnable_sql(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION runnable_sql(sql text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT (CASE WHEN util.is_set_stmt($1) THEN '' ELSE util.mk_set_search_path(for_printing := true)||$$; $$ END)||$1 $_$; -- -- Name: save_drop_view(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION save_drop_view(view_ text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT AS $_$ DECLARE result text = NULL; BEGIN BEGIN result = util.show_create_view(view_); PERFORM util.eval($$DROP VIEW $$||view_); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_table THEN NULL; END; RETURN result; END; $_$; -- -- Name: save_drop_views(text[]); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION save_drop_views(views text[]) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT string_agg(util.save_drop_view(unnest), '') FROM unnest($1) $_$; -- -- Name: schema(oid); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION schema(pg_namespace_oid oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT nspname::text FROM pg_namespace WHERE pg_namespace.oid = $1 $_$; -- -- Name: schema(regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION schema(table_ regclass) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT util.schema(relnamespace) FROM pg_class WHERE oid = $1 $_$; -- -- Name: schema(regtype); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION schema(type regtype) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT util.schema(typnamespace) FROM pg_type WHERE oid = $1 $_$; -- -- Name: schema(anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION schema(type_null anyelement) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT util.schema(pg_typeof($1)) $_$; -- -- Name: schema_bundle_get_schemas(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION schema_bundle_get_schemas(schema_bundle text) RETURNS SETOF text LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT nspname::text FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname ~ ('^'||$1||'(?=\y|_)') $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION schema_bundle_get_schemas(schema_bundle text); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION schema_bundle_get_schemas(schema_bundle text) IS ' a schema bundle is a group of schemas with a common prefix '; -- -- Name: schema_bundle_rename(text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION schema_bundle_rename(old text, new text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.schema_rename(old_schema, overlay(old_schema placing new from 1 for length(old))) -- replace prefix FROM util.schema_bundle_get_schemas($1) f (old_schema); SELECT NULL::void; -- don't fold away functions called in previous query $_$; -- -- Name: schema_bundle_replace(text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION schema_bundle_replace(replace text, with_ text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN -- don't schema_bundle_rm() the schema_bundle to keep! IF replace = with_ THEN RETURN; END IF; PERFORM util.schema_bundle_rm(replace); PERFORM util.schema_bundle_rename(with_, replace); END; $$; -- -- Name: schema_bundle_rm(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION schema_bundle_rm(schema_bundle text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.schema_rm(schema) FROM util.schema_bundle_get_schemas($1) f (schema); SELECT NULL::void; -- don't fold away functions called in previous query $_$; -- -- Name: schema_esc(anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION schema_esc(type_null anyelement) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT quote_ident(util.schema($1)) $_$; -- -- Name: schema_matches(text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION schema_matches(schema text, schema_regexp text) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT $1 ~ $2 AND /*in userspace*/$1 !~ '^(?:information_schema|pg_.*)$' $_$; -- -- Name: schema_oid(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION schema_oid(schema text) RETURNS oid LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = $1 $_$; -- -- Name: schema_rename(text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION schema_rename(old text, new text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.eval($$ALTER SCHEMA $$||quote_ident($1)||$$ RENAME TO $$||quote_ident($2)); $_$; -- -- Name: schema_replace(text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION schema_replace(replace text, with_ text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN -- don't schema_rm() the schema to keep! IF replace = with_ THEN RETURN; END IF; PERFORM util.schema_rm(replace); PERFORM util.schema_rename(with_, replace); END; $$; -- -- Name: schema_rm(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION schema_rm(schema text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.eval($$DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS $$||quote_ident($1)||$$ CASCADE$$); $_$; -- -- Name: search_path_append(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION search_path_append(schemas text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.eval( $$SET search_path TO $$||current_setting('search_path')||$$, $$||$1); $_$; -- -- Name: set_col_names(regclass, regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION set_col_names(table_ regclass, names regclass) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT AS $_$ DECLARE old text[] = ARRAY(SELECT util.col_names(table_)); new text[] = ARRAY(SELECT util.map_values(names)); BEGIN old = old[1:array_length(new, 1)]; -- truncate to same length PERFORM util.eval($$ALTER TABLE $$||$1||$$ RENAME $$||quote_ident(key) ||$$ TO $$||quote_ident(value)) FROM each(hstore(old, new)) WHERE value != key -- not same name ; END; $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION set_col_names(table_ regclass, names regclass); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION set_col_names(table_ regclass, names regclass) IS ' idempotent '; -- -- Name: set_col_names_with_metadata(regclass, regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION set_col_names_with_metadata(table_ regclass, names regclass) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT AS $_$ DECLARE row_ util.map; BEGIN -- rename any metadata cols rather than re-adding them with new names BEGIN PERFORM util.set_col_names(table_, names); EXCEPTION WHEN array_subscript_error THEN -- selective suppress IF SQLERRM LIKE 'arrays must have same bounds' THEN NULL; -- metadata cols not yet added ELSE RAISE USING ERRCODE = SQLSTATE, MESSAGE = SQLERRM; -- rethrow END IF; END; FOR row_ IN EXECUTE $$SELECT * FROM $$||names||$$ WHERE "from" LIKE ':%'$$ LOOP PERFORM util.mk_const_col((table_, row_."to"), substring(row_."from" from 2)); END LOOP; PERFORM util.set_col_names(table_, names); END; $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION set_col_names_with_metadata(table_ regclass, names regclass); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION set_col_names_with_metadata(table_ regclass, names regclass) IS ' idempotent. the metadata mappings must be *last* in the names table. '; -- -- Name: set_col_types(regclass, col_cast[]); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION set_col_types(table_ regclass, col_casts col_cast[]) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT AS $_$ DECLARE sql text = $$ALTER TABLE $$||table_||$$ $$||NULLIF(array_to_string(ARRAY( SELECT $$ALTER COLUMN $$||col_name_sql||$$ TYPE $$||target_type ||$$ USING $$||col_name_sql||$$::$$||target_type FROM ( SELECT quote_ident(col_name) AS col_name_sql , util.col_type((table_, col_name)) AS curr_type , type AS target_type FROM unnest(col_casts) ) s WHERE curr_type != target_type ), ' , '), ''); BEGIN PERFORM util.debug_print_sql(sql); EXECUTE COALESCE(sql, ''); END; $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION set_col_types(table_ regclass, col_casts col_cast[]); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION set_col_types(table_ regclass, col_casts col_cast[]) IS ' idempotent '; -- -- Name: set_comment(regclass, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION set_comment(table_ regclass, comment text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.eval($$COMMENT ON TABLE $$||$1||$$ IS $$||quote_nullable($2)) $_$; -- -- Name: set_search_path(text, boolean); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION set_search_path(search_path text, for_session boolean DEFAULT false) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.eval(util.mk_set_search_path($1, $2)) $_$; -- -- Name: show_create_view(regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION show_create_view(view_ regclass) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT $$CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW $$||$1||$$ AS $$||pg_get_viewdef($1)||$$; $$||util.show_grants_for($1) $_$; -- -- Name: show_grants_for(regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION show_grants_for(table_ regclass) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT string_agg(cmd, '') FROM ( SELECT (CASE WHEN has_table_privilege(user_, $1, 'SELECT') THEN $$GRANT SELECT ON TABLE $$||$1||$$ TO $$||quote_ident(user_)||$$; $$ ELSE '' END) AS cmd FROM util.grants_users() f (user_) ) s $_$; -- -- Name: show_relations_like(text, text, character[]); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION show_relations_like(name_regexp text, schema_regexp text DEFAULT ''::text, types character[] DEFAULT ARRAY['r'::text, 'v'::text]) RETURNS SETOF regclass LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = ANY($3) AND relname ~ $1 AND util.schema_matches(util.schema(relnamespace), $2) ORDER BY relname $_$; -- -- Name: show_views_like(text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION show_views_like(name_regexp text, schema_regexp text DEFAULT ''::text) RETURNS SETOF regclass LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT * FROM util.show_relations_like($1, $2, ARRAY['v']) $_$; -- -- Name: str_equality_regexp(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION str_equality_regexp(literal text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT '^'||util.regexp_quote($1)||'$' $_$; -- -- Name: table2hstore(regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION table2hstore(table_ regclass) RETURNS hstore LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT AS $_$ DECLARE hstore hstore; BEGIN EXECUTE $$SELECT hstore(ARRAY(SELECT unnest(ARRAY["from", "to"]) FROM $$|| table_||$$))$$ INTO STRICT hstore; RETURN hstore; END; $_$; -- -- Name: table_flag__get(regclass, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION table_flag__get(table_ regclass, flag text) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM pg_constraint WHERE conrelid = $1 AND contype = 'c' AND conname = $2 $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION table_flag__get(table_ regclass, flag text); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION table_flag__get(table_ regclass, flag text) IS ' gets whether a status flag is set by the presence of a table constraint '; -- -- Name: table_flag__set(regclass, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION table_flag__set(table_ regclass, flag text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.create_if_not_exists($$ALTER TABLE $$||$1||$$ ADD CONSTRAINT $$ ||quote_ident($2)||$$ CHECK (true)$$) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION table_flag__set(table_ regclass, flag text); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION table_flag__set(table_ regclass, flag text) IS ' stores a status flag by the presence of a table constraint. idempotent. '; -- -- Name: table_nulls_mapped__get(regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION table_nulls_mapped__get(table_ regclass) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $_$ SELECT util.table_flag__get($1, 'nulls_mapped') $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION table_nulls_mapped__get(table_ regclass); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION table_nulls_mapped__get(table_ regclass) IS ' gets whether a table''s NULL-equivalent strings have been replaced with NULL '; -- -- Name: table_nulls_mapped__set(regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION table_nulls_mapped__set(table_ regclass) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.table_flag__set($1, 'nulls_mapped') $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION table_nulls_mapped__set(table_ regclass); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION table_nulls_mapped__set(table_ regclass) IS ' sets that a table''s NULL-equivalent strings have been replaced with NULL. idempotent. '; -- -- Name: to_global_col_names(regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION to_global_col_names(table_ regclass) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT AS $_$ DECLARE row record; BEGIN FOR row IN SELECT * FROM util.col_global_names(table_::text::regtype) LOOP IF row.global_name != row.name THEN EXECUTE $$ALTER TABLE $$||table_||$$ RENAME $$ ||quote_ident(row.name)||$$ TO $$||quote_ident(row.global_name); END IF; END LOOP; END; $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION to_global_col_names(table_ regclass); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION to_global_col_names(table_ regclass) IS ' idempotent '; -- -- Name: trim(regclass, regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION "trim"(table_ regclass, names regclass) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.drop_column(($1, col)) FROM util.added_cols($1, $2) f (col); SELECT NULL::void; -- don't fold away functions called in previous query $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION "trim"(table_ regclass, names regclass); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION "trim"(table_ regclass, names regclass) IS ' trims table_ to include only columns in the original data. idempotent. '; -- -- Name: truncate(regclass); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION truncate(table_ regclass) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT AS $_$ BEGIN EXECUTE $$TRUNCATE $$||table_||$$ CASCADE$$; END; $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION truncate(table_ regclass); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION truncate(table_ regclass) IS ' idempotent '; -- -- Name: truncated_prefixed_name_regexp(text, integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION truncated_prefixed_name_regexp(name text, max_prefix_len integer) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT '^(.*)'||util._if(util.name_was_truncated($1, $2), util.regexp_quote(util.rtrim_n($1, $2))||'.*', util.regexp_quote($1)) ||'$' $_$; -- -- Name: try_create(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION try_create(sql text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM util.eval(sql); EXCEPTION WHEN wrong_object_type THEN NULL; -- trying to alter a view's columns WHEN undefined_column THEN NULL; WHEN duplicate_column THEN NULL; END; $$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION try_create(sql text); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION try_create(sql text) IS ' idempotent '; -- -- Name: try_mk_derived_col(col_ref, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION try_mk_derived_col(col col_ref, expr text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.try_create($$SELECT util.mk_derived_col($$||quote_literal($1)||$$, $$||quote_literal($2)||$$)$$) $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION try_mk_derived_col(col col_ref, expr text); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION try_mk_derived_col(col col_ref, expr text) IS ' idempotent '; -- -- Name: type_qual(anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION type_qual(value anyelement) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT CASE WHEN $1 IS NULL THEN '' ELSE $$ NOT NULL$$ END $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION type_qual(value anyelement); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION type_qual(value anyelement) IS ' a type''s NOT NULL qualifier '; -- -- Name: typeof(anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION typeof(value anyelement) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $_$ SELECT util.qual_name(pg_typeof($1)) $_$; -- -- Name: typeof(text, regtype); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION typeof(expr text, table_ regtype DEFAULT NULL::regtype) RETURNS regtype LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE AS $_$ DECLARE type regtype; BEGIN EXECUTE $$SELECT pg_typeof($$||expr||$$)$$|| COALESCE($$ FROM (SELECT (NULL::$$||table_||$$).*) _s$$, '') INTO STRICT type; RETURN type; END; $_$; -- -- Name: use_own_schema(anyelement); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION use_own_schema(schema_anchor anyelement) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $_$ SELECT util.set_search_path(util.schema_esc($1)) $_$; -- -- Name: all_same(anyelement); Type: AGGREGATE; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE AGGREGATE all_same(anyelement) ( SFUNC = all_same_transform, STYPE = anyarray, FINALFUNC = all_same_final ); -- -- Name: AGGREGATE all_same(anyelement); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON AGGREGATE all_same(anyelement) IS ' includes NULLs in comparison '; -- -- Name: join_strs(text, text); Type: AGGREGATE; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE AGGREGATE join_strs(text, text) ( SFUNC = join_strs_transform, STYPE = text ); -- -- Name: %==; Type: OPERATOR; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE OPERATOR %== ( PROCEDURE = "%==", LEFTARG = anyelement, RIGHTARG = anyelement ); -- -- Name: OPERATOR %== (anyelement, anyelement); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON OPERATOR %== (anyelement, anyelement) IS ' returns whether the map-keys of the compared values are the same (mnemonic: % is the Perl symbol for a hash map) should be overridden for types that store both keys and values used in a FULL JOIN to select which columns to join on '; -- -- Name: ->; Type: OPERATOR; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE OPERATOR -> ( PROCEDURE = map_get, LEFTARG = regclass, RIGHTARG = text ); -- -- Name: =>; Type: OPERATOR; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE OPERATOR => ( PROCEDURE = hstore, LEFTARG = text[], RIGHTARG = text ); -- -- Name: OPERATOR => (text[], text); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON OPERATOR => (text[], text) IS ' usage: array[''key1'', ...]::text[] => ''value'' '; -- -- Name: ?*>=; Type: OPERATOR; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE OPERATOR ?*>= ( PROCEDURE = is_populated_more_often_than, LEFTARG = anyelement, RIGHTARG = anyelement ); -- -- Name: ?>=; Type: OPERATOR; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE OPERATOR ?>= ( PROCEDURE = is_more_complete_than, LEFTARG = anyelement, RIGHTARG = anyelement ); -- -- Name: ||%; Type: OPERATOR; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE OPERATOR ||% ( PROCEDURE = concat_esc, LEFTARG = text, RIGHTARG = text ); -- -- Name: OPERATOR ||% (text, text); Type: COMMENT; Schema: util; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON OPERATOR ||% (text, text) IS ' % indicates an identifier, as in Perl hashes and one of the x86 assembler syntaxes for registers '; -- -- Name: map; Type: TABLE; Schema: util; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE map ( "from" text NOT NULL, "to" text, filter text, notes text ); -- -- Data for Name: explain; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: util; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: map; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: util; Owner: - -- -- -- Name: map__unique__from; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: util; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY map ADD CONSTRAINT map__unique__from UNIQUE ("from"); -- -- Name: map__unique__to; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: util; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY map ADD CONSTRAINT map__unique__to UNIQUE ("to"); -- -- Name: map_filter_insert; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: util; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER map_filter_insert BEFORE INSERT ON map FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE map_filter_insert(); -- -- PostgreSQL database dump complete --