-- -- PostgreSQL database dump -- SET statement_timeout = 0; SET lock_timeout = 0; SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = on; SET check_function_bodies = false; SET client_min_messages = warning; SET search_path = "NY", pg_catalog; -- -- Name: _specimens_01_count_of_total_records_specimens_in_source_db; Type: VIEW; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW _specimens_01_count_of_total_records_specimens_in_source_db AS SELECT count(*) AS "totalSpecimenRecords" FROM "Ecatalog_all"; -- -- Name: VIEW _specimens_01_count_of_total_records_specimens_in_source_db; Type: COMMENT; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON VIEW _specimens_01_count_of_total_records_specimens_in_source_db IS ' Check: should return 1 row '; -- -- Name: _specimens_02_count_of_unique_verbatim_families; Type: VIEW; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW _specimens_02_count_of_unique_verbatim_families AS SELECT count(DISTINCT "Ecatalog_all".family) AS families FROM "Ecatalog_all" WHERE ("Ecatalog_all".family IS NOT NULL); -- -- Name: VIEW _specimens_02_count_of_unique_verbatim_families; Type: COMMENT; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON VIEW _specimens_02_count_of_unique_verbatim_families IS ' Check: should return 1 row '; -- -- Name: _specimens_03_list_of_verbatim_families; Type: VIEW; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW _specimens_03_list_of_verbatim_families AS SELECT DISTINCT concat_ws(' '::text, "Ecatalog_all".genus, "Ecatalog_all"."specificEpithet") AS "specificEpithet" FROM "Ecatalog_all" WHERE (("Ecatalog_all".genus IS NOT NULL) AND ("Ecatalog_all"."specificEpithet" IS NOT NULL)); -- -- Name: VIEW _specimens_03_list_of_verbatim_families; Type: COMMENT; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON VIEW _specimens_03_list_of_verbatim_families IS ' Check: should return same number of rows '; -- -- Name: _specimens_04_count_of_species_binomials; Type: VIEW; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW _specimens_04_count_of_species_binomials AS SELECT count(DISTINCT concat_ws(' '::text, "Ecatalog_all".genus, "Ecatalog_all"."specificEpithet")) AS species_binomials FROM "Ecatalog_all" WHERE ((("Ecatalog_all".genus IS NOT NULL) AND ("Ecatalog_all"."specificEpithet" IS NOT NULL)) AND ("Ecatalog_all".subspecies IS NOT NULL)); -- -- Name: VIEW _specimens_04_count_of_species_binomials; Type: COMMENT; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON VIEW _specimens_04_count_of_species_binomials IS ' Check: should return 1 row '; -- -- Name: _specimens_05_list_of_species_binomials; Type: VIEW; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW _specimens_05_list_of_species_binomials AS SELECT DISTINCT concat_ws(' '::text, "Ecatalog_all".genus, "Ecatalog_all"."specificEpithet") AS species_binomial FROM "Ecatalog_all" WHERE ((("Ecatalog_all".genus IS NOT NULL) AND ("Ecatalog_all"."specificEpithet" IS NOT NULL)) AND ("Ecatalog_all".subspecies IS NOT NULL)); -- -- Name: VIEW _specimens_05_list_of_species_binomials; Type: COMMENT; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON VIEW _specimens_05_list_of_species_binomials IS ' Check: should return 3335 rows '; -- -- Name: _specimens_06_count_of_unique_verb_subsp_taxa_with_author; Type: VIEW; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW _specimens_06_count_of_unique_verb_subsp_taxa_with_author AS SELECT count(DISTINCT concat_ws(' '::text, "Ecatalog_all".genus, "Ecatalog_all"."specificEpithet", "Ecatalog_all".subspecies)) AS taxon_names_with_author FROM "Ecatalog_all" WHERE (("Ecatalog_all".genus IS NOT NULL) AND ("Ecatalog_all"."specificEpithet" IS NOT NULL)); -- -- Name: VIEW _specimens_06_count_of_unique_verb_subsp_taxa_with_author; Type: COMMENT; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON VIEW _specimens_06_count_of_unique_verb_subsp_taxa_with_author IS ' Check: should return 1 row '; -- -- Name: _specimens_07_list_of_verbatim_subspecific_taxa_with_author; Type: VIEW; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW _specimens_07_list_of_verbatim_subspecific_taxa_with_author AS SELECT DISTINCT concat_ws(' '::text, "Ecatalog_all".genus, "Ecatalog_all"."specificEpithet") AS taxon_name_with_author FROM "Ecatalog_all" WHERE (("Ecatalog_all".genus IS NOT NULL) AND ("Ecatalog_all"."specificEpithet" IS NOT NULL)); -- -- Name: VIEW _specimens_07_list_of_verbatim_subspecific_taxa_with_author; Type: COMMENT; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON VIEW _specimens_07_list_of_verbatim_subspecific_taxa_with_author IS ' Check: should return 40145 rows '; -- -- Name: _specimens_08_count_of_unique_verbatim_author_taxa_with_genus; Type: VIEW; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW _specimens_08_count_of_unique_verbatim_author_taxa_with_genus AS SELECT count(DISTINCT btrim(concat_ws(' '::text, btrim(concat_ws(' '::text, "Ecatalog_all".genus, ifnull("Ecatalog_all"."specificEpithet", ''::text), ifnull("Ecatalog_all".subspecies, ''::text))), btrim(ifnull("Ecatalog_all"."scientificNameAuthorship", ''::text))))) AS taxon_names_with_author FROM "Ecatalog_all" WHERE ("Ecatalog_all".genus IS NOT NULL); -- -- Name: VIEW _specimens_08_count_of_unique_verbatim_author_taxa_with_genus; Type: COMMENT; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON VIEW _specimens_08_count_of_unique_verbatim_author_taxa_with_genus IS ' Check: should return 1 row '; -- -- Name: _specimens_09_list_of_unique_verbatim_author_taxa_with_genus; Type: VIEW; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW _specimens_09_list_of_unique_verbatim_author_taxa_with_genus AS SELECT DISTINCT btrim(concat_ws(' '::text, btrim(concat_ws(' '::text, "Ecatalog_all".genus, ifnull("Ecatalog_all"."specificEpithet", ''::text), ifnull("Ecatalog_all".subspecies, ''::text))), btrim(ifnull("Ecatalog_all"."scientificNameAuthorship", ''::text)))) AS taxon_name_with_author FROM "Ecatalog_all" WHERE ("Ecatalog_all".genus IS NOT NULL); -- -- Name: VIEW _specimens_09_list_of_unique_verbatim_author_taxa_with_genus; Type: COMMENT; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON VIEW _specimens_09_list_of_unique_verbatim_author_taxa_with_genus IS ' Check: should return 45997 rows '; -- -- Name: _specimens_10_count_number_of_records_by_institution; Type: VIEW; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW _specimens_10_count_number_of_records_by_institution AS SELECT "Ecatalog_all".specimen_duplicate_institutions, count(*) AS records FROM "Ecatalog_all" GROUP BY "Ecatalog_all".specimen_duplicate_institutions; -- -- Name: VIEW _specimens_10_count_number_of_records_by_institution; Type: COMMENT; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON VIEW _specimens_10_count_number_of_records_by_institution IS ' Note: Majority should be from ''NY''; these are standard herbarium acronyms Check: should return 6 rows '; -- -- Name: _specimens_11_list_of_three_standard_political_divisions; Type: VIEW; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW _specimens_11_list_of_three_standard_political_divisions AS SELECT DISTINCT "Ecatalog_all".country, "Ecatalog_all"."stateProvince", "Ecatalog_all".county FROM "Ecatalog_all"; -- -- Name: VIEW _specimens_11_list_of_three_standard_political_divisions; Type: COMMENT; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON VIEW _specimens_11_list_of_three_standard_political_divisions IS ' Note: character set issues may cause mis-matches. This query is a good way to reveal character set issues, either in source db or in BIEN Check: should return 5232 rows '; -- -- Name: _specimens_12_distinct_collector_name_collect_num_date_w_count; Type: VIEW; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW _specimens_12_distinct_collector_name_collect_num_date_w_count AS SELECT ifnull("Ecatalog_all"."recordedBy", ''::text) AS "collectorName", ifnull("Ecatalog_all"."collectorNumber", ''::text) AS "collectionNumber", (concat_ws('-'::text, "Ecatalog_all"."yearCollected", "Ecatalog_all"."monthCollected", "Ecatalog_all"."dayCollected"))::date AS "dateCollected", count(*) AS "specimenRecords" FROM "Ecatalog_all" GROUP BY "Ecatalog_all"."recordedBy", "Ecatalog_all"."collectorNumber", concat_ws('-'::text, "Ecatalog_all"."yearCollected", "Ecatalog_all"."monthCollected", "Ecatalog_all"."dayCollected") ORDER BY "Ecatalog_all"."recordedBy", "Ecatalog_all"."collectorNumber", concat_ws('-'::text, "Ecatalog_all"."yearCollected", "Ecatalog_all"."monthCollected", "Ecatalog_all"."dayCollected"); -- -- Name: VIEW _specimens_12_distinct_collector_name_collect_num_date_w_count; Type: COMMENT; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON VIEW _specimens_12_distinct_collector_name_collect_num_date_w_count IS ' Check: should return 309396 rows '; -- -- Name: _specimens_13_count_of_all_verbatim_and_decimal_lat_long; Type: VIEW; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW _specimens_13_count_of_all_verbatim_and_decimal_lat_long AS SELECT ( SELECT count(*) AS count FROM "Ecatalog_all" WHERE ("Ecatalog_all"."decimalLatitude" IS NOT NULL)) AS "allLats", ( SELECT count(*) AS count FROM "Ecatalog_all" WHERE ("Ecatalog_all"."decimalLatitude" ~ '^(-|\\+){0,1}([0-9]+\\.[0-9]*|[0-9]*\\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)$'::text)) AS "decimalLats", ( SELECT count(*) AS count FROM "Ecatalog_all" WHERE ("Ecatalog_all"."decimalLongitude" IS NOT NULL)) AS "allLongs", ( SELECT count(*) AS count FROM "Ecatalog_all" WHERE ("Ecatalog_all"."decimalLongitude" ~ '^(-|\\+){0,1}([0-9]+\\.[0-9]*|[0-9]*\\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)$'::text)) AS "decimalLongs"; -- -- Name: VIEW _specimens_13_count_of_all_verbatim_and_decimal_lat_long; Type: COMMENT; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON VIEW _specimens_13_count_of_all_verbatim_and_decimal_lat_long IS ' Check: should return 1 row '; -- -- Name: _specimens_14_count_of_all_invalid_verbatim_lat_long; Type: VIEW; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW _specimens_14_count_of_all_invalid_verbatim_lat_long AS SELECT ( SELECT count(*) AS count FROM "Ecatalog_all" WHERE ((("Ecatalog_all"."decimalLatitude")::double precision > (90)::double precision) OR (("Ecatalog_all"."decimalLatitude")::double precision < ((-90))::double precision))) AS "badLats", ( SELECT count(*) AS count FROM "Ecatalog_all" WHERE ((("Ecatalog_all"."decimalLongitude")::double precision > (180)::double precision) OR (("Ecatalog_all"."decimalLongitude")::double precision < ((-180))::double precision))) AS "badLongs"; -- -- Name: VIEW _specimens_14_count_of_all_invalid_verbatim_lat_long; Type: COMMENT; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON VIEW _specimens_14_count_of_all_invalid_verbatim_lat_long IS ' Check: should return 1 row '; -- -- Name: _specimens_15_list_distinct_locality_descriptions; Type: VIEW; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW _specimens_15_list_distinct_locality_descriptions AS SELECT DISTINCT "Ecatalog_all".locality__main AS "localityDescription" FROM "Ecatalog_all" WHERE ("Ecatalog_all".locality__main IS NOT NULL); -- -- Name: VIEW _specimens_15_list_distinct_locality_descriptions; Type: COMMENT; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON VIEW _specimens_15_list_distinct_locality_descriptions IS ' Check: should return 125592 records '; -- -- Name: _specimens_16_list_distinct_specimen_descriptions; Type: VIEW; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW _specimens_16_list_distinct_specimen_descriptions AS SELECT "Ecatalog_all"."specimenDescription" FROM "Ecatalog_all" WHERE ("Ecatalog_all"."specimenDescription" IS NOT NULL); -- -- Name: VIEW _specimens_16_list_distinct_specimen_descriptions; Type: COMMENT; Schema: NY; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON VIEW _specimens_16_list_distinct_specimen_descriptions IS ' Note: specimens descriptions in nybg extract is in column "specimenDescription" Check: should return 158460 records '; -- -- PostgreSQL database dump complete --