BIEN geovalidation notes ======================== ***** obtain source code: svn co ***** install dependencies: The only dependencies for running these scripts are PostgreSQL 9.1, postgis 2.0, and unzip. For postgis installation on Ubuntu 12.04 see: Installing these packages on Ubuntu 13.04 should only require these commands: sudo apt-get install unzip sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable * Note additional install instructions for postgis-2.0 on Ubuntu 13 found here: * * Currently, the ubuntugis-unstable sources list needs to change to 'quantal'. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.1-postgis-2.0-scripts ***** Notes on running the shell scripts: Running any script with the -? or --help option will print a usage message with all available options for that script, and then exit. The following scripts accept database connection options, similar to psql. For example: -d dbname -h hostname -U username The defaults passed to psql commands, if no options are given to the shell scripts, are 'geoscrub' for dbname and 'bien' for username. The -h option is not passed to psql commands by default. The scripts will only download fresh validation data if the directories for GADM data (~/gadm_v2_shp by default) and data (~/geonames by default) do not already exist or do not contain that data. The geoscrub scripts will only download fresh input data if the directory for the input data (~/geoscrub_input by default) does not already exist or does not contain the geoscrub-corpus.csv input file. ***** initialize the DB: cd 1. - creates postgis DB and all base tables ***** update geoscrub validation data: runtime: ~40 minutes cd 2. [--gadm-data=gadm_dir] [--geonames-data=geonames_dir] - runs the following scripts in order to load validation data: * runtime: ~15 minutes (not including download time) - loads GADM2 data into a new (or re-created) gadm2 table * runtime: ~25 minutes (not including download time) - loads data and adds some custom mapping logic * geonames-to-gadm.*.sql runtime: ~1 minute - contains SQL statements that build linkages between names and GADM2 names ***** geoscrub new data: WARNING: deletes any previous geoscrubbing results! runtime: ~2.5 h cd 3. [--geoscrub-input=input_dir] [--output-file=geoscrub-output.csv] - runs the following scripts in order to load and scrub vegbien input data: * - dumps geoscrub_input from vegbien and loads it into the geoscrub db * geonames.sql - contains SQL statements that scrub asserted names and (to the extent possible) map them to GADM2 * geovalidate.sql runtime: 2.5 h - contains (postgis-extended) SQL statements that score the validity of GADM2-scrubbed names against given point coordinates - If the --output-file (or -o) option is given, then the final geoscrub table will be dumped to the specified output file in CSV format. [Also see comments embedded in specific scripts in this directory.] The bash and SQL statements contained in the files as ordered above should be applied to carry out geographic name scrubbing and geovalidation on a given corpus of BIEN location records. That said, given the tight deadline under which this was done in order to produced a geovalidated BIEN3 corpus in advance of the Nov 2013 working group meeting, and the corresponding manner in which much of this was actually executed piecemeal in an iterative and interactive fashion within a bash shell and psql session, I can't guarantee that the code in its current state could be run end-to-end without intervention. It's close, but probably not bulletproof. The resulting 'geoscrub' table is what contains the scrubbed (i.e., GADM2-matched) names and various geovalidation scores. Notes/Caveats/Todos: * Clearly the SQL statements used in this procedure suffer from a lot of redundancy, and it might be worth trying to refactor once we're happy with the particular approach taken. * Need to pull out more known notes/caveats/todos and highlight them :)