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Revision 13422

fix: /README.TXT: Full database import: clear any limit set in .profile: moved to inside screen because it must happen within screen to avoid affecting the outer shell

View differences:

90 90
			List backups/ to view older backups
91 91
			Check their MD5 sums using the steps under On jupiter below
92 92
			Remove these backups
	unset n # on local machine, clear any limit set in .profile (unless desired)
94 93
	unset version # clear any version from last import, etc.
95 94
	if no commits have been made since the last import (eg. if retrying an
96 95
		import), set a custom version that differs from the auto-assigned one
101 100
			# env var will be inherited by `screen` shell
102 101
103 102
	Press ENTER
	the following must happen within screen to avoid affecting the outer shell:
104 104
	unset TMOUT # TMOUT causes screen to exit even with background processes
105 105
	set -o ignoreeof #prevent Ctrl+D from exiting `screen` to keep attached jobs
	unset n # on local machine, clear any limit set in .profile (unless desired)
106 107
	to import just a subset of the datasources:
107 108
		declare -ax inputs=(inputs/{src,...}/)
108 109
			# array vars *not* inherited by `screen` shell

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