Revision 14311
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza over 10 years ago
vegbien.sql | ||
19258 | 19258 |
AS $$ |
19259 | 19259 |
19260 | 19260 |
-- clear derived cols so old values won't be used in calculations |
19261 |
new."[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]" = NULL; |
19261 | 19262 |
new."[matched_]species[_binomial]~(-Accepted_-)" = NULL; |
19262 | 19263 |
new."[matched_]scientificName[_with_author]" = NULL; |
19263 | 19264 |
new.matched_has_accepted = NULL; |
19264 | 19265 |
new."__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}" = NULL; |
19265 | 19266 |
new."[accepted_]" = NULL; |
19266 | 19267 |
new."[accepted_]" = NULL; |
19268 |
new."[accepted_]morphospecies[_binomial]" = NULL; |
19267 | 19269 |
new.__accepted_infraspecific_label = NULL; |
19268 | 19270 |
new."__accepted_infraspecific_{rank,epithet}" = NULL; |
19269 | 19271 |
new."[accepted_]Infraspecific_rank[_abbr]" = NULL; |
... | ... | |
19279 | 19281 |
new."[scrubbed_]name[_no_author]~(-Accepted_-)" = NULL; |
19280 | 19282 |
new."[scrubbed_]author~(-Accepted_-)" = NULL; |
19281 | 19283 |
new."[scrubbed_]scientificName[_with_author]" = NULL; |
19282 |
new."[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]" = NULL; |
19283 |
new."[accepted_]morphospecies[_binomial]" = NULL; |
19284 | 19284 |
19285 | 19285 |
-- populate derived cols |
19286 |
new."[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]" = (SELECT "*Unmatched_terms" FROM (SELECT new.*) new); |
19286 | 19287 |
new."[matched_]species[_binomial]~(-Accepted_-)" = (SELECT ("*Genus_matched" || ' '::text) || "*Specific_epithet_matched" FROM (SELECT new.*) new); |
19287 | 19288 |
new."[matched_]scientificName[_with_author]" = (SELECT "*Name_matched" || COALESCE((' '::text || "*Name_matched_author"), ''::text) FROM (SELECT new.*) new); |
19288 | 19289 |
new.matched_has_accepted = (SELECT "*Accepted_name" IS NOT NULL FROM (SELECT new.*) new); |
19289 | 19290 |
new."__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}" = (SELECT regexp_split_to_array("*Accepted_name_species", ' '::text) FROM (SELECT new.*) new); |
19290 | 19291 |
new."[accepted_]" = (SELECT "__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}"[1] FROM (SELECT new.*) new); |
19291 | 19292 |
new."[accepted_]" = (SELECT "__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}"[2] FROM (SELECT new.*) new); |
19293 |
new."[accepted_]morphospecies[_binomial]" = (SELECT CASE |
19294 |
WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = 'family'::text) THEN concat_ws(' '::text, "*Accepted_name_family", "[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]") |
19295 |
WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = 'genus'::text) THEN concat_ws(' '::text, "*Accepted_name", "[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]") |
19296 |
ELSE "*Accepted_name_species" |
19297 |
END FROM (SELECT new.*) new); |
19292 | 19298 |
new.__accepted_infraspecific_label = (SELECT ltrim(NULLIF(util.remove_prefix("*Accepted_name_species", "*Accepted_name", require := true), ''::text), ' '::text) FROM (SELECT new.*) new); |
19293 | 19299 |
new."__accepted_infraspecific_{rank,epithet}" = (SELECT regexp_split_to_array(__accepted_infraspecific_label, ' '::text) FROM (SELECT new.*) new); |
19294 | 19300 |
new."[accepted_]Infraspecific_rank[_abbr]" = (SELECT "__accepted_infraspecific_{rank,epithet}"[1] FROM (SELECT new.*) new); |
... | ... | |
19334 | 19340 |
WHEN matched_has_accepted THEN "[accepted_]scientificName[_with_author]" |
19335 | 19341 |
ELSE "[matched_]scientificName[_with_author]" |
19336 | 19342 |
END FROM (SELECT new.*) new); |
19337 |
new."[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]" = (SELECT "*Unmatched_terms" FROM (SELECT new.*) new); |
19338 |
new."[accepted_]morphospecies[_binomial]" = (SELECT CASE |
19339 |
WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = 'family'::text) THEN concat_ws(' '::text, "*Accepted_name_family", "[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]") |
19340 |
WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = 'genus'::text) THEN concat_ws(' '::text, "*Accepted_name", "[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]") |
19341 |
ELSE "*Accepted_name_species" |
19342 |
END FROM (SELECT new.*) new); |
19343 | 19343 |
19344 | 19344 |
RETURN new; |
19345 | 19345 |
END; |
... | ... | |
19513 | 19513 |
"*Accepted_name_lsid" text, |
19514 | 19514 |
is_valid_match boolean NOT NULL, |
19515 | 19515 |
scrubbed_unique_taxon_name text, |
19516 |
"[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]" text, |
19516 | 19517 |
"[matched_]species[_binomial]~(-Accepted_-)" text, |
19517 | 19518 |
"[matched_]scientificName[_with_author]" text, |
19518 | 19519 |
matched_has_accepted boolean, |
19519 | 19520 |
"__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}" text[], |
19520 | 19521 |
"[accepted_]" text, |
19521 | 19522 |
"[accepted_]" text, |
19523 |
"[accepted_]morphospecies[_binomial]" text, |
19522 | 19524 |
__accepted_infraspecific_label text, |
19523 | 19525 |
"__accepted_infraspecific_{rank,epithet}" text[], |
19524 | 19526 |
"[accepted_]Infraspecific_rank[_abbr]" text, |
... | ... | |
19534 | 19536 |
"[scrubbed_]name[_no_author]~(-Accepted_-)" text, |
19535 | 19537 |
"[scrubbed_]author~(-Accepted_-)" text, |
19536 | 19538 |
"[scrubbed_]scientificName[_with_author]" text, |
19537 |
"[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]" text, |
19538 |
"[accepted_]morphospecies[_binomial]" text, |
19539 | 19539 |
CONSTRAINT "[accepted_]Infraspecific_rank[_abbr]" CHECK ((NOT ("[accepted_]Infraspecific_rank[_abbr]" IS DISTINCT FROM "__accepted_infraspecific_{rank,epithet}"[1]))), |
19540 | 19540 |
CONSTRAINT "[accepted_]" CHECK ((NOT ("[accepted_]" IS DISTINCT FROM "__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}"[1]))), |
19541 | 19541 |
CONSTRAINT "[accepted_]" CHECK ((NOT ("[accepted_]" IS DISTINCT FROM "__accepted_infraspecific_{rank,epithet}"[2]))), |
... | ... | |
19637 | 19637 |
19638 | 19638 |
19639 | 19639 |
-- |
19640 |
-- Name: COLUMN taxon_match."[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]"; Type: COMMENT; Schema: TNRS; Owner: - |
19641 |
-- |
19642 |
19643 |
COMMENT ON COLUMN taxon_match."[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]" IS ' |
19644 |
= "*Unmatched_terms" |
19645 |
19646 |
derived column |
19647 |
19648 |
to modify expr: |
19649 |
SELECT util.derived_col_update(((''"TNRS".taxon_match'', ''[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]'')::util.col, $$"*Unmatched_terms"$$)::util.derived_col_def); |
19650 |
SELECT util.derived_cols_populate(''"TNRS".taxon_match''::regclass); |
19651 |
19652 |
to rename: |
19653 |
# rename column |
19654 |
# rename CHECK constraint |
19655 |
SELECT util.derived_cols_update(''"TNRS".taxon_match''::regclass); |
19656 |
'; |
19657 |
19658 |
19659 |
-- |
19640 | 19660 |
-- Name: COLUMN taxon_match."[matched_]species[_binomial]~(-Accepted_-)"; Type: COMMENT; Schema: TNRS; Owner: - |
19641 | 19661 |
-- |
19642 | 19662 |
... | ... | |
19757 | 19777 |
19758 | 19778 |
19759 | 19779 |
-- |
19780 |
-- Name: COLUMN taxon_match."[accepted_]morphospecies[_binomial]"; Type: COMMENT; Schema: TNRS; Owner: - |
19781 |
-- |
19782 |
19783 |
COMMENT ON COLUMN taxon_match."[accepted_]morphospecies[_binomial]" IS ' |
19784 |
= CASE |
19785 |
WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = ''family''::text) THEN concat_ws('' ''::text, "*Accepted_name_family", "[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]") |
19786 |
WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = ''genus''::text) THEN concat_ws('' ''::text, "*Accepted_name", "[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]") |
19787 |
ELSE "*Accepted_name_species" |
19788 |
19789 |
19790 |
derived column |
19791 |
19792 |
to modify expr: |
19793 |
SELECT util.derived_col_update(((''"TNRS".taxon_match'', ''[accepted_]morphospecies[_binomial]'')::util.col, $$CASE |
19794 |
WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = ''family''::text) THEN concat_ws('' ''::text, "*Accepted_name_family", "[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]") |
19795 |
WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = ''genus''::text) THEN concat_ws('' ''::text, "*Accepted_name", "[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]") |
19796 |
ELSE "*Accepted_name_species" |
19797 |
END$$)::util.derived_col_def); |
19798 |
SELECT util.derived_cols_populate(''"TNRS".taxon_match''::regclass); |
19799 |
19800 |
to rename: |
19801 |
# rename column |
19802 |
# rename CHECK constraint |
19803 |
SELECT util.derived_cols_update(''"TNRS".taxon_match''::regclass); |
19804 |
'; |
19805 |
19806 |
19807 |
-- |
19760 | 19808 |
-- Name: COLUMN taxon_match.__accepted_infraspecific_label; Type: COMMENT; Schema: TNRS; Owner: - |
19761 | 19809 |
-- |
19762 | 19810 |
... | ... | |
20117 | 20165 |
20118 | 20166 |
20119 | 20167 |
-- |
20120 |
-- Name: COLUMN taxon_match."[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]"; Type: COMMENT; Schema: TNRS; Owner: - |
20121 |
-- |
20122 |
20123 |
COMMENT ON COLUMN taxon_match."[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]" IS ' |
20124 |
= "*Unmatched_terms" |
20125 |
20126 |
derived column |
20127 |
20128 |
to modify expr: |
20129 |
SELECT util.derived_col_update(((''"TNRS".taxon_match'', ''[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]'')::util.col, $$"*Unmatched_terms"$$)::util.derived_col_def); |
20130 |
SELECT util.derived_cols_populate(''"TNRS".taxon_match''::regclass); |
20131 |
20132 |
to rename: |
20133 |
# rename column |
20134 |
# rename CHECK constraint |
20135 |
SELECT util.derived_cols_update(''"TNRS".taxon_match''::regclass); |
20136 |
'; |
20137 |
20138 |
20139 |
-- |
20140 |
-- Name: COLUMN taxon_match."[accepted_]morphospecies[_binomial]"; Type: COMMENT; Schema: TNRS; Owner: - |
20141 |
-- |
20142 |
20143 |
COMMENT ON COLUMN taxon_match."[accepted_]morphospecies[_binomial]" IS ' |
20144 |
= CASE |
20145 |
WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = ''family''::text) THEN concat_ws('' ''::text, "*Accepted_name_family", "[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]") |
20146 |
WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = ''genus''::text) THEN concat_ws('' ''::text, "*Accepted_name", "[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]") |
20147 |
ELSE "*Accepted_name_species" |
20148 |
20149 |
20150 |
derived column |
20151 |
20152 |
to modify expr: |
20153 |
SELECT util.derived_col_update(((''"TNRS".taxon_match'', ''[accepted_]morphospecies[_binomial]'')::util.col, $$CASE |
20154 |
WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = ''family''::text) THEN concat_ws('' ''::text, "*Accepted_name_family", "[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]") |
20155 |
WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = ''genus''::text) THEN concat_ws('' ''::text, "*Accepted_name", "[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]") |
20156 |
ELSE "*Accepted_name_species" |
20157 |
END$$)::util.derived_col_def); |
20158 |
SELECT util.derived_cols_populate(''"TNRS".taxon_match''::regclass); |
20159 |
20160 |
to rename: |
20161 |
# rename column |
20162 |
# rename CHECK constraint |
20163 |
SELECT util.derived_cols_update(''"TNRS".taxon_match''::regclass); |
20164 |
'; |
20165 |
20166 |
20167 |
-- |
20168 | 20168 |
-- Name: taxon_best_match; Type: VIEW; Schema: TNRS; Owner: - |
20169 | 20169 |
-- |
20170 | 20170 |
Also available in: Unified diff
inputs/.TNRS/schema.sql: reordered derived columns in dependency order