Installation: Install: make install Uninstall: make uninstall Warning: This will delete your VegBIEN DB! Data import: Import data into VegBIEN: . bin/import-all Empty the DB: make empty_db Re-import data: make empty_db import & disown -h %1 Schema changes: Regenerate schema from installed DB: make schemas/remake Reinstall DB from schema: make reinstall_db Sync ERD with vegbien.sql schema: Run make schemas/ Open schemas/vegbien.ERD.mwb in MySQLWorkbench Go to File > Export > Synchronize With SQL CREATE Script... For Input File, select schemas/ Click Continue Click in the changes list and press Ctrl+A or Apple+A to select all Click Update Model Click Continue Note: The generated SQL script will be empty because we are syncing in the opposite direction Click Execute Reposition any lines that have been reset Add any new tables by dragging them from the Catalog in the left sidebar to the diagram Remove any deleted tables by right-clicking the table's diagram element, selecting Delete '