Revision 4840
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza over 12 years ago
Veg+.terms.csv | ||
1 | 1 |
Veg+,Source,Order within table,Comments |
2 |
id,"ACAD#id, MT#id, QMOR#id, U#ID",, |
3 |
CensusID,CTFS#Census.CensusID,, |
4 |
PlotCensusNumber,CTFS#Census.PlotCensusNumber,, |
5 | 2 |
CountryID,CTFS#Country.CountryID,, |
6 |
CountryName,CTFS#Country.CountryName,, |
7 | 3 |
DimX,CTFS#Quadrat.DimX,, |
8 | 4 |
DimY,CTFS#Quadrat.DimY,, |
9 |
QuadratID,CTFS#Quadrat.QuadratID,, |
10 |
QuadratName,CTFS#Quadrat.QuadratName,, |
11 |
StartX,CTFS#Quadrat.StartX,, |
12 |
StartY,CTFS#Quadrat.StartY,, |
13 |
DescriptionOfSite,CTFS#Site.DescriptionOfSite,, |
14 |
Elevation,CTFS#Site.Elevation,, |
15 |
LocationName,CTFS#Site.LocationName,, |
16 | 5 |
ReferenceX,CTFS#Site.ReferenceX,, |
17 | 6 |
ReferenceY,CTFS#Site.ReferenceY,, |
18 |
ShapeOfSite,CTFS#Site.ShapeOfSite,, |
19 | 7 |
SizeOfSite,CTFS#Site.SizeOfSite,, |
20 |
speciesName,CTFS#Species.SpeciesName,, |
21 |
speciesInvID,CTFS#SpeciesInventory.SpeciesInvID,, |
22 |
subSpeciesName,CTFS#SubSpecies.SubSpeciesName,, |
23 | 8 |
Autor (revised),Madidi#Data+base.Autor+(revised),, |
24 | 9 |
Basal area,Madidi#Data+base.Basal+area,, |
25 | 10 |
Bole height,Madidi#Data+base.Bole+height,, |
... | ... | |
100 | 85 |
Topographical situation,Madidi#Inventory+description.Topographical+situation,, |
101 | 86 |
Vegetation type,Madidi#Inventory+description.Vegetation+type,, |
102 | 87 |
pH acuoso (ISRIC 4–– 1 - 14),Madidi#Inventory+description.pH+acuoso+(ISRIC+4––+1+-+14),, |
103 |
state,"NCU-NCSC#State, REMIB#state, UNCC#state",, |
104 |
preparation,REMIB#preparation,, |
105 |
latitude,,34, |
106 |
longitude,,33, |
107 |
maximumDepth,,40, |
108 |
maximumElevation,,38, |
109 |
minimumDepth,,39, |
110 |
minimumElevation,,37, |
111 |
notes,,47, |
112 |
preparationType,,42, |
113 |
previousCatalogNumber,",","44, ", |
114 |
relatedCatalogItem,,46, |
115 |
relationshipType,,45, |
116 |
species,,12, |
117 |
timeOfDay,,27, |
118 |
boundingBox,,33, |
119 |
collector,,6, |
120 |
collectorNumber,,7, |
121 |
continentOcean,,17, |
122 |
dateLastModified,,0, |
123 | 88 |
dayCollected,,11, |
124 | 89 |
dayIdentified,,55, |
125 |
julianDay,,15, |
126 | 90 |
monthCollected,,10, |
127 | 91 |
monthIdentified,,54, |
128 |
remarks,,65, |
129 |
scientificNameAuthor,,50, |
130 | 92 |
subspecies,,49, |
131 | 93 |
yearCollected,,9, |
132 | 94 |
yearIdentified,,53, |
133 |
collectedDate,,29, |
134 |
identifiedDate,,21, |
135 | 95 |
carbon,,37,Expanded for clarity |
136 | 96 |
calcium,,40,Expanded for clarity |
137 | 97 |
sodium,,41,Expanded for clarity |
138 | 98 |
acidity,,42, |
139 | 99 |
conductivity,,45, |
140 | 100 |
diameterBreastHeightGentry,,7,Expanded for clarity |
141 |
stemID,,1, |
142 | 101 |
stemNotes,,8, |
143 |
globalUniqueIdentifier,,0, |
144 | 102 |
acceptedNameUsage,,135, |
145 | 103 |
acceptedNameUsageID,,128, |
146 |
accessRights,,5,Versions without namespace |
147 | 104 |
associatedMedia,,36, |
148 | 105 |
associatedOccurrences,,38, |
149 | 106 |
associatedReferences,,37, |
... | ... | |
152 | 109 |
basisOfRecord,,15, |
153 | 110 |
bed,,117, |
154 | 111 |
behavior,,29, |
155 |
bibliographicCitation,,6,Versions without namespace |
156 | 112 |
catalogNumber,,20, |
157 | 113 |
class,,144, |
158 | 114 |
verbatimClass,",","144, 152", |
... | ... | |
237 | 193 |
islandGroup,,61, |
238 | 194 |
kingdom,,142, |
239 | 195 |
verbatimKingdom,",","142, 152", |
240 |
language,,2,Versions without namespace |
241 | 196 |
latestAgeOrHighestStage,,110, |
242 | 197 |
latestEonOrHighestEonothem,,102, |
243 | 198 |
latestEpochOrHighestSeries,,108, |
... | ... | |
267 | 222 |
minimumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters,,76, |
268 | 223 |
elevationInMeters,,71,Prefix removed to use for non-ranges |
269 | 224 |
minimumElevationInMeters,,71, |
270 |
modified,,1,Versions without namespace |
271 | 225 |
month,,49, |
272 | 226 |
municipality,,67, |
273 | 227 |
nameAccordingTo,,138, |
... | ... | |
297 | 251 |
recordedBy,,23, |
298 | 252 |
recordedBy.givenName,",","23, 01", |
299 | 253 |
recordedBy.surName,",","23, 02", |
300 |
references,,7,Versions without namespace |
301 | 254 |
relatedResourceID,,161, |
302 | 255 |
relationshipAccordingTo,,163, |
303 | 256 |
relationshipEstablishedDate,,164, |
... | ... | |
306 | 259 |
reproductiveCondition,,28, |
307 | 260 |
resourceID,,160, |
308 | 261 |
resourceRelationshipID,,159, |
309 |
rights,,3,Versions without namespace |
310 |
rightsHolder,,4,Versions without namespace |
311 | 262 |
samplingEffort,,43, |
312 | 263 |
samplingProtocol,,42, |
313 | 264 |
scientificName,,134, |
... | ... | |
328 | 279 |
taxonRank,,151, |
329 | 280 |
taxonRemarks,,158, |
330 | 281 |
taxonomicStatus,,156, |
331 |
type,,0,Versions without namespace |
332 | 282 |
typeStatus,,125,Brad: Indicates whether this specimen served as type for taxon name. |
333 | 283 |
verbatimCoordinateSystem,,83, |
334 | 284 |
verbatimCoordinates,,80, |
... | ... | |
348 | 298 |
basalDiameter,,37,Expanded for clarity |
349 | 299 |
censusNumber,,3,Expanded for clarity |
350 | 300 |
voucherType,,17,"values: direct, indirect" |
351 |
habit,,28, |
352 | 301 |
heightFirstBranch,,33, |
353 | 302 |
intercept_cm,,, |
354 | 303 |
intercept_m,,,Changed to SI base units |
355 | 304 |
canopyForm,,40, |
356 | 305 |
canopyPosition,,41, |
357 |
DBH,,36,Table removed because term is unique |
358 | 306 |
diameterBreastHeight,,36,Expanded for clarity |
359 | 307 |
lianaInfestation,,42, |
360 |
stemTag,,,Number removed for clarity |
361 | 308 |
subplot,,5, |
362 | 309 |
subplotID,",","5, 56", |
363 | 310 |
subplotX,",","5, ", |
... | ... | |
365 | 312 |
tag,,9,Number removed for clarity |
366 | 313 |
plotArea_ha,,, |
367 | 314 |
precipitation,,13,Expanded for clarity |
368 |
authorObsCode,,4, |
369 | 315 |
verbatimGrowthForm,",,","62, 69, 28",Additional values from SALVIAS |
370 | 316 |
growthForm,",","62, ", |
371 | 317 |
recordedBy.middleName,,3, |
... | ... | |
377 | 323 |
maxSlopeGradient , ,, |
378 | 324 |
minSlopeAspect , ,, |
379 | 325 |
minSlopeGradient , ,, |
380 |
realLatitude,,, |
381 |
realLongitude,,, |
382 | 326 |
baseSaturation,,14, |
383 | 327 |
cationExchangeCapacity,",","13, 44",Expanded for clarity |
384 | 328 |
clay,,10, |
... | ... | |
387 | 331 |
silt,,9, |
388 | 332 |
texture,,7, |
389 | 333 |
stemCount,,6, |
390 |
collector.givenName,,14, |
391 |
collector.surName,,14, |
392 |
authorPlantCode,,6, |
393 | 334 |
taxonOccurrenceID,",",", 0", |
394 | 335 |
forma,",",, |
395 | 336 |
variety,",",, |
... | ... | |
405 | 346 |
communityName,,0,Table shortened for standardization |
406 | 347 |
height,,4, |
407 | 348 |
organismX,,801,Table added for clarity |
408 |
relativePlotX,,801,Table added for clarity |
409 | 349 |
organismY,,802,Table added for clarity |
410 |
relativePlotY,,802,Table added for clarity |
411 | 350 |
volumeCanopy,,3, |
412 | 351 |
temperature,,1900, |
413 |
plotEventEndDate,",,",", 44, 6",Table added for uniqueness |
414 |
plotEventStartDate,",,",", 44, 5",Table added for uniqueness |
415 |
plotID,",",", 0", |
416 | 352 |
plotArea_m2,,11,Table added for clarity. Added units. |
417 | 353 |
landform,,18, |
418 |
locationNarrative,,6, |
419 | 354 |
plotNotes,",","4, 54",Table added for uniqueness |
420 | 355 |
plotName,,1, |
421 | 356 |
slopeAspect,,15, |
Also available in: Unified diff
mappings/Veg+.terms.csv: Removed terms that are in mappings/Veg+-VegCore.csv