-- -- PostgreSQL database dump -- SET statement_timeout = 0; SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = off; SET check_function_bodies = false; SET client_min_messages = warning; SET escape_string_warning = off; -- -- Name: py_functions; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: bien -- CREATE SCHEMA py_functions; ALTER SCHEMA py_functions OWNER TO bien; SET search_path = py_functions, pg_catalog; -- -- Name: _date(timestamp with time zone); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: py_functions; Owner: bien -- CREATE FUNCTION _date(date timestamp with time zone) RETURNS timestamp with time zone LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $_$ SELECT $1 $_$; ALTER FUNCTION py_functions._date(date timestamp with time zone) OWNER TO bien; -- -- Name: _date(text, text, text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: py_functions; Owner: bien -- CREATE FUNCTION _date(date text DEFAULT NULL::text, year text DEFAULT NULL::text, month text DEFAULT NULL::text, day text DEFAULT NULL::text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpythonu IMMUTABLE AS $$ global date, year, month, day import datetime import dateutil.tz def e_msg(e): return e.args[0].rstrip() def e_str(e): return e.__class__.__name__+': '+e_msg(e) def raise_invalid_value(cause, value): raise ValueError('invalid input value: "'+str(value)+'"\nDETAIL: ' +e_str(cause)) utc = dateutil.tz.tzutc() def naive2utc(datetime_): assert datetime_.tzinfo == None return datetime_.replace(tzinfo=utc) def from_timestamp(utc_timestamp): return naive2utc(datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(utc_timestamp)) epoch = from_timestamp(0) def strtotime(str_, default=epoch): import dateutil.parser return dateutil.parser.parse(str_, default=default) if date != None: str_ = date try: year = float(str_) except ValueError: try: date = strtotime(str_) except ImportError: return str_ except ValueError, e: raise_invalid_value(e, str_) else: date = (datetime.date(int(year), 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(round((year % 1.)*365))) else: # Year is required if year == None: if month == None and day == None: return None # entire date is empty else: raise AssertionError( 'null value in column "year" violates not-null constraint') # Convert month name to number if month != None and not month.isdigit(): # month is name month = str(strtotime(month).month) if month == None: month = 1 if day == None: day = 1 year, month, day = map(int, (year, month, day)) for try_num in xrange(2): try: date = datetime.date(year, month, day) break except ValueError, e: if try_num > 0: raise # exception still raised after retry msg = e_msg(e) if msg == 'month must be in 1..12': # try swapping month and day month, day = day, month else: raise return str(date) $$; ALTER FUNCTION py_functions._date(date text, year text, month text, day text) OWNER TO bien; -- -- Name: _dateRangeEnd(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: py_functions; Owner: bien -- CREATE FUNCTION "_dateRangeEnd"(value text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $_$ SELECT (py_functions.parse_date_range($1))[2] $_$; ALTER FUNCTION py_functions."_dateRangeEnd"(value text) OWNER TO bien; -- -- Name: _dateRangeEnd(timestamp with time zone); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: py_functions; Owner: bien -- CREATE FUNCTION "_dateRangeEnd"(value timestamp with time zone) RETURNS timestamp with time zone LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $_$ SELECT $1 $_$; ALTER FUNCTION py_functions."_dateRangeEnd"(value timestamp with time zone) OWNER TO bien; -- -- Name: _dateRangeStart(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: py_functions; Owner: bien -- CREATE FUNCTION "_dateRangeStart"(value text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $_$ SELECT (py_functions.parse_date_range($1))[1] $_$; ALTER FUNCTION py_functions."_dateRangeStart"(value text) OWNER TO bien; -- -- Name: _dateRangeStart(timestamp with time zone); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: py_functions; Owner: bien -- CREATE FUNCTION "_dateRangeStart"(value timestamp with time zone) RETURNS timestamp with time zone LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $_$ SELECT $1 $_$; ALTER FUNCTION py_functions."_dateRangeStart"(value timestamp with time zone) OWNER TO bien; -- -- Name: _namePart(text, text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: py_functions; Owner: bien -- CREATE FUNCTION "_namePart"(first text DEFAULT NULL::text, middle text DEFAULT NULL::text, last text DEFAULT NULL::text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpythonu IMMUTABLE AS $$ params = dict(first=first, middle=middle, last=last) _name_parts_slices_items = [ ('first', slice(None, 1)), ('middle', slice(1, -1)), ('last', slice(-1, None)), ] name_parts_slices = dict(_name_parts_slices_items) name_parts = [name for name, slice_ in _name_parts_slices_items] def _name(items): items = dict(items) parts = [] for part in name_parts: if part in items: parts.append(items[part]) return ' '.join(parts) out_items = [] for part, value in params.iteritems(): if value == None: continue try: slice_ = name_parts_slices[part] except KeyError: pass # a non-value column else: out_items.append((part, ' '.join(value.split(' ')[slice_]))) return _name(out_items) $$; ALTER FUNCTION py_functions."_namePart"(first text, middle text, last text) OWNER TO bien; -- -- Name: parse_date_range(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: py_functions; Owner: bien -- CREATE FUNCTION parse_date_range(str_ text) RETURNS text[] LANGUAGE plpythonu IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $$ import re def single_space(str_): return re.sub(r' {2,}', r' ', str_.strip()) def could_be_year(str_): return str_.isdigit() and len(str_) == 4 def could_be_day(str_): return str_.isdigit() and len(str_) <= 2 range_sep='-' part_sep=' ' default = (str_, str_) # range_sep might be used as date part separator instead if str_.find(part_sep) < 0: return default start, sep, end = str_.partition(range_sep) if sep == '': return default # not a range start, end = (single_space(d).split(part_sep) for d in (start, end)) # Has form M D1-D2 or M D1-D2 Y (not M1 Y1-M2 Y2 or M1 D1-M2 D2) if len(start) == 2 and (len(end) == 1 or ( len(end) == 2 and could_be_day(start[-1]) and could_be_day(end[0]) and could_be_year(end[-1]) )): end.insert(0, start[0]) # make end fully specified ct_diff = len(end) - len(start) # Has form D1-D2 M Y, M1 D1-M2 D2 Y, M1-M2 Y, etc. if ct_diff > 0: start += end[-ct_diff:] # make start fully specified # Other forms are invalid and will be left as-is return [part_sep.join(d) for d in (start, end)] $$; ALTER FUNCTION py_functions.parse_date_range(str_ text) OWNER TO bien; -- -- PostgreSQL database dump complete --