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Revision 5139

schemas/vegbien.sql: taxonpath, placepath: Changed "scrubbed" to "accepted" to emphasize that the name is the accepted name returned by TNRS or GNRS, rather than merely the matched name

View differences:

974 974
-- Name: TABLE placepath; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
975 975
976 976

COMMENT ON TABLE placepath IS 'The full path to a place. Can be either verbatim or scrubbed. For scrubbed names, points to the identified place.
COMMENT ON TABLE placepath IS 'The full path to a place. Can be either verbatim or accepted. For accepted names, points to the identified place.
978 978

979 979
To include a placename at a rank with no explicit column, add it to the otherranks array.';
980 980

983 983
-- Name: COLUMN placepath.canon_placepath_id; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
984 984
985 985

COMMENT ON COLUMN placepath.canon_placepath_id IS 'The placepath containing the scrubbed name of this verbatim place path. placepaths should be linked only one level deep, with verbatim place paths pointing to scrubbed names.
COMMENT ON COLUMN placepath.canon_placepath_id IS 'The placepath containing the accepted name of this verbatim place path. placepaths should be linked only one level deep, with verbatim place paths pointing to accepted names.
987 987

A scrubbed name should point to itself in this field. This will happen automatically by setting it to the special value 0.';
A accepted name should point to itself in this field. This will happen automatically by setting it to the special value 0.';
989 989

990 990

991 991
1182 1182
-- Name: TABLE taxonpath; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
1183 1183
1184 1184

COMMENT ON TABLE taxonpath IS 'The full path to a taxon, including all components of the taxonomic name. Can be either verbatim or scrubbed. For scrubbed names, points to the identified taxon in the tree of life.
COMMENT ON TABLE taxonpath IS 'The full path to a taxon, including all components of the taxonomic name. Can be either verbatim or accepted. For accepted names, points to the identified taxon in the tree of life.
1186 1186

1187 1187
To include a taxon name at a rank with no explicit column, add it to the otherranks array.';
1188 1188

1198 1198
-- Name: COLUMN taxonpath.canon_taxonpath_id; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
1199 1199
1200 1200

COMMENT ON COLUMN taxonpath.canon_taxonpath_id IS 'The taxonpath containing the scrubbed name of this verbatim taxonomic name. taxonpaths should be linked only one level deep, with verbatim taxonomic names pointing to scrubbed names.
COMMENT ON COLUMN taxonpath.canon_taxonpath_id IS 'The taxonpath containing the accepted name of this verbatim taxonomic name. taxonpaths should be linked only one level deep, with verbatim taxonomic names pointing to accepted names.
1202 1202

A scrubbed name should point to itself in this field. This will happen automatically by setting it to the special value 0.';
An accepted name should point to itself in this field. This will happen automatically by setting it to the special value 0.';
1204 1204

1205 1205

1206 1206
1207 1207
-- Name: COLUMN taxonpath.taxon_id; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
1208 1208
1209 1209

COMMENT ON COLUMN taxonpath.taxon_id IS 'The corresponding taxon in the tree of life. Only used for scrubbed names.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN taxonpath.taxon_id IS 'The corresponding taxon in the tree of life. Only used for accepted names.';
1211 1211

1212 1212

1213 1213

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