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Revision 5246

schemas/vegbien.sql: taxonconcept.canon_taxonconcept_id: comment: Changed three-level hierarchy to four-level hierarchy which separates the concatenated (TNRS input) name from the parsed (TNRS output) name

View differences:

1168 1168
-- Name: COLUMN taxonconcept.canon_taxonconcept_id; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
1169 1169
1170 1170

COMMENT ON COLUMN taxonconcept.canon_taxonconcept_id IS 'The taxonconcept containing the accepted name of this verbatim taxonomic name. taxonconcepts should be linked in a three-level hierarchy of datasource name -> concatenated name -> accepted name.
COMMENT ON COLUMN taxonconcept.canon_taxonconcept_id IS 'The taxonconcept containing the accepted name of this verbatim taxonomic name. taxonconcepts should be linked in a four-level hierarchy of datasource name -> concatenated name -> parsed name -> accepted name.
1172 1172

1173 1173
An accepted name should point to itself in this field. This will happen automatically by setting it to the special value 0.';
1174 1174


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