/* To get the place trigger, just search and replace taxonconcept with place. */ ----- Trigger function -- Function: taxonconcept_update_ancestors() -- DROP FUNCTION taxonconcept_update_ancestors(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION taxonconcept_update_ancestors() RETURNS trigger AS $BODY$ BEGIN -- Delete existing ancestors DELETE FROM taxonconcept_ancestor WHERE taxonconcept_id = new.taxonconcept_id; IF new.parent_id IS NOT NULL THEN -- Copy parent's ancestors to this node's ancestors INSERT INTO taxonconcept_ancestor (taxonconcept_id, ancestor_id) SELECT new.taxonconcept_id, ancestor_id FROM taxonconcept_ancestor WHERE taxonconcept_id = new.parent_id ; END IF; -- Add "ancestor" for this node /* This is useful for queries, because you don't have to separately test if the leaf node is the one you're looking for, in addition to that leaf node's ancestors. */ INSERT INTO taxonconcept_ancestor (taxonconcept_id, ancestor_id) VALUES (new.taxonconcept_id, new.taxonconcept_id) ; -- Tell immediate children to update their ancestors lists, which will -- recursively tell all descendants UPDATE taxonconcept SET taxonconcept_id = taxonconcept_id -- need at least one SET statement -- Add COALESCE() to enable using taxonconcept_unique index for lookup WHERE COALESCE(parent_id, 2147483647) = new.taxonconcept_id AND taxonconcept_id != new.taxonconcept_id -- avoid infinite recursion ; /* Note: We don't need an ON DELETE trigger to update the descendants' ancestors when a node is deleted, because the taxonconcept.parent_id foreign key is ON DELETE CASCADE, which just removes all the descendants anyway. */ RETURN new; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE COST 100; ALTER FUNCTION taxonconcept_update_ancestors() OWNER TO bien; ----- Ancestors table -- Table: taxonconcept_ancestor -- DROP TABLE taxonconcept_ancestor; CREATE TABLE taxonconcept_ancestor ( taxonconcept_id integer NOT NULL, ancestor_id integer NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT taxonconcept_ancestor_pkey PRIMARY KEY (taxonconcept_id , ancestor_id ), CONSTRAINT taxonconcept_ancestor_ancestor_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (ancestor_id) REFERENCES taxonconcept (taxonconcept_id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT taxonconcept_ancestor_taxonconcept_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (taxonconcept_id) REFERENCES taxonconcept (taxonconcept_id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE taxonconcept_ancestor OWNER TO bien; ----- Trigger -- Trigger: taxonconcept_update_ancestors on taxonconcept -- DROP TRIGGER taxonconcept_update_ancestors ON taxonconcept; CREATE TRIGGER taxonconcept_update_ancestors AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON taxonconcept FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE taxonconcept_update_ancestors();