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Revision 5596

schemas/vegbien.sql: taxonconcept: Renamed taxonname to taxonepithet for clarity and to be consistent with TCS's use of "epithet" to denote what the taxonname was intended to be (

View differences:

502 502
    matched_concept_id integer,
503 503
    matched_concept_fit_fraction double precision,
504 504
    parent_id integer,
    taxonname text,
    taxonepithet text,
506 506
    rank taxonrank,
507 507
    verbatimrank text,
508 508
    identifyingtaxonomicname text,
515 515
    description text,
516 516
    accessioncode text,
517 517
    CONSTRAINT taxonconcept_matched_concept_fit_fraction_range CHECK (((matched_concept_fit_fraction >= (0)::double precision) AND (matched_concept_fit_fraction <= (1)::double precision))),
    CONSTRAINT taxonconcept_required_key CHECK (((((((sourceaccessioncode IS NOT NULL) OR (taxonname IS NOT NULL)) OR (identifyingtaxonomicname IS NOT NULL)) OR (taxonomicname IS NOT NULL)) OR (taxonomicnamewithauthor IS NOT NULL)) OR ((parent_id IS NOT NULL) AND ((creationdate IS NOT NULL) OR (author IS NOT NULL)))))
    CONSTRAINT taxonconcept_required_key CHECK (((((((sourceaccessioncode IS NOT NULL) OR (taxonepithet IS NOT NULL)) OR (identifyingtaxonomicname IS NOT NULL)) OR (taxonomicname IS NOT NULL)) OR (taxonomicnamewithauthor IS NOT NULL)) OR ((parent_id IS NOT NULL) AND ((creationdate IS NOT NULL) OR (author IS NOT NULL)))))
519 519
520 520

521 521

527 527

528 528
"A taxon (plural: taxa) is a group of one (or more) populations of organism(s), which a taxonomist adjudges to be a unit" (
529 529

Note that taxonname stores only one rank (e.g. family) of the full taxonomic name. The higher-level ranks are stored in the taxon concept''s chain of parent_id ancestors.
Note that taxonepithet stores only one rank (e.g. family) of the full taxonomic name. The higher-level ranks are stored in the taxon concept''s chain of parent_id ancestors.
531 531

532 532
To include a taxon name at a rank with no explicit column, create a parent taxonconcept for it and point to it using parent_id. To include multiple such names, chain the taxonconcepts together using parent_id. Note that lower-level taxa should point to higher-level taxa.
533 533

590 590

591 591

592 592
-- Name: COLUMN taxonconcept.taxonname; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-- Name: COLUMN taxonconcept.taxonepithet; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
594 594
595 595

COMMENT ON COLUMN taxonconcept.taxonname IS 'The name of the taxon within its parent taxon. This is the lowest-rank portion of this taxonconcept''s full taxonomic name, if it has one.
COMMENT ON COLUMN taxonconcept.taxonepithet IS 'The epithet of the taxon within its parent taxon. This is the lowest-rank portion of this taxonconcept''s full taxonomic name, if it has one.
597 597

598 598
The morphospecies suffix goes in this field.';
599 599

1503 1503
1504 1504

1505 1505
CREATE VIEW analytical_db_view AS
    SELECT datasource.organizationname AS "dataSourceName",, accepted_taxonconcept.genus, accepted_taxonconcept.species, COALESCE(accepted_taxonconcept.taxonomicnamewithauthor, accepted_taxonconcept.taxonomicname) AS taxon, AS "taxonAuthor", accepted_taxonconcept.taxonname AS "taxonMorphospecies",, placepath.stateprovince AS "stateProvince", placepath.county AS "countyParish", taxonoccurrence.verbatimcollectorname AS collector, plantobservation.collectionnumber AS "collectionNumber", array_to_string(ARRAY[identifiedby.givenname, identifiedby.middlename, identifiedby.surname], ' '::text) AS "identifiedBy", aggregateoccurrence.collectiondate AS "observationDate", location.authorlocationcode AS "plotCode", functions._m2_to_ha(location.area_m2) AS "plotAreaHa", AS "plotMethod", locationcoords.latitude_deg AS latitude, locationcoords.longitude_deg AS longitude, location.elevation_m, taxonoccurrence.iscultivated AS "isCultivated", taxonoccurrence.cultivatedbasis AS "isCultivatedReason", _fraction_to_percent(aggregateoccurrence.cover_fraction) AS "pctCover" FROM ((((((((((((((location JOIN party datasource ON (((datasource.party_id = location.creator_id) AND (datasource.organizationname IS NOT NULL)))) LEFT JOIN locationcoords USING (location_id)) LEFT JOIN locationplace USING (location_id)) LEFT JOIN placepath USING (placepath_id)) JOIN locationevent USING (location_id)) LEFT JOIN method USING (method_id)) JOIN taxonoccurrence USING (locationevent_id)) JOIN taxondetermination USING (taxonoccurrence_id)) LEFT JOIN party identifiedby ON ((identifiedby.party_id = taxondetermination.party_id))) JOIN taxonconcept datasource_taxonconcept USING (taxonconcept_id)) JOIN taxonconcept accepted_taxonconcept ON ((accepted_taxonconcept.taxonconcept_id = datasource_taxonconcept.accepted_concept_id))) LEFT JOIN aggregateoccurrence USING (taxonoccurrence_id)) LEFT JOIN plantobservation USING (aggregateoccurrence_id)) LEFT JOIN specimenreplicate USING (plantobservation_id));
    SELECT datasource.organizationname AS "dataSourceName",, accepted_taxonconcept.genus, accepted_taxonconcept.species, COALESCE(accepted_taxonconcept.taxonomicnamewithauthor, accepted_taxonconcept.taxonomicname) AS taxon, AS "taxonAuthor", accepted_taxonconcept.taxonepithet AS "taxonMorphospecies",, placepath.stateprovince AS "stateProvince", placepath.county AS "countyParish", taxonoccurrence.verbatimcollectorname AS collector, plantobservation.collectionnumber AS "collectionNumber", array_to_string(ARRAY[identifiedby.givenname, identifiedby.middlename, identifiedby.surname], ' '::text) AS "identifiedBy", aggregateoccurrence.collectiondate AS "observationDate", location.authorlocationcode AS "plotCode", functions._m2_to_ha(location.area_m2) AS "plotAreaHa", AS "plotMethod", locationcoords.latitude_deg AS latitude, locationcoords.longitude_deg AS longitude, location.elevation_m, taxonoccurrence.iscultivated AS "isCultivated", taxonoccurrence.cultivatedbasis AS "isCultivatedReason", _fraction_to_percent(aggregateoccurrence.cover_fraction) AS "pctCover" FROM ((((((((((((((location JOIN party datasource ON (((datasource.party_id = location.creator_id) AND (datasource.organizationname IS NOT NULL)))) LEFT JOIN locationcoords USING (location_id)) LEFT JOIN locationplace USING (location_id)) LEFT JOIN placepath USING (placepath_id)) JOIN locationevent USING (location_id)) LEFT JOIN method USING (method_id)) JOIN taxonoccurrence USING (locationevent_id)) JOIN taxondetermination USING (taxonoccurrence_id)) LEFT JOIN party identifiedby ON ((identifiedby.party_id = taxondetermination.party_id))) JOIN taxonconcept datasource_taxonconcept USING (taxonconcept_id)) JOIN taxonconcept accepted_taxonconcept ON ((accepted_taxonconcept.taxonconcept_id = datasource_taxonconcept.accepted_concept_id))) LEFT JOIN aggregateoccurrence USING (taxonoccurrence_id)) LEFT JOIN plantobservation USING (aggregateoccurrence_id)) LEFT JOIN specimenreplicate USING (plantobservation_id));
1507 1507

1508 1508

1509 1509
4758 4758
-- Name: taxonconcept_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: 
4759 4759
4760 4760

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX taxonconcept_unique ON taxonconcept USING btree ((COALESCE(parent_id, 2147483647)), (COALESCE(taxonname, '\\N'::text)), (COALESCE(rank, 'unknown'::taxonrank)), creator_id, (COALESCE(sourceaccessioncode, '\\N'::text)), (COALESCE(creationdate, 'infinity'::date)), (COALESCE(identifyingtaxonomicname, '\\N'::text)), (COALESCE(taxonomicname, '\\N'::text)), (COALESCE(author, '\\N'::text)), (COALESCE(taxonomicnamewithauthor, '\\N'::text)));
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX taxonconcept_unique ON taxonconcept USING btree ((COALESCE(parent_id, 2147483647)), (COALESCE(taxonepithet, '\\N'::text)), (COALESCE(rank, 'unknown'::taxonrank)), creator_id, (COALESCE(sourceaccessioncode, '\\N'::text)), (COALESCE(creationdate, 'infinity'::date)), (COALESCE(identifyingtaxonomicname, '\\N'::text)), (COALESCE(taxonomicname, '\\N'::text)), (COALESCE(author, '\\N'::text)), (COALESCE(taxonomicnamewithauthor, '\\N'::text)));
4762 4762

4763 4763

4764 4764

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