Revision 6705
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza about 12 years ago
VegCore.redmine | ||
1106 | 1106 |
1107 | 1107 |
h3. "plotArea_m2": |
1108 | 1108 |
1109 |
Total area of the plot. Usually recorded in square meters. *[[VegCore#VegX|[VegX]]]* |
1110 |
1109 | 1111 |
|*Sources*|"VegX:area":| |
1110 | 1112 |
|*Comments*|Table added for clarity. Added units.| |
1111 | 1113 |
1112 | 1114 |
h3. "slopeAspect": |
1113 | 1115 |
1116 |
Representative azimuth of slope gradient (0-360 degrees) or as a cardinal direction (e.g. N, S, NE) *[[VegCore#VegX|[VegX]]]* |
1117 |
1114 | 1118 |
|*Sources*|"VegX:slopeAspect":| |
1115 | 1119 |
1116 | 1120 |
h3. "slopeGradient": |
1117 | 1121 |
1122 |
Representative inclination of slope in degrees *[[VegCore#VegX|[VegX]]]* |
1123 |
1118 | 1124 |
|*Sources*|"VegX:slopeGradient":| |
1119 | 1125 |
1120 | 1126 |
h3. "landform": |
1121 | 1127 |
1128 |
A recognizable physical feature on the surface of the earth, often including consideration of the natural cause of its formation *[[VegCore#VegX|[VegX]]]* |
1129 |
1122 | 1130 |
|*Sources*|"VegX:landform":| |
1123 | 1131 |
1124 | 1132 |
h3. "projectID": |
1125 | 1133 |
1134 |
A reference to a specific 'project' *[[VegCore#VegX|[VegX]]]* |
1135 |
1126 | 1136 |
|*Sources*|"VegX:projectID":| |
1127 | 1137 |
1128 | 1138 |
h3. "temperature": |
1129 | 1139 |
1140 |
Temperature during observation *[[VegCore#VegX|[VegX]]]* |
1141 |
1130 | 1142 |
|*Sources*|"VegX:temperature":| |
1131 | 1143 |
1132 | 1144 |
h3. "communityID": |
1133 | 1145 |
1146 |
A community type is an abstract grouping of organisms that tend to co-occur on the landscape due to shared ecological requirements or preferences. May be designated by syntaxon or physiognomic types. *[[VegCore#VegX|[VegX]]]* |
1147 |
1134 | 1148 |
|*Sources*|"VegX:communityConcept":, "DwC:occurrenceID":| |
1135 | 1149 |
|*Comments*|Table shortened for standardization| |
1136 | 1150 |
1137 | 1151 |
h3. "communityName": |
1138 | 1152 |
1153 |
A textual label for a community type *[[VegCore#VegX|[VegX]]]* |
1154 |
1139 | 1155 |
|*Sources*|"VegX:name":| |
1140 | 1156 |
|*Comments*|Table shortened for standardization| |
1141 | 1157 |
... | ... | |
1155 | 1171 |
1156 | 1172 |
h3. "organismX_m": |
1157 | 1173 |
1174 |
The X-coordinate of the related item position in m. The user will enter the relative position of related item with respect to the plot origin (in meters) with the x-axis defined by the plot azimuth. *[[VegCore#VegX|[VegX]]]* |
1175 |
1158 | 1176 |
|*Sources*|"VegX:relativeX":| |
1159 | 1177 |
|*Comments*|Table added for clarity. Added units.| |
1160 | 1178 |
1161 | 1179 |
h3. "organismY_m": |
1162 | 1180 |
1181 |
The Y-coordinate of the relatedSpatialItem position in m. The user will enter the relative position of relatedSpatialItems with respect to the plot origin (in meters) with the y-axis defined by the plot azimuth. *[[VegCore#VegX|[VegX]]]* |
1182 |
1163 | 1183 |
|*Sources*|"VegX:relativeY":| |
1164 | 1184 |
|*Comments*|Table added for clarity. Added units.| |
1165 | 1185 |
1166 | 1186 |
h3. "phosphorus_fraction": |
1167 | 1187 |
1188 |
Phosphorus of soil in ppm *[[VegCore#VegX|[VegX]]]* |
1189 |
1168 | 1190 |
|*Sources*|"VegX:phosphorus":| |
1169 | 1191 |
|*Comments*|Added units| |
1170 | 1192 |
1171 | 1193 |
h3. "phosphorus_percent": |
1172 | 1194 |
1195 |
Phosphorus of soil in ppm *[[VegCore#VegX|[VegX]]]* |
1196 |
1173 | 1197 |
|*Sources*|"VegX:phosphorus":| |
1174 | 1198 |
|*Comments*|Added units| |
1175 | 1199 |
1176 | 1200 |
h3. "potassium_fraction": |
1177 | 1201 |
1202 |
Pottasium of soil in ppm *[[VegCore#VegX|[VegX]]]* |
1203 |
1178 | 1204 |
|*Sources*|"VegX:pottasium":| |
1179 | 1205 |
|*Comments*|Spelling corrected. Added units.| |
1180 | 1206 |
1181 | 1207 |
h3. "potassium_percent": |
1182 | 1208 |
1209 |
Pottasium of soil in ppm *[[VegCore#VegX|[VegX]]]* |
1210 |
1183 | 1211 |
|*Sources*|"VegX:pottasium":| |
1184 | 1212 |
|*Comments*|Spelling corrected. Added units.| |
1185 | 1213 |
1186 | 1214 |
h3. "magnesium_fraction": |
1187 | 1215 |
1216 |
Magnesium of soil in ppm *[[VegCore#VegX|[VegX]]]* |
1217 |
1188 | 1218 |
|*Sources*|"VegX:magnesium":| |
1189 | 1219 |
|*Comments*|Added units| |
1190 | 1220 |
1191 | 1221 |
h3. "magnesium_percent": |
1192 | 1222 |
1223 |
Magnesium of soil in ppm *[[VegCore#VegX|[VegX]]]* |
1224 |
1193 | 1225 |
|*Sources*|"VegX:magnesium":| |
1194 | 1226 |
|*Comments*|Added units| |
1195 | 1227 |
1196 | 1228 |
h3. "nitrogen_fraction": |
1197 | 1229 |
1230 |
Nitrogen of soil in ppm *[[VegCore#VegX|[VegX]]]* |
1231 |
1198 | 1232 |
|*Sources*|"VegX:nitrogen":| |
1199 | 1233 |
|*Comments*|Added units| |
1200 | 1234 |
1201 | 1235 |
h3. "nitrogen_percent": |
1202 | 1236 |
1237 |
Nitrogen of soil in ppm *[[VegCore#VegX|[VegX]]]* |
1238 |
1203 | 1239 |
|*Sources*|"VegX:nitrogen":| |
1204 | 1240 |
|*Comments*|Added units| |
1205 | 1241 |
1206 | 1242 |
h3. "ph": |
1207 | 1243 |
1244 |
The pH of the soil *[[VegCore#VegX|[VegX]]]* |
1245 |
1208 | 1246 |
|*Sources*|"VegX:ph":| |
1209 | 1247 |
1210 | 1248 |
h3. "coverPercent": |
1211 | 1249 |
1250 |
Average cover of the index in percent *[[VegCore#VegX|[VegX]]]* |
1251 |
1212 | 1252 |
|*Sources*|"VegX:coverPercent":| |
1213 | 1253 |
1214 | 1254 |
h3. "verbatimGrowthForm": |
Also available in: Unified diff
mappings/VegCore.csv: VegX terms: Added definitions from VegX schema, where provided