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Revision 6720

mappings/VegCore.csv: VegX terms without definitions in VegX: Added definitions from non-VegX sources, etc.

View differences:

263 263
originalSubspecies,,,"(1:TCS), (8:Wikipedia), (0:DwC)(0)",,
264 264
verbatimSubspecies,,,"(1:TCS), (8:Wikipedia), (0:DwC)(0)",,
265 265
projectName,Title of the project [VegX],,"(2:VegX), (2:VegX)",,
plotNotes,,,"(2:VegX), (0:DwC)(0)",,Table added for uniqueness
plotNotes,The text of notes taken in the field [DwC] about the plot,,"(2:VegX), (0:DwC)(0)",,Table added for uniqueness
267 267
plotArea_m2,Total area of the plot. Usually recorded in square meters. [VegX],,(2:VegX),,Table added for clarity. Added units.
268 268
slopeAspect,"Representative azimuth of slope gradient (0-360 degrees) or as a cardinal direction (e.g. N, S, NE) [VegX]",,(2:VegX),,
269 269
slopeGradient,Representative inclination of slope in degrees [VegX],,(2:VegX),,
272 272
temperature,Temperature during observation [VegX],,(2:VegX),,
273 273
communityID,A community type is an abstract grouping of organisms that tend to co-occur on the landscape due to shared ecological requirements or preferences. May be designated by syntaxon or physiognomic types. [VegX],,"(2:VegX), (0:DwC)(0)",,Table shortened for standardization
274 274
communityName,A textual label for a community type [VegX],,(2:VegX),,Table shortened for standardization
aggregateOccurrenceID,,,"(2:VegX), (0:DwC)(0)",,
height_ft,,,"(2:VegX), (3:VegBank)",,Added units
height_m,,,"(2:VegX), (3:VegBank)",,Added units
aggregateOccurrenceID,The ID for the aggregateOccurrence,,"(2:VegX), (0:DwC)(0)",,
height_ft,The measured height of the stem [VegBank] in feet,,"(2:VegX), (3:VegBank)",,Added units
height_m,The measured height of the stem in meters [VegBank],,"(2:VegX), (3:VegBank)",,Added units
278 278
organismX_m,The X-coordinate of the related item position in m. The user will enter the relative position of related item with respect to the plot origin (in meters) with the x-axis defined by the plot azimuth. [VegX],,(2:VegX),,Table added for clarity. Added units.
279 279
organismY_m,The Y-coordinate of the relatedSpatialItem position in m. The user will enter the relative position of relatedSpatialItems with respect to the plot origin (in meters) with the y-axis defined by the plot azimuth. [VegX],,(2:VegX),,Table added for clarity. Added units.
280 280
phosphorus_fraction,Phosphorus of soil in ppm [VegX],,(2:VegX),,Added units

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