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Revision 7464

mappings/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv: locationID->location.sourceaccessioncode: Removed restriction that this mapping can't occur if geovalidation information is present. The locationID is no longer mapped to the place.sourceaccessioncode, so this filter is not necessary.

View differences:

3 3
PlotCode,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else/authorlocationcode/_first/1",
4 4
PlotID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else/authorlocationcode/_first/2/_if[@name=""if locationID""]/cond/_exists",
5 5
DetType,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else/authorlocationcode/_first/3/_if[@name=""if plot""]/else/_alt/2/_if[@name=""if catalogNumber""]/then/_join/3/_if[@name=""if indirect voucher""]/cond/_eq:[right=indirect]/left","Brad: A SALVIAS value referring to the relationship between the voucher specimen and the observation. Affect how the identification of the specimen(latin name) is transferred to the observation. 'direct'=voucher specimen was collected from this same tree; they are one and the same individual. 'indirect'=voucher specimen was collected for a different individual, but the original data provider confirmed that this is the same species. 'default'=basically same as 'indirect'. 'uncollected'=no voucher specimen, data provider  asserted that this was the name but was unable to collect. The main different is that with 'direct', 'indirect', and 'default', the scientific name can be updated automatically based on the name attached to the specimen voucher (assuming you have a link to that data, presumably from a herbarium database. Whereas, if det_type='uncollected', the name can never change because there is no specimen."
PlotID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if geovalidation""]/else",
PlotID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else/sourceaccessioncode",
7 7
PlotCode,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode",
8 8
PlotID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode",
9 9

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