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Revision 8132

schemas/vegbien.sql: Removed unused analytical_aggregate table, because analytical_stem provides much more detailed, higher-quality data, both in terms of the number or of rows and the number of columns. analytical_aggregate has also long been out of sync with the analytical DB schema, and it doesn't make sense to spend processing time in make_analytical_db to perform the DISTINCT ON if the table isn't being used. We may revisit analytical_aggregate later once we have ID fields for each entity in the DISTINCT ON and can avoid DISTINCTing on all analytical_aggregate columns.

View differences:

48 48
$(mk_analytical_table analytical_stem)
49 49
$(mk_analytical_table provider_count)
50 50
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE analytical_db.provider_count TO public_;
$(mk_analytical_table analytical_aggregate)
52 51
53 52
) || exit
54 53


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