# Autogenerated httpd.conf file for TWiki.
# Generated at http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/TWiki/ApacheConfigGenerator
# IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure to enable mod_cgid in the primary apache configuration file.
# We set an environment variable called blockAccess.
# Setting a BrowserMatchNoCase to ^$ is important. It prevents TWiki from
# including its own topics as URLs and also prevents other TWikis from
# doing the same. This is important to prevent the most obvious
# Denial of Service attacks.
# You can expand this by adding more BrowserMatchNoCase statements to
# block evil browser agents trying the impossible task of mirroring a twiki
# Example:
# BrowserMatchNoCase ^SiteSucker blockAccess
# BrowserMatchNoCase ^$ blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^Accoona blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^ActiveAgent blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^Attache blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase BecomeBot blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^bot blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase Charlotte/ blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^ConveraCrawler blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^CrownPeak-HttpAgent blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^EmailCollector blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^EmailSiphon blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^e-SocietyRobot blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^Exabot blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^FAST blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^FDM blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^GetRight/6.0a blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^GetWebPics blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^Gigabot blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^gonzo1 blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^Google\sSpider blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^ichiro blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^ie_crawler blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^iGetter blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^IRLbot blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase Jakarta blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^Java blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^KrakSpider blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^larbin blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^LeechGet blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^LinkWalker blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^Lsearch blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^Microsoft blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^MJ12bot blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase MSIECrawler blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^MSRBOT blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^noxtrumbot blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^NutchCVS blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^RealDownload blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^Rome blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^Roverbot blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^schibstedsokbot blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^Seekbot blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^SiteSnagger blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^SiteSucker blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^Snapbot blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^sogou blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^SpiderKU blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^SpiderMan blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^Squid blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^Teleport blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^User-Agent\: blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase VoilaBot blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^voyager blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^W3C blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^w3search blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^Web\sDownloader blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^WebCopier blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^WebDevil blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^WebSec blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^WebVac blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^Webwhacker blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^Webzip blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^Wells blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^WhoWhere blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase www\.netforex\.org blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^WX_mail blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^yacybot blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^ZIBB blockAccess
BrowserMatchNoCase ^$ blockAccess
# Mod_perl preloading
PerlSwitches -T
# The ScriptAlias defines the bin directory as a directory where CGI
# scripts are allowed.
# The first parameter will be part of the URL to your installation e.g.
# http://example.com/do/view/...
# The second parameter must point to the physical path on your disc.
ScriptAlias /twiki/do "/home/bien/svn/web/.twiki/bin"
# The Alias defines a url that points to the twiki pub directory, which
# is the root of file attachments.
Alias /twiki/pub "/home/bien/svn/web/.twiki/pub"
Alias /twiki "/home/bien/svn/web/.twiki"
# Block access to typical spam related attachments
# Except the TWiki directory which is read only and does have attached html files.
SetEnvIf Request_URI "/twiki/pub/.*\.[hH][tT][mM][lL]?$" blockAccess
SetEnvIf Request_URI "/twiki/pub/TWiki/.*\.[hH][tT][mM][lL]?$" !blockAccess
# This specifies the options on the TWiki scripts directory. The ExecCGI
# and SetHandler tell apache that it contains scripts. "Require all granted"
# lets any IP address access this URL.
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
Deny from env=blockAccess
Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
SetHandler cgi-script
# Password file for TWiki users
#AuthUserFile /home/bien/svn/web/.twiki/data/.htpasswd
#AuthName 'Enter your WikiName: (First name and last name, no space, no dots, capitalized, e.g. JohnSmith)'
#AuthType Basic
# File to return on access control error (e.g. wrong password)
ErrorDocument 401 /twiki/do/view/TWiki/ResetPassword
Require all granted
Deny from env=blockAccess
RedirectMatch ^/twiki/([A-Z0-9].*)?$ /twiki/do/view/$1
# File to return on access control error (e.g. wrong password)
ErrorDocument 401 /twiki/do/view/TWiki/ResetPassword
# This sets the options on the pub directory, which contains attachments and
# other files like CSS stylesheets and icons. AllowOverride None stops a
# user installing a .htaccess file that overrides these options.
# Note that files in pub are *not* protected by TWiki Access Controls,
# so if you want to control access to files attached to topics you need to
# block access to the specific directories same way as the ApacheConfigGenerator
# blocks access to the pub directory of the Trash web
#Options None
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
Deny from env=blockAccess
# Disable execusion of PHP scripts
php_admin_flag engine off
# This line will redefine the mime type for the most common types of scripts
AddType text/plain .shtml .php .php3 .phtml .phtm .pl .py .cgi
#add an Expires header that is sufficiently in the future that the browser does not even ask if its uptodate
# reducing the load on the server significantly
#IF you can, you should enable this - it _will_ improve your twiki experience, even if you set it to under one day.
# you may need to enable expires_module in your main apache config
#LoadModule expires_module libexec/httpd/mod_expires.so
#AddModule mod_expires.c
# ExpiresActive on
# ExpiresDefault "access plus 11 days"
# Spammers are known to attach their stuff and then move it to trash where it remains unnoticed.
# We prevent viewing any attachments directly from pub
deny from all