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Revision 8730

lib/Firefox_bookmarks.reformat.csv: label <meta> description: remove any existing description label, to avoid duplicating the description label when the text of the description label changes

View differences:

18 18
</DD>",close <DD> when followed by tags which don't autoclose it properly
19 19
" ICON=""data:.*?""",,"remove ICON attributes with favicon contents, which clutter up the svn diffs"
20 20
" LAST_MODIFIED="".*?""",,"remove LAST_MODIFIED attributes, which seem to change whenever the favicon is updated and clutter up the svn diff"
(?<=^<DD>)(?!&lt;meta&gt; description: ),&lt;meta&gt; description: ,"label <meta> description as such to avoid confusing it with comments added by the bookmark author, who may not agree with it. the <meta> description is in the 1st paragraph(s), when provided."
(?<=^<DD>)(?:[^:\n]*? description: )?,&lt;meta&gt; description: ,"label <meta> description as such to avoid confusing it with comments added by the bookmark author, who may not agree with it. the <meta> description is in the 1st paragraph(s), when provided."

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