2011-10-13 conference call¶
Questions to address¶
- start modifying VegBank?
- make copy because don't have sudo access?
- first changes to make
- prototypes for 10/24 working group
VegX or simplified VegBank as import schema?: VegX and DwC- write VegX to VegBank XSLT?
- outputs of 10/24 working group
- other databanks important to integrate with
add foreign keys to BIEN 2 database in order to auto-generate ERD?: we have a VegBIEN ERD instead
To do¶
- time component
- good data entry tool
login for SALVIASraw dataand actual analysis input data from Brad and John Donahue- clear use cases
pros and cons of VegBank schema: we're using a modified version of itadd specimens and traits capability to VegBankone row per observationtaxon traits table
- benchmarking/profiling of queries
- BIEN plone site, iPlant framework site, Redmine issue tracking site
- scientists need access to Redmine
- data posted on wiki
- Brad has main thoughts about status and what to look at
- reviewing Plone site, VegX schema
- Bob Peet, Mike Lee: getting access to VegBank
- for working group meeting: what currently exists, where to go
- talk to BIEN PIs (e.g. Steve Dolins)
- useful to have examples of raw data coming in to framework
- Brad collating raw data
- processing of data before import into BIEN 2
- representative materialized result sets that would be useful to scientists
- things in BIEN useful to have
- significant overlap of result sets
- significant different only in # of materialized records
- need data that you might get from a BIEN query and feed into analyses
- types of raw data being downloaded from a database
- data being collected in many different ways
- import raw data into BIEN with minimal loss of info
- Bradley Univ efforts: ?
- need time component in BIEN 2 db
- current BIEN 2 db allows longitudinal analyses
- BIEN 2 missing a lot of metadata
- look at VegBank, VegX
- don't retain much of BIEN 2 db structure
- CTFS model better
- user dataset protection
- SALVIAS fairly basic; we need something all-encompassing
- need correct underlying model for scientific info