2011 working group Th Use cases¶
Macrological patterns of species diversity along latitudinal gradients¶
- need:
- latitude info
- communities
- community traits
- herbarium/plot data
- species traits
- trait distribution
- plant traits: leaf area, plant height, seed mass, wood density
- communities not needed in VegBank
- community can mean an assemblage (plot, etc.)
- raw data columns:
- mean dbh: dataset-wide mean applied to plot
- mean species trait: mean for entire species, not plot specific
- BioClim var 1, 2: precipitation, temperature
- get BioClim layers through BIEN endpoint or elsewhere?
- data elements needed:
- plotCode ("community")
- project = dataset, provenance for attribution
- genus
- species
- lat/long
- # individuals for plot species
- plotwide mean dbh of that species (derived value)
- traits aggregated by genus, species
- need variance, etc. for trait values? how to supply?
- what to do with traits? add table for them? link as observations of specimens?
- traits table has name, value, units
- need model to manage traits
- traits out of scope and managed elsewhere?
- measurements of indiv leaves
- most traits data from TRY or literature, metadata attached
- trait obs table in core db
- TraitBIEN for traits
- taxon name table is linkage point
- species w/o trait values
- "regional pool for all plots (overlap of different range sizes)"
Relationship between species range size and functional richness¶
- correlation btw climate (productivity vars) and # species
- "local communities of closely related species"
- Gentry-style plots: metadata
- external data: USGS trees range maps
- climatic variables
- removed SALVIAS plots not marked as USGS species
- genus-level traits when no species traits
- need:
- species occurrences from plots, +traits
- climate/BioClim: out of scope unless using data provided w/ plots
- # species (by plots)
- plotCode
- dataset for attribution/provenance
- method metadata
- traits: seed mass, sla aggregated by genus, species
- predictions from range of species based on plot environment
- layer generated by co-occurrence info
- different env attrs associated with taxa (end product of maxent)
- overlay for taxa
- analyt product produced by greater BIEN, not in core BIEN
- filtering: removing USGS species, cultivated species using built-in filter
- overlap of maxent maps, bounding boxes
- regional pool for all plots
- range maps we generated on top of species pool
- >200 species w/ >80deg range