2011 working group We Use cases¶
- trait use case on Plone site
Range size¶
- indiv species records from SALVIAS
- min, max lat
- taxonomic cleaning to remove spelling errors
- download from db: species name, lat, long
- precision of coords almost never provided
- WGS 84 coords method
- climate layers w/ 1km resolution
- place name reference already resolved to geocoords
- specimens w/ coords done by georeferencing
- each georeference needs to be recorded
- in DwC, georeference fields
- county occurrence records: political division
- geocoord assoc w/ name
- aggregate vs indiv obs: differentiating
- any db will give name, lat/long
- density-weighted range map
- cultivated specimens: e.g. pines grown in S. America
- metadata relies on whether cultivated
- taxonomic scrubbing
- in VegBank: plot lat/long + stem position (relative or absolute), authorPlantName, maybe taxonInterpretation.plantName
- stem relative position: needs plot azimuth to resolve to geo coords
- throw out samples w/o resolved ID
- CTFS plot, lat/long
- calculate lat/long from info: plot coords, plot azimuth, subplot pos, stem pos in plot/subplot
- live with VegBank or use something else?
- one coord for plot + rel coords for stem (more precise than geocoords of stem)
- accommodate w/o changing schema?
- measure coords of plot corners b/c plot can shift over time -> not exactly square
- geocoords pertain to particular plot posts
- some dbs use hexagonal subplots
- subplots lay out the 1 Ha plot
- check if cultivated specimen is column in DwC; if so, add to VegBank: no, it isn't
- need way to flag cultivated vs introduced (DwC fields)
- authorPlotCode: name of subplot
- named corners
- associate lat/long w/ named corner
- protocol to capture way people put stakes in the ground as reference points
- plot has geometry: point, polygon
- VegBank: points are x,y coords relative to plot origin
- add cultivated field
- cultivated vs not is filtering
- import data from source -> filter
- validation pipeline
- model should have DwC fields of specimen desc, locality desc (narrative field; called locality in all versions of DwC)
- VegX superset of DwC
- field notes has info about cultivated: e.g. growing in garden
- specimen desc can be used to detect cultivated field
- DwC leaves out herbarium fields
- species name, lat/long, locale
- cultivated flag goes in taxonObservation table?
- whether cultivated changes if change taxon determination info
- specimen desc not a DwC field
- lat/long: of plot, or of stem?
- centroid of plot w/ error bar
- need lat/long for every stem for some use cases
- VegX currently only manages one ref pt to plot
- deals w/ verbatim vs derived
- std ways of representing geographic pts, lines, polygons
Measuring species ranges¶
- convex hull, etc.
- input data the same, but different precision requirement
- can't filter by precision b/c data doesn't have precision
- MO data has
- GBIF county data is fuzzy
- geovalidation w/ GNRS (point and polygon validation)
- name resolution to recognize names of political divisions
- query filters by isCultivated, isCultivatedReason, CountyError
- filter by herbarium: tropical trees indoors in Manhattan
- proximity to populated area: too many false positives
- do algorithmic outlier analysis
- lat/long, species name enough? analysis is researcher's task
- placeholder for info that will be computed
- use annotation to enter that info
- if info in loading script, save it
- location narrative: from DwC locality
- download should have full metadata on ownership to simplify attribution of final data in pub
- cite each herbarium that contributed data
Disentangling the drivers of beta diversity¶
- species composition in plots
- are morphospecies names consistent between plots
- data needs subplot ID, which isn't in BIEN 2
- BIEN 2 has no spatial nesting capability
- uniform sampling methodology needed
- size cutoff in plot
- VegBank has size bins: stemDiameter, stemDiameterAccuracy
- lower and upper limits
- how to capture morphospecies scope
- unique code in entire network
- link plots in scope group: fit under project? but scope of morphospecies use not necessarily same for entire project
- VegX doesn't deal with spatial containment
- uses DwC geospatial distinction?
- DwC WKT field: well-known text: repr of geometry
- PostGIS has geom column
- convert verbal description to polygon
- sp: undetermined, indet., unknown
- sp for morphospecies? usually unique string w/ site code
- once someone cleans up species name, keep that in db
- specific epithet: need family when genus unknown
- altitudinal gradient: need eleveation
- if data source has elevation, don't rely on DTM data
- locality info usually includes elevation
- elevation approx same across small plot
- need sources
- SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) has elevation data for coords (30m accuracy?)
- owner-provided elevation vs. topography elevation
- two more use cases tomorrow
- breaking VegX? no
- changes -> VegX and VegBank
- VegX can deal with subplots
- build db main task; geovalidation is separate task
- need scope of db refactoring
- validation was done to geoscrubbed db
- dealing w/ strata/layers