2012-08-24 conference call¶
To do¶
Order not necessarily important; all need to be done
- BIEN 2 automated backups
- 51 different DBs: do all need to be backed up nightly?
add advantages of VegX to VegCSV vs. VegX comparisonadd two weeks to *VegCSV conference call WhenIsGood* (*results*)start working on analytical DB(have by late November)LEFT JOIN to generate columns in *bien_web.observation
populate DB with important recordsrequest Shash's CTFS export scriptVegCSV advisory table names- propose formal draft schema of VegCSV
- validations
- scripts from John Donaghue
- roadmap (Brad and John)
- strategies
- *Plone group* has info
- web interface
- as many useful records in VegBIEN as possible