2012-11-02 conference call¶
Upcoming meetings¶
- We will be meeting again next Friday 11/9
To do¶
Martha's list¶
- Priority of tasks for Aaron:
- Based on task numbers in Brad’s analytical database document: 2,3,4,5,6,12,8,9,13,15,16,17
Jim will run VegBIEN data through the point validation procedure for the meeting.Aaron will need to provide Jim with the input to the GeoScrub table.
- Based on task numbers in Brad’s analytical database document: 2,3,4,5,6,12,8,9,13,15,16,17
Brad will have Brian Enquist talk to Barbara Dobrin about providing them with her scripts for computing ConsensusHabitBrad and Martha: Data Access policy on agenda for BIEN wg meeting_ see Data Use Policy ._Jim: Send Martha a few of the maps showing point location errors (esp. U.S. map; Using Drop Box is fine)
Analytical database¶
- Martha might not be available at the beginning of next week's call due to a scheduling conflict