


2012-11-14 conference call on data provider metadata

To do

  1. remove completely-protected plots from VegBIEN
    • SALVIAS plots with plotMetadata.AccessCode = 1
  2. map VegBank.plot.confidentialitystatus to location.confidentialitystatus
  3. map SALVIAS.plotMetadata.AccessCode to location.confidentialitystatus
  4. map VegBank.observationcontributor, projectcontributor
    • include roles
  5. store whether each provider is primary or aggregator
    • e.g. SALVIAS is aggregator
  6. index specimens data subproviders
    • import bien_web.dataSourceNameCorrected to source table
    • include whether subprovider is a herbarium
  7. map SALVIAS.projects.project_pi to SALVIAS subprovider data
    • obtain project_pi contact info from salvias_users.tbl_users on nimoy
  8. map VegBank.coverindex, covermethod
  9. obtain herbarium contact info from Index Herbariorum


  1. exclude method data which does not relate to plot method
    • TEAM.Method, which = Derived
  2. make taxonoccurrence.verbatimcollectorname an fkey to party
  3. scope referencename by source, because institutionCodes are not globally unique
  4. rename reference -> source
  5. make location.confidentialitystatus an enum
  6. allow multiple institutionCodes for each specimenreplicate (REMIB has this)
  7. move location.confidentialitystatus to locationevent: added it to locationevent instead, to allow multiple places to specify access level
  8. change coordinates.coordsaccuracy_deg units to m
  9. populate coordinates.coordsaccuracy_m based on VegBank.confidentialitystatus fuzzing radius
  10. merge source and party: better to leave them separate, because a source stores a globally-unique name while a party's name is unique only within a source