2012-11-28 breakout groups¶
- time element
- population change 10-100 yrs
- abundance
- inputs: range size, estimates, land cover/change layers
- range fragmentation
- growth forms
- range size estimates: convex hull, maxent
- decision tree: outcomes -> threatened, vulnerable
- contact IUCN contacts
- global classification of threatened status
- conservation value of species
- species within country boundaries
- workflow
- continental/global scale
- outside feedback on decision tree
- who to best contact
- database of IUCN info
- transparency: trace back how done
- herbarium specimen data->deduce status
- how many species to detect
- applying redlist criteria to specimens
- range modeling w/ convex hull->range size
- rasterized species distrib
- use ranges as part of tool
- select area->list on the fly
- list, status for any area
- classification of species
- aggregate by vegetation class?
- 10km grid cells
- convert ~40,000 polygon range models to rasters
- aggregate to 100km cells to create easier to work with
- matrix where rows are unique
- presence/absence at 10km resolution, per cell in matrix
- script to unpack matrix to a map
- actual observations
- potential ranges from maxent
- maxent->convex hull->Gentry
- store as compactly as possible: not 12GB R file
- 100s of MB
- probabilistic estimate of presence/absence
- probability estimate
- occurrence data
- need enough precision for that level
- matrix tabulating presence/absence
- matrix interpretation
- shapefile for each species, which follows political boundaries
- raster overlay
- more vs. less inclusive for area
- most conservative estimate: making sure that you get it if it's there
- i.e. smaller
- saying something is rare when it isn't is more problematic
- already is a raster with the sampling intensity John has created
- ultrametracize
- increase coverage in tree: data w/o sequences
- randomly placing species in genera
- base vs. tip
- matching unplaced taxa
- non-trivial coding
- Naim? after 3 mos
- having to do something repetitively
- phylogenetic conservatism of range size
- phylogenetic signals
- range size relationships
- phylogenetic correction
- grid data, plots
- beta diversity
- descriptive taxonomic/phylogenetic/functional diversity
- what trait maps look like
- community assembly
- relationship between community-weighted traits
- species lists, height data
- remote data
- how tall trees should be
- talk to Jenz
- what species are they? Panama+Peru
- BIEN data, plot data
- signal characters
- trait descriptions
- phylogenetic long-range length
- relate traits to spatial variability and productivity estimates
- cophonetic matrix of tips
- traits, habit data
- conservatism, species measures
- with TRY data
- geographic range, habit
- important part of algorithms
- measures of phylogenetic signals
- algorithm for k
- improved k->accessible framework
- candidate datasets
- NYBG data in DwC, look at this afternoon
- plots validations
- refine list
- programming standard part of import
- does extraction conform to what contributed
- data providers are dynamic databases, data changes
- determinations changed->no match
- detect gross discrepancies
- analyze things at given points in time
- outcomes with major economic impacts
- what data working with
- compare data ingested
- compare raw CSV to analytical DB output
- if output = input
- details of validations
- herbarium and plot source
- try everything, the more the better
- 2-part validations
- check that aggregation of individuals is correct
- area in which results will be stored, pointers to source data
- std summarizations, visualizations
- concentrate on papers
4 papers¶
- TREE paper
- descriptive version
- popularizing it
- white paper
- what BIEN is about
- wider than subgroup
- more generic than BIEN so would not use BIEN in title
- 1st paper focuses on BIEN 3.0
- flexible schema for confederating biodiversity occurrences
- standardization to TDWG standard
- BIEN 4.0
- what would we do
- where you would want to go in the future
- concurrently with BIEN 3.0 paper
- IEEE/ACM paper: conceptual modeling, DB challenges
- next generation of biodiversity occurrence systems
- build on iPlant proposal
- pull together data of various types
- generic challenges of where we want to go
- where to go with BIEN
- TREE limitation: authorship number
- bioscience
- concepts changing
- opinion piece in Science or Nature
- paper-related
- feedback to data providers
- what came into BIEN 3
- range checks
- aspect < 360deg
- 300 data providers
- dbSourceName: verbatim institutionCode
- DwC herbarium codes
- concatenated sources (duplicates)
- critical juncture->send e-mail that data used in project, product is being launched
- refresh data
- send std e-mail, web form show to data provider if don't want to provide data
- send errors to people instead of going someplace to get them
- herbarium acronyms -> contact information
- index by subprovider: include top-level and subsource
- with DwC, data just goes in
- compile from TNRS, geoscrub the list of errors
- add validations
- summaries on Plone site
- draft or outline of project
- WordPress maintain own page
- Redmine site w/ notes
- presentation on TDWG extension in Florence conference
- afternoon subgroups
- habit data
- Barbara's habit scripts
- meet back at 1:30pm
Stephanie on NCEAS¶
- core funding for working groups from NSF
- Packard foundation ecosystems
- topical and core funding
- NSF core funds renewed 5 years ago
- no-cost extension on NSF money
- 11 new working groups next year
- Moore foundation covers core expenses over next 3 years
- conservation, resource mgmt
- press release in Jan/Feb for # new projects
- smaller amounts to fund: scatter of research
- what is on leading edge
- DataONE online
- big repositories
- education: summer training workshop
- data discovery and integration
- synthesis
- support from Packard foundation: scholarship model
- summer training
- 4-5 people working on it
- continue beyond 3 years?
- obtain more core NSF funds?
- more working groups, sabbaticals, etc.
- infrastructure for groups with own funding
- very piecemeal
- convene RCNs
- not a convention center
- collaboration tools to provide to a working group
- suitably themed
- 5:15pm Elsies
- 6:30pm group dinner Blue Agave
- whitepaper
- focal points:
- growth forms
- ultrametric tree
- IUCN decision tree
- taxonomy issue
- phenology
- range size issue
- 20 min to validate plots
- validation scripts
- traits
- first groups:
- IUCN: 2-3
- range methodology: 3-4
- validations: rest of afternoon, in main room
- phenology and traits: next to main room
- later groups:
- BIEN whitepaper: Bob
- rarity paper
- metadata
- BIEN2 flavors
- analyses on different flavors
- phenology paper
- when no info specimen description
- geographic patterns in plant traits
- mean traits, not mean variance
- Plone site has presentation
- papers on herbaria
- parse habit groups
- assess species level phenology for tropical species
- extract tropical info
- ready for comments
- changing functional diversity of plots
- volume niche
- need to write paper in 2 weeks
- functional volume temperate vs tropical
- temperate sites in red, green is tropical, blue is overlap
- functional beta diversity
- mean trait value, overlap of 3D objects
- latitudinal separation
- functional data diversity
- data is from plots
- decision tree decisions
- extent of occurrence
- critically endangered categories
- 1 of 6 categories
- use observations in cells
- add pixels to correspond to IUCN criteria
- model grain vs. observations
- occupancy of pixels
- < 5 occurrences
- current, future threat
- clipping model range by land use layer
- for each pixel, desc how far each cell moves and whether acceptible pixel
- under climate change, allow movement into adjacent pixels
- possibilities for local
- not future maxent based on climate change
- assign confidence based on sampling intensity
- attach confidence to category
- start including abundance
- in practice, abundance-weighted measures not used
- project page to WordPress
- use Plone as document and notes repository
- Redmine wiki has running record
- DB enhancements
- code versioning repository
- WordPress site is nascent public interface
- based on PHP
- technical things in Redmine
- bits and pieces
- test of NY data: one mapping problem, but other than that looks great
- CTFS, Madidi extracts
- many more plots
- will send export of data (different schema)
- target schema
- exchange schema: VegX?
- technological questions
- generic validations
- is pipeline working
- what stage in workflow process where doc takes place
- clear wording
- decide mechanistically how to make this work
- Barbara Dobrin sending scripts to Aaron
- sent one, adding doct to rest
- keyword search
- mining natural language
- isolated keywords
To do¶
- create workflow to infer taxon habit
- put habit analysis algorithm into BIEN