2012-11-30 breakout groups¶
- pictures 8:30-9am
- prioritize work on drafts
- subgroups self-organize remaining work
- whitepaper outline
- range spectra paper
- last aspect of rarity paper
- beginning of next week
- network analysis breakout group
- finish intro for betadiversity paper (Christine's paper)
- 1:30pm: future of BIEN
- how much more reloading needed for BIEN 3
- more Madidi plots
- collab w/ iPlant
- next meeting in 2013 or is this last meeting?
- funding
- current and immediate manuscript efforts
- phylogeny, traits, macroecology
- bulleted series of goals, short- and long-term
- after 2013?
- Brian McGill, Jens
- database vision
- iPlant bubbles
- scientific areas we're looking at enabling
- infrastructure needs
- overall structure of goals
- prioritize goals in 2013
- additional data
- how much reloading of data? any BIEN2 data (2009-10) that hasn't been refreshed
- data attribution
- iPToL
- if phylogeny is important, should iPlant continue to support that as part of BIEN?
- prioritizing projects
- BIEN datasources and herbaria
- how to partner with museum communities
- infrastructure: more careful and thoughtful thinking
- list of things needed, data attribution, conditions of access
- before BIEN goes live, allow access to resource to data providers
- issues with data usage before submit? how to best cite, provide attribution?
- formatted string of acknowledgment section
- how to attribute 300 sources?
- 285 herbaria
- list of herbarium codes for paper
- Peter's validations for MO
Afternoon summary¶
- two meetings at same time and place: IUCN, technical
- iPlant could fund one half
- narrower technical focus, specific deliverables
- another meeting possible
- plan on ABI solicitation
- RCN supports novel, innovative networks vs. mature collaboration
- go global?
- ABI due July
- ABI: Advances in Biological Informatics
- CSAP (in Provence): free meeting like NCEAS
- submit proposal
- French NCEAS: can ask money for products
- part of working group
- start with French NCEAS
- in January, find money to do something at European scale
- sources of funding, support
- NY done
- MO done
- data providers to BIEN look at output of BIEN to see that it's what it should be
- refresh data w/ greater complexity for plot data
- also SALVIAS, CTFS (Rick Condit)
- Martha taking lead
- GBIF, Danish herbaria
- validation export at end in DwC format
- product to display on website
- value-added fields
- summarization scripts in R
- views in live SQL database
- do summaries of data match?
- value-added fields also summarizations
- table of all datasets imported
- write down every datasource, starting w/ most important
- integrate traits in BIEN3
- currently using what's BIEN2
- key is taxonomic name
- summarize and enable exploration
- VegX-compliant metadata? but problems with XML
- BIEN3 plot specimen data standardizations->traits
- conceptual modeling approach for storing traits
- started collecting traits from trees
- tied to a voucher
- series of traits
- MO working with data structure under BIEN umbrella
- support this under semantics research
- next meeting: November 2013? December?
- subgroup documents documenting marching orders
- on Plone site, post draft of subgroup notes
- remembering what's in everyone's head
- iterate
- Google doc
- Brian E's notes on Plone site
- summarize using Plone site points
- website becomes more and more important
- sequence of events
- which datasources can be reviewed, vs. need to be refreshed first
- independently-uploaded data
- GBIF missing elevation
- test ARIZ, tested what we can test
- next step, needs to be refresh
- tell them about project
- things on WordPress site to point to
- e-mail providers that their data are used in BIEN
- 2013
- present on BIEN in own institutions
- Plone site PowerPoints, PDFs
- no problems with BIEN2, need sufficient testing of BIEN3
- URL vs. launch date
- establish timeline
- when open for business? January?
- 3rd party data
- present at Spinach meetings in June
- meeting in Miami
- list of conferences where presented
- presentation at U of A campus
- request supplement to funding
- core development team continue
- timeline: NSF structured budget in renewal
- 1st 3 years at full funding, then declines
- timeline is 3 years, then sustainability mode
- scope of BIEN: world
- solving technical issues
- long-term goals
- launching first version
- need web presence
- rolling out and launch
- range of societies and ESA
- International Arctic Flora and Vegetation
- individual partnerships
- way to involve other countries
- other European connections
- collaborative
- Dimensions of Biodiversity connections
- Amazon Biodiversity
- proposals
- better technology to manage awards
- collecting plot/occurrence information->somewhere to store it
- new work involving phylogenies
- emphasize phylogenetic angle
- BIEN machine well-organized
- need to get papers out: priority
- Martha will organize
- short- and longterm goals