


2012-12-07 conference call

To do


  1. add VegX field definitions to VegCore data dictionary
    • create data dictionary for VegX?
  2. add tables/categories to VegCore
  3. import field definitions from VegCore sources
  4. critical review of DwC
    • change circular definitions
    • need natural language definition of each term that a scientist can use
  5. expose exchange schema to data providers
    • will make it easier to get data into VegBIEN
  6. put GML terms into VegCore
  7. present what we've done to TDWG, etc. in Feb-May
    • Walter has done something similar to BIEN?
    • TDWG meeting in Florence

Data refresh and validation

  1. create list of top-level data providers in VegBIEN and refresh status
  2. create extracts of SALVIAS data: see Exports
  3. Bob will provide re-export of NCU-NCSC data by Monday
  4. validate and refresh ARIZ: see Exports


  1. Martha will contact Barbara Dobrin about habit class scripts: Barbara Dobrin e-mailed us her scripts, which are uploaded under Growth forms