


2012-12-14 conference call

To do

  1. data providers table: providers.csv e-mailed to Brad; *provider_count* in VegBIEN
  2. put BIEN2 traits data from *TraitObservation* into VegBIEN: see the current *taxon_trait* and *trait* tables
    • include the following columns: TraitName, TraitValue, Unit
  3. finish VegCore data dictionary
    1. add definitions for new table names
    2. programmatically or manually fill in definitions
    3. in January, decide how to expose VegCore schema
      • GBIF and Map of Life interested in DwC extensions
  4. add validation contacts to VegBIEN datasources table
  5. add data provider profiles to web interface
    • automated interface where data providers can view their data
  6. deal with duplicate specimens and replicates in VegBIEN (in January)


  • Brad gone for 2 weeks starting this Sunday