


2013-01-18 conference call

Martha's summary

  • Jim - look into difficulty/time required to add county etc. coordinates and have GNRS: See /home/bien/inputs/.geoscrub/county_centroids/county-centroids.csv on vegbiendev
  • Aaron - point Bob to the more intuitive view of the data to validate: validation views have been improved
  • Aaron - mention to Peter to include MO cultivated field and specimen description data in the refresh
  • Brad - connect Aaron and Jim Clark at Duke's future postdoc who has FIA expertise. Keep Brad/Bob in the loop on discussions. Determine which FIA fields are needed for BIEN. Kai contacted, but not available yet
  • Brad - send/post updated development timeline: see timeline.2013.xls .



  • Updated with Brad's changes

To do

Analytical DB

  1. separate specimens view


  1. create Madidi re-export for Peter Jorgensen
  2. create CVS, UNCC exports for Bob Peet
  3. validate FIA
    • validation contact: Jim Clark's postdoc (@ Duke University), who Brian met at the International Biogeography Conference
      1. Brad will contact Brian to get name of contact: this is Kai Zhu .
      2. Bob will look for other postdocs working with FIA
    • what fields we need from FIA to be able to use it
    • how to deal with swapped geocoordinates, etc.

Data refresh

  1. mention to Peter Jorgensen that MO refresh needs cultivated field and specimen description
  2. refresh FIA

Range models

  1. Re-run all range models in March


  1. attribution by April
  2. collect contributor data use policies
  3. putting together conditions of use for a data download

Download tracking

  1. user DB for BIEN 3
    • potentially very time-consuming
  2. automated workflow to create extracts for data providers


  1. each geocoordinate needs error bar (uncertainty)
  2. coordinates table needs coordinateSource field to indicate where coordinate came from
    • closed list for provided by data provider or added by BIEN
  3. add coordinates based on political division (esp. county): The centroids have been added to the analytical DB, which will be used when there is a county but no coordinates. However, note that the join does not yet use scrubbed county names, because geoscrub_output only has rows for data with both placenames and coordinates.
    1. county -> centroid/radius lookup table: See /home/bien/inputs/.geoscrub/county_centroids/county-centroids.csv on vegbiendev
      • for uncertainty, use longest dimension of bounding box, divided by 2?
      • Jim will look into this next week: See /home/bien/inputs/.geoscrub/county_centroids/county-centroids.csv on vegbiendev

Exchange schema

  1. need template to give to data providers
    • hosted on BIEN or TDWG website
  2. push exchange schema at next TDWG meeting


  1. replicate DB at iPlant