


2013-10-31 conference call

Martha's notes


  • call next week at usual time (Th 9am PT&Tucson/12pm ET)


  • Brad is getting set up with iPlant again
  • Paul will only be available to do geoscrubbing for a short while longer
  • see the *Google spreadsheet* (and please add your availability for future weeks once it's known):

Loading Google Spreadsheet...

Decisions made

usability testing

  • usability testing should take place after datasource validations
    • Brad thinks this is faster than doing usability testing first
  • Brad says the goal is to create the normalized DB, but Brian says we absolutely do need to get data to the scientists
  • Brad thinks he would be able to produce the data request extracts, too (although he hasn't tried yet)
  • to fully test the schema, we should find someone other than me or Brad to try extracting data from the schema (lower priority)

datasource validations


  • do CVS to completion before moving on to other datasources
  • change format to match VegBank as closely as possible, to facilitate making the VegBank-related fixes


  • either Peter Jorgensen or Brad can validate this, but send to Peter Jorgensen in any case


  • Bob planning to talk to Mike Lee about which columns to include in the validation

inter-datasource deduplication

  • this should be part of the core DB (Brad)

adding new data

  • not until the database is done
  • consider adding more data from Canada, since this is a perpetual data hole (Brian)

To do for Brian

  • let Naia and John know the status of getting the data to them (i.e. that we will be sending them test extracts to evaluate for completeness)

To do for Paul

  1. change the owner of everything in the geoscrub DB to bien
  2. do a final test run of the scripts ( and

To do for Aaron


  • test-run Paul's scripts once he's ready
    • full-DB reload to get updated input data for the geoscrubbing re-run
    • takes 5.5 h on full input file

CVS validation

  1. change format to match VegBank
    1. switch to new-style import
    2. left-join it
  2. VegBank-related fixes
    1. full-DB reload to get VegBank-related schema changes
  3. reload DB extract from Mike Lee
  4. send validation extract to Bob and Mike Lee

other validation

  1. Madidi (Peter Jorgensen/Brad)
  2. FIA
  3. MO (Peter Jorgensen)
  4. ARIZ, U, TEX (Brad)