


2013-12-12 conference call

Martha's notes


To Do


  • Brad (By Friday):
    • Verify primary provider of plot data is in the database.
    • Verify accurate capture of "projects".
    • Sign off via email (or describe any problems found).



  • Martha: Remind Bob to review and sign off on CVS validation extract. (Aaron already emailed Mike who will look at it tomorrow.)
  • Bob, Mike: Validate the extract and notify the group of the status via the mailing list.


  • Aaron: Point Brad to the GBIF MySQL table.
  • Brad: Validate GBIF and report the status via the mailing list.


  • Brad: Will do limited spot check validation.


  • Aaron: Send extracts for UNCC and U to Brad.
    • Do not send a TEX extract (since the problems haven't been fixed).

BIEN2 traits

  • Aaron: Send extract to Brad.

All data sources

  • Brad (next week): Will review ALL datasets and categorize them as: Release, withhold, flag as having problems.

TNRS derived data formulas

  • Brad (by Friday): Will review the emails on the TNRS derived data formulas.
    • He will report on seriousness of this by Friday.


  • Aaron: Will create separate wiki page (one row per source) with a link to the current validation extract.


  • there will be a call next week at the usual time (Th 9am PT/10am Tucson/12pm ET)
  • there will also be a separate call on Tu. 12/17 at the usual time (9am PT/10am Tucson/12pm ET)
    • this is for just Martha, Mark, Bob, Brad, and Brian (not Ramona or Aaron)
    • this is for planning the coming month


Loading Google Spreadsheet...

to do for Martha

  • remind Bob/Mike Lee to sign off on CVS

to do for Brad


  • verify whether plots datasources have correct subprovider/PI attribution (by Fr. afternoon)
    • ask Bob whether VegBank projects are needed for attribution, or if the plot collectors (which includes the plot PI) are sufficient Bob would like to include the project for VegBank/CVS
    • determine if SALVIAS contributors are included no, they should be

spot-checking validation

  1. mark datasources as release/hold/flagged for the December release (by end of next week) I did this instead; see the publishable datasources spreadsheet .
  2. review GBIF, FIA extracts
    • for December, just validate FIA against the input tab (not full formal validation against raw CSVs)
  3. review BIEN2 traits, UNCC, U extracts once available

TNRS derived columns

to do for Aaron

GBIF validation

  • provide Brad with link to MySQL source data this is on vegbiendev (log in as bien_read with the BIEN password)

aggregating validations

spot-checking validation

  • link to extract in the datasources table so the link doesn't get lost in Brad's e-mail
  1. datasources that need 1st-round validation: BIEN2 traits
  2. datasources that are close to completion: UNCC, U


  • if haven't heard from Brad about plots datasources attribution by Fr. afternoon, send reminder e-mail not needed

in January

  • script to create custom datasource attribution table for arbitrary extract

decisions made

spot-checking validation

  • formal validations against raw CSVs tabled until January
    • not enough time in the next week for Brad to wade through the huge input CSVs for GBIF, FIA
    • for FIA, Brad insists on checking against raw CSVs in order to sign off
  • don't validate TEX for December (Martha)
    • too many issues, and is not one of the core datasources from BIEN2

aggregating validations

  • tabled until January
    • it would take too long to ramp up on these to be worth starting on for the December release


  • for December, just provide an attribution table for all datasources (since the CSV will contain all of them) see provider_count .