


2014-05-01 conference call

Martha's notes


  • the next conference call is next week at the usual time (Th. 9am PT/9am Tucson/12pm ET)


  • please add your availability for spring 2014 to the *spreadsheet*:

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VegBank/CVS aggregating validations

  • instead of running queries in pipeline, will run output queries on VegBIEN and send results to Mike Lee, who will check them against VegBank (Martha)
  • to limit file size, result sets should include no more than 50,000 rows (Bob)
    • but should be more than just the first 100 rows
  • OK to give Mike Lee access to VegBIEN instead of exporting every result set to CSV (Bob)
  • should primarily look at how species names were re-formed by the import and TNRS (Bob)

to do for Mike Lee

to do for Aaron

VegBank/CVS aggregating validations

  1. write script that runs the output queries without needing to create input queries first
    SELECT public_validations.remake_output_tables('VegBank', '_plots_');
  2. write additional output queries to verify the taxon names (see Brad's e-mail to Bob and Martha on 4/28) see #20,21 .
    • check verbatim name against input name to TNRS as well as output name from TNRS
  3. run output queries on VegBank see VegBank output query results .
  4. give Mike Lee access to VegBIEN and point him to where the result sets are stored