


2014-06-12 conference call on data dictionary


Aaron, Brad, Brian E, Brian M, Brody, Jeff, Mark, Martha, Naia, Nathan


see VegBIEN schema overview

see VegBIEN data dictionary > Jun12Notes columns


analytical views

  • want the following analytical views:
    • analytical_stem_view
    • viewFullOccurrence with:
      • one row per plot species (equivalent to BIEN2's viewFullOccurrence)
      • one row per individual (similar to analytical_stem_view but for individuals)
      • one row per individual per year

to do for Aaron

analytical views

  1. add BIEN3 viewFullOccurrence view (one row per individual) see viewFullOccurrence_individual_view .
    • this is not the same as the BIEN2 viewFullOccurrence view, which has one row per plot species
  2. add additional viewFullOccurrence-related views:
    1. one row per plot species (equivalent to the BIEN2 viewFullOccurrence view)
    2. one row per individual per year