


2014-06-26 conference call

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Martha's notes

To Do


  • Continue with work on steps 3 and 5 of issue 917 to sort the re-scrubbed TNRS results and store the best match.
  • Send Brian Enquist and Bob new taxon name extracts to review, maybe late next week.


  • the next conference call is next week at the usual time (Th. 9am PT/9am Tucson/12pm ET)


  • Brad is traveling (since last week) and not reachable
  • please add your availability for summer 2014 to the *spreadsheet*:

Loading Google Spreadsheet...

to do for Aaron


  1. e-mail Brad about which match to use (if any) if the Selected match is a homonym
  2. remove and re-scrub names that incorrectly have multiple Selected matches (due to the match-flag bug that has now been fixed)
    query to remove these:
    DELETE FROM "TNRS".taxon_match
    WHERE (batch, "Name_number") IN (
        SELECT batch, "Name_number" 
        FROM "TNRS".taxon_match
        WHERE "Selected" = 'true'
        GROUP BY batch, "Name_number" 
        HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
    ); -- 3015993 rows affected, 83834 ms execution time
    there were 500,000 of these:
    -- run this right after the above DELETE
    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tnrs_input_name; -- runtime: 46029 ms
    -- 504333
  3. add constraint that there can be only one Selected match per input name

taxon name validation

  • send extract to Brian Enquist (see issue #938)


TNRS multiple Selected matches bug

  • Nicole will check that the match flag that controls this is now correct everywhere
  • this was something that the web app developer changed, not Naim (Nicole)